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Clumsy b4stard shoppers!!!!

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[meldrew]I DON'T BELIEVE IT!!![/meldrew]


Remember my post a while ago kicking off about bad parking and people who dent your cars.....


Just been to B&Q. Parked relatively out of the way in not a busy area like I always do to avoid these idiots. Came out, sh1tty faded red corsa pulls in in the space next to my car, but well away from my car (or so I thought).


"great" I thought" nice of you to park away from my car so you don't hit it with your door, well done"


man and woman gets out, I'm nervously watching as I walk closer expecting her to hit my car, but no, all is well, she gets out no bother. Then, she decides she's left something on the back seat. "OH NO" I think and start moving faster. Unlock my door, preparing to get in and drive off before she lifts the seat forward, but I'm too late, she hits her fat ar5e on her door climbing out of the car and it whacks right into my rear quarter, bang on the swage line....


Cue red mist..... :evil:


I get out, her husband and her are walking away.



they turn round.


"err, you're wife just whacked my car with your door and done this"





man says "it'll polish out that.."




Woman "sorry, it was an accident" :(


me "I can see that, but how much room do you need to get out of a car?!?!? you should be more careful, why did you have to park right next to me in the first place??"


man "calm down, no need to get excited" :o


me "no need, no f*cking need, look at the state of it!! I'm going to have to get the whole rear quarter painted now, which means a new side window seal too". :x :x


him "well, sorry, what can I do about it now" :?


me "I'm afraid you're going to have to pay for it, I can't accept this"


so then, he opens the door and repeatedly knocks it against mine to make sure it was his car that did it!! :shock:


anyway, after much discussion and panel rubbing and head shaking (and them 2 thnking, "for f*cks sake, it's only a b4stard car" I eventually clamed down and took their address and he's agreed to pay for it if I supply him a quote. Thing is, what do I do if he won't pay up? they said if it's too much it'll have to go through the insurance, but you're not insured on private property are you?


I popped in the bodyshop on the way home, just been quoted £150 to sort it......but I can't get it done until Easter....right when all the shows start...and right when I want to take the car off the road to do the VR6 conversion...


Cheers love, I'm sure parking dents will be all the rage this year.... :cry:




Looks like I'll have to pay extra and get the arches rolled and the scraped wing done at the same time....at their cost of course!

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I've not had to be in that situation yet, but i'm not sure how i'd react.


I dont understand how people can just be so careless about it.. why do they feel that its totally acceptable to bash other cars in car parks, etc? Like its a revalation that some of us like to keep our cars in as pristine a condition as possible, you know taking pride in it and wanting something thats actually worth something when you come to sell it.


Consider this a sympathy post mate.. hope you get it sorted without too much agro! :(

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The great British public, don't you just love 'em! Surely youl'l still be insured for this, private property shouldn't be a factor ......

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some people :mad:


i ve started parking across two spaces, ppl give me funny looks, but at least it limits the chance of damage.


at least they have offerd to pay,

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And why is it, no matter HOW far away you park, someone always comes and parks next to you! :(


Luckily, at work, me and a mate always park in the same two spots which are alongside a building - so once we are in those two spots, no one can park anywhere near as its just wall one side and road the other :)

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Thing is, what do I do if he won't pay up? they said if it's too much it'll have to go through the insurance, but you're not insured on private property are you?


Small claims court??


A girl at work had some kids throw a full coke car on her bonnet (by accident they were messing around) anyway they said sorry and gave her their address.... parent got the quote and refused to pay cause it was about £200 + for new bonnet and spray etc etc..anyway she just called the court and asked if she had a case......1 month later after a brief hearing and court papers to the kids parents it was all paid 8)


its a bitch when it happens..........and im not sure about that 'not being insured in a car park thing'???

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G.friends always get p#ssed off with me for.....


a) driving all around car parks before selecting the 'best' space,

b) ideally parking in a space with at least one side against a wall,

c) parking in a quiet area, i.e. furthest away from the entrance.

d) never parking anywhere near where the trolleys get returned to!


:roll: :lol: :oops:

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so then, he opens the door and repeatedly knocks it against mine to make sure it was his car that did it!! :shock:


What the F'ck ????

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I hate the lack of respect for other people's property that people in this country have... I'd have gone fecking mental if that was my Corrado... :mad:


Comisserations mate, I hope you can get it sorted with no problems... 8)

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PhatVR6 wrote:

so then, he opens the door and repeatedly knocks it against mine to make sure it was his car that did it!!



you should have knocked his teeth out...... then hit him a few more times "just to check" it was your knuckles that did the damage :mad: :mad:


some people are just a waste of skin!!


bad luck mate

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'you should have knocked his teeth out...... then hit him a few more times "just to check" it was your knuckles that did the damage '


:D :D :D

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then you would of had to fork out for the damage then face an assault charge...would of felt good though :lol:

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Their insurance should pay for it all, if they do not. End of.


This is from the 3rd party liability section of a policy booklet:


We will insure you for all amounts which you may have to pay as a result of you being legally liable for a persons death or injury, or damage to a person's property, as a result of an accident caused by the following:

* Your car



Do you know who his insurer is? Any hassle contact their third party claims phone line directly. If he totally denies it was anything to do with him though, and there's no witness, the insurer would just view it as your word against his and may well refuse to pay.


Hopefully after they saw how angry you got they wouldn't be that stupid ;)

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'you should have knocked his teeth out...... then hit him a few more times "just to check" it was your knuckles that did the damage '


:D :D :D


There is a quote button, you know. No need to copy-paste it.

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I know we all like to avoid parking in vulnerable spaces but what about when your not there to catch em at it.


