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VW Parts - No club discount? GRRRR!

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Hi folks,


I've been at my local VW garage in Dundee and I'm having some problems with what they're telling me....


First, I bought the following items:


  1. Sunroof lube
  2. fuel tank straps
  3. strap clips
  4. tank strap bolts
  5. Crank bolt

I enquired as to a discount with my Corrado club membership card. The manager told me they don't do discounts on "service items"... Well the lube sure but the crank bolt? fuel tank straps? I was a little miffed but I payed the £110 the parts cost i thought better luck next time.


WELL next time came today, I ordered the following parts:


  1. Sunroof seal
  2. Bumper Bolts
  3. internal door card screws
  4. internal trim screws
  5. fitted chin splitter screws

Came to just under £100 with vat.


Now I ordered these parts at the garage last week when I collected the other bits and i asked them at the time "can i get a discount?". The chap I asked said he didn't know but would ask his manager and get back to me... In the meantime, the parts would be available to collect on Wednesday (yesterday).


Well i didn't hear back, so i went to the garage today and asked about the discount. "Can't give you a discount because the parts where on next day delivery" I was told. I asked him why this was the case as this isn't something I specifically asked for and that a 6day delivery doesn't constitute "next day". He said "sorry mate it's what the boss told me".


:mad2: I ain't happy...


First off, I pay my annual club fee to the CCGB. And they I'm sure do fine work getting the club discounts that we can all benefit from. But it doesn't mean squat when your local dealer wont honour the discounts! This isn't a dig at the club (who i think do a great job) but more that the dealer can just choose to ignore the discounts agreed with the club if it pleases them.


Second, Is this common for vw garages? The other garage near me after Dundee is in Kirkcaldy and they where saying i could get up to 20% off depending on what I ordered but they said the minimum discount is 5-10%. So why not the Dundee garage!?


I'll not be buying from them in the future if they can choose to not give discounts...

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I give my parts manager a bottle whiskey at Christmas, I get a good discount all year round !

He even gives me parts they were going to throw out. Last item was a sunroof seal,!!

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I give my parts manager a bottle whiskey at Christmas, I get a good discount all year round !

He even gives me parts they were going to throw out. Last item was a sunroof seal,!!


AHHH! you plum!!! I paid £48 + Vat for mine!:censored:


That's the other thing, vw are making everything SOO expensive. Two bolts cost me £10!!! it makes me sick

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To be fair the CCGB have no 'deal' with VW, it's totally up to a franchise dealer what or if they give discount.

If they order on 'back order' parts come to them a little cheaper, next day/that day type delivery is more and intended for better service for fixing their customer's cars quicker.

You are probably better find a TPS than a dealer parts dept, but even trade customers with high order levels only get 10% or so and little or nothing on some service parts,

some service parts, TPS in particular, will give very good deals to match other local motor factors, sometimes even better.

For instance, all my last VAG oil filters have been under 3 quid and the mk4 cam belt kit was cheaper from VW than any other factor and was in fact an updated part too.

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As chairman of the VR6OC, we have similar discounts set-up... its very hit and miss to be honest with you.... so far, we've only managed to secure 19 seperate VW dealerships (10% discount), and 13 TPS branches (10% - 40% discount).... it's at the managers discression, currently have around 50 seperate companies on board that offer discounts to our Premium Members.... it all depends how well the discount managers in the club can negociate with the companies :)



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It's the problem with them being franchised, some just don't give a f*ck and are giving VW a really bad reputation for it!


I'd order a load of Corrado specific parts and then just refuse to pay... most parts have at least 10-20% discount permissable and sometimes up to 40%

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To be fair the CCGB have no 'deal' with VW, it's totally up to a franchise dealer what or if they give discount.

If they order on 'back order' parts come to them a little cheaper, next day/that day type delivery is more and intended for better service for fixing their customer's cars quicker.

You are probably better find a TPS than a dealer parts dept, but even trade customers with high order levels only get 10% or so and little or nothing on some service parts,

some service parts, TPS in particular, will give very good deals to match other local motor factors, sometimes even better.

