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Swompy's DBP 24v. New daily

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Good of Graham to come out and sort that on a Sunday.. glad it's back on the road again mate. Fingers crossed that's the run of bad luck over :)

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Thanks guys, I hope its the end of my bad luck too.


O yes cant thank Graham enough for the extra stuff like that he has done for me.

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Met up with a couple of friends today for a lads day out. played some Lazar tag which was great fun although we were the oldest 3 there as the rest were 12 year old kids.


Then after we went and messed around with the camera and our cars.


couple of pics from today










My novelty dust caps :cool:





Also done a few "sound checks" :afro:






Few more pics to add later

Edited by Swompy

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Thank you :) It will be worth all the hard work when you first put your foot down!

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2 Of the best looking coupe's there:cheers:



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Thank you, I need to change the exhaust tho, too raspy for my liking. I think it needs to be deeper sounding!

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Pic I took today at paint balling, thought it was a good shot.


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You'll struggle to get a non raspy exhaust with the 24v Jake. The one on there is a pretty nice system to be honest.


How's the car running now?

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Its growing on me now, just a shame it doesn't sound the same inside the car as it does outside. Like the 12v did.


Its running pretty well now Just a few little things to sort out but all in good time. Its only used on weekends/good weather now which is what I want, so I'm not putting to many unnecessary miles on her. Will hopefully be getting the inside finished off with the Porsche seats this week.


Then it will just be a case of collecting all the bits I need to give the underside a good clean up and treat and rust I fin. So completely strip the underside, new brake lines ect. But that wont be till after the tax has run out in 6 months time.

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Sounds good brake lines I did when I had her so that's one expense you can tick off. Cost me a bomb I remember!

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You'll struggle to get a non raspy exhaust with the 24v Jake. The one on there is a pretty nice system to be honest.


Only if you have a link pipe in place of the cat. Mine is 100% rasp free. Sounds very smooth and refined, and more importantly, quiet :D

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Sounds good brake lines I did when I had her so that's one expense you can tick off. Cost me a bomb I remember!


Oh right which brake lines did yo replace again?


Only if you have a link pipe in place of the cat. Mine is 100% rasp free. Sounds very smooth and refined, and more importantly, quiet :D


Mine is a running a de-cat and a Jetex 2 box exhaust system. It is a tad raspy but not too much, but under load down low in the revs it has the characteristic vr6 burble. I do like how quiet it runs on idle and when your cruising along, yet when you give it the beans you sings :D

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Yeah same here, 2 box Jetex but a 3" cat as well, which was a bit of a custom job. Before I put the cat on, it used to rasp like hell under load. It was a really horny sound for a week or so, then it just started getting on my t1ts!

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Done the first bit of DIY since moving into my new house, which just so happened to be work on the garage. Dont have any power in there unfortunately and because where the entrance to the garage is situated it is very dark round there at night. I bought a solar powered security light just put ay nasty people off.


Also started painting the garage floor to stop the concrete dust getting every where. Spent at least an hour sweeping out all the dust and must of got a least a kg of dust. First coat is down. Will take some pics once the second coat is down.



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Is that shared double garage or all yours? I'd rather have 1 big door than 2 small ones, but you seldom see that on new builds.

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Unfortunately its shared :(


luckily its just big enough for the corrado to fit in but I've gone from a garage where I could have both doors on the car wide open whilst it was inside, to one where I have to slither in a small slit to get into the car, and with my gut its not easy. But I do have the better side of the two garages as its at the bottom of my garden and I can get into it via a door which is handy.

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My old house had a shared garage like that and I know what you mean. A proper bits of foam on the walls situation! When ever I had to do any work on it, I had to wheel it out and do it on the drive.


God knows what car they measured garage access for because you can barely get a mini into those garages, and cars aren't getting any smaller!

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That's what i wonder too, but unfortunately people don't use their garages for cars any more. I bought a house on a brand new estate and most of the houses have a garage but I haven't seen a single person use theirs for the car other than me.

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Got all my car cleaning stuff out earlier to see how much of each I had left and what I needed to get. Ready for a 2 day cleaning fest later on this week in preparation for the national day. Only things missing from the pic is my pressure washer.


Hi, my names Jake and I have a car cleaning problem!


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