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Still pretty quick!

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Hi all I thought no one would mind if I did some needed bigging up for the VR6.


Hoping not to sound like a boy racer (you've all done it) but on my way back from work last night and was a set of traffic lights opening straight onto a Dual Carriageway. I can't believe how well it kept up with a Porsche Carrera 4! Sure it had the edge but once the old girl got rolling she was on it's tail all the way to the next set of lights. And I paid 4k for my car! It's embarrassed Ford st's and some TT's many a time and I just think it's hilarious that a 15 year old VW can hold it's own so well. Admittedly it's been embarrassed a few times but It can usually be justified when the cars are worth about 5 times as much. As a 21 year old on a budget it was the best car I could have bought and all the ball ache is worth it!

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yes it does surprise a few cars doesnt it! Give a few tweaks and it'll go even better ;)

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I love the look on other drivers faces when they realise they can't pull away from you in your 15 year old VW. Of course a 911 is gonna pull out a lead but even they look surprised how well you can hang on.


I bet the guys running chargers and turbos on their C's must have so much fun!

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YA had a bit of fun with a 911 my self the other day.


I was wooping it ass in the corners, every time he went to put the power down the back end stepped out. But as soon as we got to a straight he was right up behind me. Was a nice bit of fun


Exchanged waves and went our different ways :D


Not bad despite technically running on 3 cylinders :cool:

Edited by Swompy

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My friends parents have a holiday home in North Wales (Llandudno) and last year when I had my VR we headed up there, him in his Focus ST and me in the VR. Point to point across the Welsh mountain roads there was literally nothing between them, and we put them both through their paces fairly well. He wasn't impressed that my £1700 16 year-old VW was as quick as his £18000 year-old Ford!


He then sold the ST and bought himself a Boxster. He was happy because from a rolling start the Porka was slightly quicker but it really wasn't any faster through the twisties. However by that time I'd sorted the suspension and brakes on my VR and it handled very nicely. In fact the same mate drove the VR just before I sold it and said it was as nice to drive as the Boxster! I then drove the Boxster and I have to admit the Porsche felt nicer but its all about individual perception.


So yeah, to sum up, the Corrado VR6 is a fantastic car for the money in terms of performance. I imagine there's a lot out there that aren't reaching their full potential due to small running faults/lack of servicing etc.

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  Swompy said:


Not bad despite technically running on 3 cylinders :cool:



Dude if the vr was running on 3 cylinders it would have about 100 brake lol, it's running on all 6 but 3 are on their way out, if it didn't the Porsche would've mullered you in the bends n all lol.

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  Abdul said:
Dude if the vr was running on 3 cylinders it would have about 100 brake lol, it's running on all 6 but 3 are on their way out, if it didn't the Porsche would've mullered you in the bends n all lol.


I know but was just pointing out that it wasnt a bad effort despite the engine not being 100% Cant wait for the 24v engine now :D

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Yer I've had a few encounters with some ST's but have always seemed to have the edge. I found that once I got used to driving with the VR6 and knowing exactly what gear to put it in to get the most out of it you can easily embarrass some much quicker cars with drivers that haven't quite got the technique of 'dropping it down a gear!' All good fun if you're sensible!

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dont need to be a vr6 either we have shown up plenty of cars in our valver that prob pi$$es them off more when they see the little 16v badge and 21years old too lol

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Has anyone ever stopped and wondered how hard the person in the other car was trying or how capable that person is behind the wheel. Just because you can keep up with someone is not the same as having a car that is relatively close in performance terms.

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Just watch out for the modified STs. They'll leave a standard VR6 for dust. Standard ST v Standard VR6 are fairly even in terms of power to weight, but the Ford has better gear ratios (plus an extra one) and more midrange torque.

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  Andy665 said:
Has anyone ever stopped and wondered how hard the person in the other car was trying or how capable that person is behind the wheel. Just because you can keep up with someone is not the same as having a car that is relatively close in performance terms.