For instance, all my last VAG oil filters have been under 3 quid and the mk4 cam belt kit was cheaper from VW than any other factor and was in fact an updated part too.


No TPS centre in dundee... I'm stuck buying from VW.


as for delivery, I didn't ask for next day. I asked for a discount!... I even left my club details with them last week so they could add it to the invoice! Maybe it's just this particular franchise that sucks...


And as for service parts not being cheep... I'd not class fuel tank straps and crank bolts as "service items"! They seem to just be taking the p**s and like supercharged says... giving VW a bad name.


---------- Post added at 11:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:28 AM ----------


I'd order a load of Corrado specific parts and then just refuse to pay... most parts have at least 10-20% discount permissable and sometimes up to 40%


I know... I was tempted to tell them to get lost this morning. I could have done without spending £200 in two weeks...

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Bare in mind they can't send anything back to VW, this is why so much stuff that's incorrectly ordered or not payed for ends up on eBay, at shows and chucked away...

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Maybe it's just this particular franchise that sucks...


I think you have it in one there!

(I have one like this near me. Only used in emergencies now.)


Move on

Form a relationship with another dealer.



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I think you have it in one there!

(I have one like this near me. Only used in emergencies now.)


Move on

Form a relationship with another dealer.



But the next nearest one from me is 40miles away... :(

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Next day delivery is standard too, most dealerships get a delivery tuesday-saturday and parts ordered the previous day are on the next days delivery system.


Luck of the draw really, it took me ages to get a discount at my current dealer but I did get one eventually.

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Send the missus in, mine always manages to come back with some sort of discount! No idea how?!

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Hi Alex,

As has been said the problem is with your particular VW dealer's attitude. In my experience they only offer you discount if they think they have to.


Down here in Bournemouth I always get discount. That may be due to the fact that I've been a customer for 13 years, but I suspect it's more due to the fact that GS&F is only 600yds down the road, Euro Car Parts less than a mile, and the local TPS only two miles away...


Feeling your pain though...




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Hi Alex,

As has been said the problem is with your particular VW dealer's attitude. In my experience they only offer you discount if they think they have to.


Down here in Bournemouth I always get discount. That may be due to the fact that I've been a customer for 13 years, but I suspect it's more due to the fact that GS&F is only 600yds down the road, Euro Car Parts less than a mile, and the local TPS only two miles away...


Feeling your pain though...





Yeah, being the only vw franchise in Dundee they have a little monopoly. If i was in Edinburgh i could use tps but that's over an hours drive down the motorway.

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Hi Alex, as already mentioned we most certainly (the CCGB) do not have anything set in stone regarding discounts for members, we do often say though that if you ask when ordering and flash your members card can often easily recoup the £10 annual membership fee from most dealers as many easily offer 10% or more.


Guess they know they have the monopoly being so far away from the next dealers! Happy to order stuff for you from my TPS dealer in Dronfield and post it to you mate, a bit awkward but i'm sure it'll save a bit in the long run. I can post large heavy items as long as they are less than 20k for £15 so a big box of bits would be a reet old saving ;)



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The dealers can send items back to vw if they cost over £15, they have a profit margin on average of 30% and i normally get 15% off everything.

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i find that prices vary loads. i bought crank bolt and washer the other week and was £2 more expensive than waht others were paying. i nkow £2 is not a lot but its more that fact that it is different from others which annoys me. i used to have a really good relationship with a guy at my local VW deal but he moved to a different bracnk about 30 miles away.


ive started using a local VW van centre to get parts from and i think the more i buy from them the better dicsount i will get. if its non specific stuff then they can get it such as bolts and various engine bits but body wise they cant get anything.

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Hi Alex, as already mentioned we most certainly (the CCGB) do not have anything set in stone regarding discounts for members, we do often say though that if you ask when ordering and flash your members card can often easily recoup the £10 annual membership fee from most dealers as many easily offer 10% or more.


