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Silver C's

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Where are they all? Been looking about at sale adds everywhere and Ive not seen one silver Corrado for sale.


None on here, none on Pistonheads, none on ebay and none on Autotrader.

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IMHO it was never one of the top selling colours when C's were first made - there were always Greens, Blues, Blacks around. The rush for Silver only happened in the noughties influenced by the Merc and Audi ads.

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There is a good chance that my Storm Grey VR will be up for sale soon . I 'think' I have decided to keep the valver!



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Yeah there was a while where there was a few on the go. I really want to get a 2nd one now, one thats basically standard and really wanted another silver one but they all seem to be lying low.

Edited by coullstar

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I know Prodigal's hasn't moved in about a year, but I doubt he is willing to let it go anytime soon!


I am yet to find many other Dark Burgundy's about so I feel your pain.

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Good find. Never seen that before but looks good. Not aspiring to be another OSV but it has always been my favourite colour and with the price of VR's being low just now I am thinking about having a nice standard-ish example as well. Pity its the other end of the country from me.

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Good find. Never seen that before but looks good. Not aspiring to be another OSV but it has always been my favourite colour and with the price of VR's being low just now I am thinking about having a nice standard-ish example as well. Pity its the other end of the country from me.

sorry, i meant the seller aspiring to be an OSV Mk2. Would agree that silver looks very smart. That said it does require careful attention to the appropriate rims and trims. Other colours are far more forgiving. IMHO of course.

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Yeah they don`t come out very often,mine hasn`t moved since I got it MOTed last year and thats as far as its been in 18months!!

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Mine is still around... just got a bonnet that wont open and a dead battery... kinda losing the love :(

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I must admit, Silver looks completely uninspiring in pictures, but looks amazing in the flesh. It's a much deeper, more interesting pearl silver than you see on other VAGs and Vauxhalls and things.


kinda losing the love :(


Quite a few other people on here seem to feel the same way at the moment! Maybe it's just the 'recession' making people feel unmotivated!

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Don't get me wrong Kev I still love how the Corrado looks so different to most things on the road, makes a cracking sound and goes pretty well too!


Just don't think I use it enough to appreciate it... might get a Corrado bike! Think I'll be sorting it soon and remembering why I bought it in the 1st place


I agree with you about the Satin Silver though... a mate has a Reflex Silver V6 4Motion Golf. Put those two next to eachother after a waxing session and there's only one winner.

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Quite a few other people on here seem to feel the same way at the moment! Maybe it's just the 'recession' making people feel unmotivated!


SAD syndrome I reckon, once the weather and temperature improves and a show or two have occured I'm sure people will be more positive about car stuff, I know I always am.

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Yeah that's a good point David. I forget how SAD some of us are this time of year :lol:


Don't get me wrong Kev I still love how the Corrado looks so different to most things on the road, makes a cracking sound and goes pretty well too!


Just don't think I use it enough to appreciate it... might get a Corrado bike! Think I'll be sorting it soon and remembering why I bought it in the 1st place


I agree with you about the Satin Silver though... a mate has a Reflex Silver V6 4Motion Golf. Put those two next to eachother after a waxing session and there's only one winner.


To be fair, London isn't really the Corrado's domain to be honest. They much prefer to be out in sticks chasing Focus STs down minor roads :)


As I use mine every day, I get a daily love (and hate sometimes) session :)

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We all do at some point. I loved my Silver 16v hence why started looking for a VR but I fear its going to be a fruitless search. Ive been looking for a couple of months TBH and not seen one that would suit.

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Is one Corrado not enough for you Graeme? And a MK5. And a bike/s? :lol:


I don't think I'd have the patience for 2 of the beggars....

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I was kind of looking at this as a bit of a spares car if you know what I mean. One I could swap bits between and use more as a daily as the turbo is just a PITA on the commute. They just seem to be mega cheap at the moment so it would rude not to. The recession hasnt hit Aberdeen yet!!! I know if I get one as soon as it breaks I'll be cursing and shouting why did I but another bloody one. Its inevitable but keeps me away from the pub.

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LOL, I'm sure you would! :)


How come the Turbo is a PITA for commuting? I would have thought with OBD2 it would have perfect manners? Even mine with a standalone is perfectly well behaved in heavy traffic :) Don't you use the MK5 for commuting then?

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