Whenever I return to my car that has cars parked next to it I look to see if there is any new damage and I check by eye to see if the car next to mine could have done it, I sort off judge where their door would strike if it where open. If there is enough evidence then I'm afraid a hard sharp kick to their panel would follow. I do this every time without fail............just cause I don't see it happen doesn't mean they are aint gettin away with it.


Remember this next time you return to your beloved C.



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PhatVR6... that is just really sh!tty!..


numpties.. f'kin numpties!!...


hope you get ot sorted


(sorry no real advice mate)

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:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: feckin hate t*** like that.............hope all goes well with them sorting the damage...........and ppl who just treat a car as a means of getting from A-to-B hack me off too........just cos they are just after simple and basic transport doesnt give them the right to just shrug off damaging your property........ :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

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Flared arches here we come!


Not ideal timing like, but at least all the snow ans ice and salt has gone off the roads, so I can look forward to a summer of nice fresh paint. I'm going to start getting the bus to work once it's done, I'm not risking it getting bumped again. I alreayd has a chosen spot I park in every day, which I can park right over to once side and leave plety of room, but this c*nt in a civic type R park next to me all the time and takes up all the space for himself. luckily, he cares about his car too and nevr dints mine (I know, I check every single day, any dints, and I start kicking their panels in.)


I had great fun in my ratty mk2, I could wedge that in the tightest spaces possible and just climb out of the boot! in fact, I deliberatley go looking for badly parked cars and squeezae in right next to them so they couldn't open their doors...that'll teach em... :lol:

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Whenever I return to my car that has cars parked next to it I look to see if there is any new damage and I check by eye to see if the car next to mine could have done it, I sort off judge where their door would strike if it where open. If there is enough evidence then I'm afraid a hard sharp kick to their panel would follow. I do this every time without fail............just cause I don't see it happen doesn't mean they are aint gettin away with it.


Absolutely spot on- There is no better feeling in the world than exacting a little piece of instant justice 'judge dread style'


I get out, her husband and her are walking away.


That is unbelievable :mad: :mad: . There is no way in the world that lardy arsed woman couldn't have known what she had done- I think I might start parking across two spaces myself now!

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a) driving all around car parks before selecting the 'best' space,

b) ideally parking in a space with at least one side against a wall,

c) parking in a quiet area, i.e. furthest away from the entrance.

d) never parking anywhere near where the trolleys get returned to!


i thought it was just me who did that, started to think i was a bit strange, scary how protective we are but very understandable with the amount these cars cost us! :shocked!:


hope ya get it sorted phatvr6 :)

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I was once walking out of a store to my car (A golf GTI) And a bus just drove by and hit the front driver side wing. I Couldn't believe it, and gave chase on foot! When the bus pulled over at the next stop, i jumped on (still with groceries in hand!!) and told him. He wasn't having any of it, so i started raising my voice in front of all the passengers and demanding that he come back and see the damage.

He came back, and cos it was dark, all we could see was a damaged alloy, broken wing mirror,indicator cover, and a slighlty warped front wing...

Got all his details eventually. He thought it was my fault for parking on a single yellow at 9pm!! Spoke to Stagecoach and was sent a cheque for £800!!

Went to the breakers, got a wing mirror and lense for a tenner, wheel refurbed, and wing sucked out, all for £100.

Nice little earner!! Sold the car, and used the extra £700 to go towards my lovely new VR.

Always a silver lining... :D

Hope something good may result for you Phat

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I know we all like to avoid parking in vulnerable spaces but what about when your not there to catch em at it.


Whenever I return to my car that has cars parked next to it I look to see if there is any new damage and I check by eye to see if the car next to mine could have done it, I sort off judge where their door would strike if it where open. If there is enough evidence then I'm afraid a hard sharp kick to their panel would follow. I do this every time without fail............just cause I don't see it happen doesn't mean they are aint gettin away with it.


Remember this next time you return to your beloved C.




I was in exactly the same situation last week. I couldn't believe it, there was this car parked so close to my driver side i have no idea how he'/she managed to get out. I was fuming when I found yet another dint on my driver's door.

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I was once walking out of a store to my car (A golf GTI) And a bus just drove by and hit the front driver side wing. I Couldn't believe it, and gave chase on foot! When the bus pulled over at the next stop, i jumped on (still with groceries in hand!!) and told him. He wasn't having any of it, so i started raising my voice in front of all the passengers and demanding that he come back and see the damage.

He came back, and cos it was dark, all we could see was a damaged alloy, broken wing mirror,indicator cover, and a slighlty warped front wing...

Got all his details eventually. He thought it was my fault for parking on a single yellow at 9pm!! Spoke to Stagecoach and was sent a cheque for £800!!

Went to the breakers, got a wing mirror and lense for a tenner, wheel refurbed, and wing sucked out, all for £100.

Nice little earner!! Sold the car, and used the extra £700 to go towards my lovely new VR.

Always a silver lining... :D

Hope something good may result for you Phat


You should have sent them the difference back mate :wink:

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I know the feeling of this - I've just had my C fully resprayed, all dents etc sorted out and some f*ck has come along and kicked it in the rear quarter right outside my house - unfortunately I haven't got a clue who did it.


It upset me so much that I thought about selling the car as I didn't see the point of having something nice when little b*stards just smash em up - anyway went for a drive in it that night and everything seemed a little better and I can't bear to part with it now!


I'll just have to save up the £290 that I've been quoted to repair it :(


Anyway, sorry for hijacking your thread and I hope you get yours sorted out - at least you know who did it and stand a fair chance of getting it done.

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