Exactly this.


Even in my VRT, it's obvious who tries to keep up, and who doesn't. The majority of Porsche drivers can't drive for schitt, but the cars themselves are easily capable of despatching most Corrados. What you want to do is get into a proper race with another boy racer, but just be bloody careful and don't get caught or crash into someone.

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  Andy665 said:
Has anyone ever stopped and wondered how hard the person in the other car was trying or how capable that person is behind the wheel. Just because you can keep up with someone is not the same as having a car that is relatively close in performance terms.


It’s easy to win a race when you’re the only person in it. ;-)

Edited by wy906

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  kevhaywire said:
Just watch out for the modified STs. They'll leave a standard VR6 for dust. Standard ST v Standard VR6 are fairly even in terms of power to weight, but the Ford has better gear ratios (plus an extra one) and more midrange torque.


A few STs left me for dead at Brands last week.


Driver error no doubt contributed. :-)

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Oh yer totally guys I'm not kidding myself, just stating they don't do too badly for an oldy. You all the know that anyway though!

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Absolutely. They do surprise people I think, especially the non-enthusiasts who can't see past a 4 ring badge and have no idea what a Corrado is, except that it's old and in their way.

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  kevhaywire said:
but just be bloody careful and don't get caught or crash into someone.


And this is exactly why I don't 'race'. I should probably just stick with the Clio daily :D

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I like to have a play but when things get silly, I let them get on with it.


Had a little 'fun' with an obviously chipped up 1.8T not long ago. I was being aggressively tailgated by a couple of c0cks, so I showed them how much bigger my car's c0ck was than theirs, then slowed down again. Point proven. But they felt the need to shoot past at max speed and then proceeded to undertake people and swerve about violently.


And that's one of the issues with 'racing'. You may feel quite happy to just give it the odd squirt, have your fun and be done with it, but some people are complete psychos and very sore losers and often resort to dangerous driving as a result of having their ego bashed.


And if anyone starts with the holier than thou I never speed BS, get out, now.

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  kevhaywire said:
I like to have a play but when things get silly, I let them get on with it.


Had a little 'fun' with an obviously chipped up 1.8T not long ago. I was being aggressively tailgated by a couple of c0cks, so I showed them how much bigger my car's c0ck was than theirs, then slowed down again. Point proven. But they felt the need to shoot past at max speed and then proceeded to undertake people and swerve about violently.


And that's one of the issues with 'racing'. You may feel quite happy to just give it the odd squirt, have your fun and be done with it, but some people are complete psychos and very sore losers and often resort to dangerous driving as a result of having their ego bashed.


And if anyone starts with the holier than thou I never speed BS, get out, now.


yep - agree Kev - have your fun and bug out (Top Gun phrase?). No point racing along for mile after mile. It'll just get silly and one of you, or both, will get busted or busted up.

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Too true, that's when I just let them get on with it. There's a big differnece between driving fast and driving fast safely that a lot of people just don't understand. It always amazes me how fast people drive in the ****ing rain just on the motorway in there executive saloon living rooms completely unaware of standing water and the possibility of aquaplaning. Maybe that's just me though and my whistling corrado windows.....

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this is the main reason i love my old bag of.


nothing like spoiling someones day in a brand new motor by sitting on their bumper when they floor it with a big grin on your face.


long live old dubs.

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  Oliver2 said:
Too true, that's when I just let them get on with it. There's a big differnece between driving fast and driving fast safely that a lot of people just don't understand. It always amazes me how fast people drive in the ****ing rain just on the motorway in there executive saloon living rooms completely unaware of standing water and the possibility of aquaplaning. Maybe that's just me though and my whistling corrado windows.....


I know! I just don't get it. Maybe they read somewhere in the Passat manual ''you are now indestructible and have attained the driving prowess of Tom Cruise in Days of Thunder, now simply clip this blue-tooth thing on your ear and your good to go''.

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