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Redbourbons vr6 With extra grunt :)

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yeah think so mate so will be a good turn out hopefully you on the stand then ;)


Yea should be good when is elescar?? Ermmm i dont know maybe i suppose id like it to be it depends if i could get the big dirty scratch sorted before then ! Im waiting for some nice weather cos im spraying it myself to save some cash for a house , i dont think its quite stand matariel yet

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Mate as I proved last year with the 'harlequin' if your in the club your car is suitable for the stand whatever condition. As most people will appreciate that not everyone can have a show winning car certainly not me so I say that if you feel proud of your efforts defo put it on the club stand :)

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Updating this again got my new front disks and pads fitted tonight but couldnt do tje rears due to forgetting the caliper rewind tool so its off to a mates garage tomorrow for them to be done

Also getting the decat fitted tomorrow for some extra musical notes hopefully

New wheels are on the car now but desperatly need some spacer on for some kind of stance pics will be up at weekend when the cars clean as its a tip at the momennt and looks more like a skip than a car !

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Had a good day today ticked lots of annoying jobs of the list and then kinda had a brainstorm tonight and decided to wrap the windscreen scuttle thing in carbon as its all faded and crappy so heres a couple of pics excuse the grumpy looking parrot hes just had a bath lol 1f5b0401-4a0a-1b95.jpg1f5b0401-4a1e-6fe3.jpg


---------- Post added at 8:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 8:52 PM ----------


Not sure why but when i post pics using tapatalk it doesent seem to register it here and go in to new posts any reason for this

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Cheers bud its neater in the flesh but its really hard to take photos of it im just doing the other bits now it should turn out ok i do this for a living

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That looks cool mate. Might give it a go myself with some gloss black vinyl... :)

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Cheers abdul if you do mate make sure its a 3m wraping matariel otherwise i would have thought it will lift and be a pain in the arse and also make sure its mega degreased and dry or it wont stick well at all

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just gonna update this as a big list as i was going to take some pics today but its decided to pour down


so i made a list and found some motivation !its hard blowing the cobwebs of after winter lol

thus is what i have done in the last few days


secured all the exhaust so its now silent

wrapped a nice piece of flexible rubber round the rear beam so the back box doesent bang any more

greased all my sticky locks

checked all fluids ,all good

fixed my rattly door cards and noisy rear pass side speaker and replacead all the card clips

removed what seemed to be a very old ****ty motarola hands free kit wich i found randomely behind the door card

fitted the little magnes exhaust stickers chrisl got me with the system ,cheers.

unplugged the ****ty drain away on the filler neck

wrapped the windscreen trim in carbon and refitted

sprayed the ecu scuttle cover so its now shiney new black and not faded grey

sprayed the vr6 badge red again after a messy job someone else has made

cleaned out the folage seal area and hoovers all the bits out of it lol

fitted new pagid disks and pads all round and tightend up the hand brake cable

fitted a de cat


i think thats it for now ill post up what pics i have later on tapa talk wich doesent seem to be working properly at the moment

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Few pics after a clean and polish the other day and the fk spacers fitted not done much else apart from drive it really , feels very smooth and the mpg has gone up since the new brakes and tyres d5cde850-5ab0-a2a7.jpgd5cde850-5ad0-e9a1.jpgd5cde850-5b25-735c.jpg

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Nice work there chief.


Liking the schuttle wrapping top job :)


Them wheels also really suit the colour of the car. Looking forward to seeing this next month

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Cheers pete


Cheers chris i did it in the same stuff as the spoiler i did you

Will deffo have to catch up did you mean at elescar or big bang ? You going to both mate or just elescar ?

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Great job on the scuttle and the wheels are spot on! I'm in two minds as to getting a set of these or just have the originals refurbed

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Cheers dave hurry up and get yours sorted and we can have a run out and get some nice pics


Hopefully then chris im deffo goin to big bang and would have thought ill be off to elescar will deffo have to meet up this year i missed you last year , i think it was to do with your hang over haha


Cheers captain red eye they are very similar to standard well almost thanks for the commenys tho and im sure theres a thread for a group buy on the speedlines in 16 inch

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Looking good Matt! Will have to get my summer wheels on soon and get some pics done of them both.


wondering whether to go to Elsecar this year, might convoy again if I do.

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Hehe yes indeed! Well I trial fitted the wheels tonight to decide which set I want to use and I think I have made my mind up so hopefully mine will see the road this month!

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