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The definitive 'Late Corrado Heater Controls' thread

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Hi Rubbadubb, I have just finished my climatronic install and its a much more improved system and I'm so happy about it! I've got photos and will do a write up soon when i get the time. It's not a few hours jobby, full dash out, custom loom/splice into existing, cutting new holes in the firewall, modifying the ducting....I did mine over a couple of weeks but I had another 'rado to use in the mean time haha!


You can, I think, effectively make a 'hybrid' system using the 'rado dials and cable system and the MK4 vane and blower as the control box with the flaps are identical, but don't quote me on whether they'll work together but I would imagine they would. This would solve the loom issue, ducting modifications and might be cheaper...I plan on doing AC next year but you can remove the AC unit from within the heater box and close up the hole, this would mean you wouldn't have to make a large hole in the firewall.


Tony_ack did a good write up. If I get time later this even I will start my write up. It's not for the faint hearted!

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  rubbadubb said:
hi everyone been away a while.. winter is hear and i need th heater sorting..


so i got no pipes leading from my heater box to my windows, ive got very little heat coming through at all..


What i really want to kno is are all of the corrado heaters so weak like a asthmatic mouse coffing through a straw... or is it my heater motor that has gone.?


i also want to upgrade to the later style controls.. or if anyone can help me i would like to upgrade it to the climatronic system, not worried about fitting aircon... just want a nice strong heater, ill happily run some pipe up behind the dash to dimist the wondows and blow some heat in the cab...


if anyone has done this or can send me a link showing exactly how u can get this done. please let me know.


A standard setup working properly has PLENTY of blow, certainly not "asthmatic through straw" ...


If you can hear the fan working on all speeds, the fan's fine.


Next, check the foliage guard in the plenum chamber isn't full of leaves etc. (do these have pollen filters? I forget! - if so, that's where it is, and if blocked, the air flow is reduced)


The next thing is a pig of a job - the flaps inside the heater air distribution box... Easy to do when you get to it, but a dash out job. ... Upshot is they're galvanised steel flaps with big holes punched in them. From the factory, these were covered in foam - the foam breaks down, ejecting itself through the dash vents, leaving big holes in the flaps and low air pressure through the vents, as it's unable to "switch" between hot/cold and the various positions.


As for "upgrading" to later heater controls - they're a MUCH weaker design than the slider type, and have a huge price premium as they're corrado (and B4 passat) specific (mk3 golf/6n polo look the same, but are different!) and prone to breakage. ... We have a mk1 and a mk2 golf, both with excellent slider controls, and a late corrado and B4 passat, both of which have required bodge repairs to get the controls working.


Upshot is that for me, I'd get the standard setup working and leave the slider controls in!

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my car heater works on one speed, and the only air i get is seeping through the dashboard gaps and a bit from underneath.


and not threw any of the vents.. i was told i have no ducting transferring the air from the blower fan.


would like to just set up and warm air feed using standard round pipes that i can divert the air threw vents and to windscreen.

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It's possible that the mountings for the cables have broken on the back of the control panel, meaning that the controls don't even try to move the flaps in the distribution box... I've epoxied and cable tied a couple together in the passat with good results(!)


These diagrams from vagcat should give you an idea of what you have/what's missing!





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Hi, I'm new to all this. It's the actual removal of the unit I'm having some jip with. Everything removed apart from the cables, these have metal clips on them. Is it a case of removing these? I don't want to be to forceful with them.

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  PaulaDeen21 said:
Hi, I'm new to all this. It's the actual removal of the unit I'm having some jip with. Everything removed apart from the cables, these have metal clips on them. Is it a case of removing these? I don't want to be to forceful with them.


1 end of the clip that retains the cable outer kind-of hangs down - pull that (away from the cable) and it'll flick off. (a magnet can be handy when you find it's lost forever) They're not the most obvious of clips to use, so make a mental note of how they re-attach before you're lying upside down in the footwell swearing at them(!)

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  rubbadubb said:
that diagram was exactly what i was looking for!!!!!!!!!


Thank you fonzarooooooooo


No worries. Vagcat is a VERY useful site - all the part numbers and diagrams are on there... it's free too... just a forum to sign up to.

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Wasn't there a forum member here that swapped out the Corrado heater/blower system for a Climatronic one - seem to recall there was a thread all about it.......

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Do you mean a mk4 or mk3? I've got all the bits ready to do the mk4 swap and tbh it seems on the face of it fairly easy, when I start taking things apart it might be different.


You can use the full mk4 heater box and cut glove box short or use corrado fan section and not have recirculation. Wiring is literally about 6 wires

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Been down my local scrap yard today and have removed a complete Mk 4 Golf Non AC Heater Box, Controller blower and wiring harness to all the units. Anyone connected one of these to the Corrado wiring. Looking at it there seems to be only 3 wires to a plug and a separate brown wire which I think is the brown earth wire.


Also looking at the heater matrix it looks ok do you think I should renew it and I gather the hose configuration is the same.

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