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Whats a Corrado Auto like?

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Been told that my Reactive Arthritus may not be as short term as I was hoping; 2-6 months with the possibility that I may never be able to run or play squash again :( Quite a blow to someone who does both activities at least twice a week.


Whilst a manual isn't impossible to drive the daily driver (Honda Accord Type R) has a bit of a heavier clutch than the VR6 and I may consider selling it if I'm no better in the next month. One thing that's popped into my head as a possible replacement is a VR6 Auto and it probably wouldn't be too hard to find someone to do a straight swap. Anyone got any thoughts on them as a daily driver?

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drop samG40 (or G40sam...) a pm. His lady has an auto. they live up this way.

i doubt it would be available but they could give you an idea on drive.


Good luck with the recovery.

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I can't imagine there is much to dislike mate - an automatic always makes for a better daily driver. The only thing you'll lose on an older auto is the driver involvement and the ability to drop down to whatever gear you want, when you want. On the up-side you've still got the VR6 soundtrack and grunt and it'll be much easier in traffic :)


Chin up. Sounds like a pretty crap situation to be in mate :(

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As above, chin up. On the plus side you'll probably find a really good quality auto as it probably hasn't been in the hands of someone thrashing it. It will probably be less money than an equivalent manual too I guess. So every cloud and all that.

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Surprising but when GTI Engineering had a MK3 VR6 golf as a demo years ago they chose an auto a it was actually quicker!

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Nath who used to be on here [sold to carl], used his everyday before he did the manual conversion. Great in traffic ,lets face it most of us sit in queues for god knows how long in a day . As said above they are still very quick . Would have thought not so good on fuel though as you cant change when you want to .sorry to here bout your arthritus, its painfull .Bein in the building wet trade [plasterer] my hands ,elbows n knees are bad , not as bad as you have it though .Good luck mate .

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Cheers all :)


Really hoping it'll clear up and that will be the end of it. But the recovery time is slow and there's now a high chance it'll come back and cause more problems, especially when agitated by physical activity or another virus. This is after being originally told it would disappear and that would be the end of it...


I tried to do a mornings work on Saturday (having signed a bit of paper saying I wouldn't sue the company as officially on sick leave!) but was in allot of pain and now have even more fluid in there. At this rate might mean another visit to A&E to have it drained again. Dunno how i'll be expected to last a whole week when I go back to work :(

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Sorry to hear you're in the wars Neil, hope you recover soon. Didn't know you were a keen squash player, we should have a hit sometime when you're feeling better..... if that's not an incentive to get better I don't know what is, lol!



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Balls, thats rubbish.


You really need to focus on the here and now and concentrate on getting it sorted out as best you can, pushing yourself by going back to work will just mess up your long term recovery.


Autos should be ok and I think the kick down is quite responsive, the earlier VR boxes came with a sport switch which was dumped on later models - the control solenoids tend to go wrong and a new 'pack' costs the better part of a few hundred pounds.

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Get rid of the Accord and replace it with an Auto Neil. There are tonnes of slush box BMW, Merc or Audi cruisers you can buy for less than a grand that are stupidly reliable and fully equipped to make your daily commute comfortable. Of the 3 though, the BMW is the better 'driver's' car by miles.


I honestly wouldn't keep making the Corrado the victim of your rash decisions mate. I don't think you realise what you have with that car tbh. Or give me your Corrado and I'll make an auto corrado for you out of mine :D


I hope your leg improves and I can't believe you went to work you fool!!

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I had a VR auto for a year and I have to say I really liked it...fantastic in traffic as I used it as my daily, and still enough performance when the roads allowed.


Yes I'd choose a manual for the back roads but for 99% of the time I didnt feel short changed having an auto.


My old Auto is actually for sale in the classifieds.

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Yeah we have one and its really not that bad. The autobox isnt brilliant but does the job well enough. It sometimes only kicks down one gear when I'd prefer two but you get used to its shortcomings and as said for pootling as a daily its really rather nice. We dont seem to hit the highs of some of you guys with manual vr's on fuel usage but I've managed a couple of 33mpg journeys, we've averaged around 26mpg over the life of having the car. As said I'd have thought that the autos would probably have had an easier life and maybe be a bit cheaper.


If you need an auto though as Kev has said there are loads of beemers etc with autos that probably have better boxes on them in all honesty. Might be worth trying one of those out, they are normally mega cheap too for what you get.

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