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Rocker Cover colour options

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after fitting Rob's (aka Undulttice) G60 with a fancy new powder coated rocker cover on saturday i've decided to get mine done as it looks poo compaired to his now!


but not sure what colour to go for. first i was gonna go with silver/grey but after some "words" with a few people on sat saying my engine bay looked mis-matched i thought of blue to match the samco's but as the G is green thought this may look a bit turd! so i thought about doin it green to match the car but then wont match the bits in the bay.


so came up with a couple:


silver with blue inlay and VW logo?


sticker bomb (so its completey different) it then lacquer it, but wasnt sure how the stickers would get on with the heat!


get it detailed i.e. scallops, VW logo,etc


any thoughts?

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I've always liked matt black. Nothing too flashy but looks neat and tidy. I have seen someone (on here I think) with theirs painted KTM orange, looks lurrrrrvly but wouldn't go with your samcos.


I'm not sure colour coding it to the body colour would really work. Personally, I would have black with white details on the vw logo.

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sent it to the chap today to get sorted but still not decided on colour he said he could chrome it, but i was like hhmmmm not sure about that!


did think about black and then get it detailed. but if its black might not see all the oil and cr#p that gets on it.


thinkin i'll play it safe and go with silver/grey

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