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at times i wish it was a vr6...

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I imagine apprehending a burglar in my house with mine - "Don't come any closer - it could really sting..."




Better than harsh language though :lol:


How about offering the burglar a cup of Tea and mentioning that the TV and DVD player were getting old anyway!

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Dont even start me on driving round here (Norfolk). Roundabouts seem to be especially challenging to a lot of bog standard drivers in this area (going right in the left hand lane is always a favourite to p#ss me off when i'm going straight over in the right hand lane). Many people dont look ahead but pull up at roundabouts, becasue they dont look to see if anything is coming until after they stop. :roll: ....and i'm seething behind them. Really sets you up for a good day at work I can tell you! :evil: Mind , they do also put traffic lights on roundabouts here just to intentionally hold things up a bit :x


On the subject of the 16v though, yep somethings blow you away, but as correctly said, itl'l be some modern sh#te looking box or Euro jellymould, so who cares. ....If it ain't a Corrado, it don't count! The 16v also can still surprise others on the road, I surprised two Mk4 Golfs the other day and could tell the owners were miffed as went streaming past them...they just think 'but, my VW's newer, how can that go past me?' Love it....! :lol:

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Dont even start me on driving round here (Norfolk). Roundabouts seem to be especially challenging to a lot of bog standard drivers in this area (going right in the left hand lane is always a favourite to p#ss me off when i'm going straight over in the right hand lane). Many people dont look ahead but pull up at roundabouts, becasue they dont look to see if anything is coming until after they stop. :roll: ....and i'm seething behind them. Really sets you up for a good day at work I can tell you! :evil: Mind , they do also put traffic lights on roundabouts here just to intentionally hold things up a bit :x


LOL, have to drive around poxy Norwich every day and you can guarantee my journey in on the A140 was blighted with Tractors and old farts driving slower than said tractors. And boy does Norwich like it's bloody traffic lights.....even on round-abouts like you say!


And don't get me started on the standard of driving in Norfolk......slow in the head, slow in the actions..... no offense :lol: Suffolk (where I live) folk are no better. Half of the people I know around here have never driven to London and think Chelmsford is near Birmingham.....give me strength!



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Roundabouts seem to be especially challenging to a lot of bog standard drivers



And what's with the muppets who indicate right before, or as soon as, they get onto a roundabout and then take the second exit (i.e. "straight on") ? Have they put that in the highway code recently???





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No offence taken mate, I come from London originally, I like Norwich on the whole, but jeez it can be a frustrating experience living round here sometimes.... :lol:


'......slow in the head, slow in the actions..... no offense Suffolk (where I live) folk are no better. Half of the people I know around here have never driven to London and think Chelmsford is near Birmingham.....give me strength! '

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Yep, that's kind of worrying isn't it? the 'are they going to try and drive through me or not' feeling, Saw a great new variation ton the theme the other day,happily indicating left in the right hand lane! When are they going to introduce I.Q. tests to the Driving Test?! Only solution is to accelerate smartly away and get some distance between you and them i spose :lol: :roll:


'And what's with the muppets who indicate right before, or as soon as, they get onto a roundabout and then take the second exit (i.e. "straight on") ? Have they put that in the highway code recently??? '

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this threads turned into a bitching session about bad drivings :oops: - back to the initial message and bruning off other cars, I'm off to start a new thread on "what haveyou burnt off.......... :lol: :lol: :lol:

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this threads turned into a bitching session about bad drivings :oops: - back to the initial message and bruning off other cars, I'm off to start a new thread on "what haveyou burnt off.......... :lol: :lol: :lol:




I was considering the thread - "What's the most hijacked thread/thread that lost it's way, on the forum?"



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I think shooting a paintball gun is the funniest, if you hit them they think they've been shot for real, saw it on a yank movie, was a giggle, they still got done off the plod though.



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this threads turned into a bitching session about bad drivings :oops: - back to the initial message and bruning off other cars, I'm off to start a new thread on "what haveyou burnt off.......... :lol: :lol: :lol:



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the corrado would loose more than 20-30bhp through the drive train..i have seen a dyno plot of a vr6 push 194bhp at the fly but about 150bhp at the wheels!!!


or did i grab the wrong end of the stick!?


BB guns are cool...i had a webley for ages but sold it.

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the corrado would loose more than 20-30bhp through the drive train..i have seen a dyno plot of a vr6 push 194bhp at the fly but about 150bhp at the wheels!!!


or did i grab the wrong end of the stick!?


No that's about right.

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i have seen a dyno plot of a vr6 push 194bhp at the fly but about 150bhp at the wheels!!!


or did i grab the wrong end of the stick!?



Mine is http://www.shmoo.plus.com/vr6dyno.jpg ???


144.3 HP at the wheels, 53.8 HP transmission losses... which are the "measured" figures, from which they guesstimate 198.1 HP at the flywheel - but that's another can of worms to open, the magic of Rolling Road figures... taking us even further into uncharted off-topic thread hijacking territory ;-)

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Ok, so my original point was that the subaru wouldn't lose MUCH more than that. So if it's losing 70bhp at the wheels due to the extra drivetrain weight, it's still putting similar bhp to the wheels as a VR6. Ok, so I got the figures wrong, but the ratio was approximately correct.. :)

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But that's more than a quarter of your power gone and heading toward a whole third!!!

Up to date technology? I don't think so!


Ford made a very low friction, low loss gearbox some time back out of nylon! It didn't need oil as it had such low friction but the materials of the time didn't lend themselves to the longevity of the gearbox, who's to know what's to come. NASA is looking into free lift from wing tip vortecies so the plains behind can fly in formation using half the fuel thus doubling it's range almost!


It's all out there!





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Was a freezing cold day (~4deg C ???) and although the car had been stood for a while getting water & oil temps up to temp, gearbox will have been pretty much stone cold... I'd like to take it back for another sesh after a good long blat to see if it's still 27%...

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Take it back on a hot day and you won't be getting your 194bhp again... Though as you point out the gearchange might be nicer..

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