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seat heater not working

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Hi all

my passenger seat heater is not working

any simple solutions?



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any simple solutions?


hot water bottle? :lol: :lol:


Sorry...could not resist.




I am not sure what sort of loom goes into the seat? 2 or 3 lines?


Check for 12v going in...and continuty in the heater element (there wil be a high resistance tho) Check earth is good if there is one.

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yes thanks will check it out, but i'm having a hard time getting access under the seat


Does it have to be removed or is there an easier way of getting underneath it? :oops: :oops: :oops:

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you will have to take the seat out to get at the connectors,and there are 6 or7 wires for the heater pads,i dont know if they are all used because ive not wired mine up

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To be honest its probably a broken element in the heated seat pad that has broken. I have been looking for an easy answer to fix my drivers heated seat for six months now but I have never seen a post on the forum yet when it has been anything other than the pad :( . They just don't seem to last very well :?

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