Guess they know they have the monopoly being so far away from the next dealers! Happy to order stuff for you from my TPS dealer in Dronfield and post it to you mate, a bit awkward but i'm sure it'll save a bit in the long run. I can post large heavy items as long as they are less than 20k for £15 so a big box of bits would be a reet old saving ;)




That's very kind Kip! thank you, unfortunately, I've already spent the £200 now else i may well have chatted you or another member up. I just assumed that as a member of "The Association of British Volkswagen Clubs" that the CCGB members would be entitled to a discount (as per the CCGB web site). I understand however that you can't by rights trawl the country and agree discounts with every VW franchise. Although i do think VW need to pull their finger out, some franchises give the brand a bad name in my opinion. You would think that VW would insist on agreed terms with franchises for ABVC members to avoid confusion...

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Yes, Alex, it is always a pain going cap in hand and asking for a discount.

I say to hell with it now - stuff VAG. They have no interest whatsoever in supporting the Corrado, even when their salesmen come out in pairs to admire the Storm when I park it outside one of their corporate chrome and glass palaces (full of smoke and mirrors, of course).


I have never returned to my VW garage in Bathgate that I had bought 2 brand new and one used Polo from and spent thousands of pounds with them on servicing/parts etc over a period of about 20 years.


The reason? - When I asked for a CCGB discount on a few parts for my daughter's 1st car - an old Polo - a jumped-up salesman (who happened to have been a grumpy parts man for years and was now wearing a suit), said they would not give discounts. Taking the opportunity to sound off about the bad behaviour of some Lothian VW club members which was nothing to do with me!


I was livid and even phoned his manager on the Monday to tell him what I thought -"All I can do is apologise...." I have never been back. Two other staff sitting reading the Saturday tabloids did nothing to impress, either.


Advantage in Stirling have given me a discount, though, but I loathe asking.


The C is going, anyway and I will not be sorry to leave behind the hassle of dealing with VAG.


Toyota, do seem to care a lot more, but the car is a 2009 Yaris and I dont go begging for discounts any more.

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CCGB membership or membership to anything else will not get you a compulsory discount at main dealers.


If you don't like it, don't shop there. If your only reason for membership is discounted parts don't be a member!

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If you don't like it, don't shop there. If your only reason for membership is discounted parts don't be a member!


That's harsh! I didn't mean that and i certainly didn't join the CCGB purely for discounted parts. I love the sprinter and the time i had down at BVF with everyone, I mean, Wendy lent me 20 fags... That's gotta be worth a membership fee! :lol:


I just think it's disgraceful of VW to not look after they're fan clubs and the prices they charge for parts.


---------- Post added at 12:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:38 PM ----------


Toyota, do seem to care a lot more, but the car is a 2009 Yaris and I dont go begging for discounts any more.


I like my Yaris mate, Me and the misses swear by our 2008 model. We even took it round Knock hill and gave a mk1 escort a run for it's money! great little cars for knocking about in. But i wouldn't feel ashamed for asking for a discount! Like you said yourself, you EARNED that discount! 20 years of parts and services is worth a little money off in my books!


My sister has had loads of problems with vw down in Swindon all to maintain a VW service history. I discovered after looking at the car that they weren't even changing the oil! I just have no faith in vw garages any more... I don't blame you getting fed up with them.

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The dealers can send items back to vw if they cost over £15, they have a profit margin on average of 30% and i normally get 15% off everything.


Ha! I wish! :( You don't get 30% off anything that's unique to a Corrado :(

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That's harsh! I didn't mean that and i certainly didn't join the CCGB purely for discounted parts. I love the sprinter and the time i had down at BVF with everyone, I mean, Wendy lent me 20 fags... That's gotta be worth a membership fee! :lol:


I just think it's disgraceful of VW to not look after they're fan clubs and the prices they charge for parts


fair enough.. personally i dont see much point in the CCGB any more but thats just me and not what this thread it about..


the main problem is it's not VW, it's franchisers that you're dealing with. In their eyes you own a car worthy of the scrappage scheme and they'd rather make money on selling you a new car every three years than sell you parts, especially if they're discounting the comparatively little profit they'll make.


there are enough alternatives now that I haven't been to a main dealer for parts in maybe 3+ years..

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