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vag com

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Is it possible to make one of these cables? Don't fancy shelling out 160 quid + P&P Plus, with this in mind surely it's a case of just sending the right commands down with a terminal prog?

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yeah, should be relatively easy tbh mate, you just need an original cable to buzz off, and find what goes where

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cool, any takers? Shouldn't be too difficult, I've only got one block with about 4 pins on it. Oh hang on, and 9 pins on a COM cable, that's a few permutations more than I can be bothered to try! Bummer.


Actually, talking of pins - in the VAG-COM connector under the gearbox trim, I've only got a one block connection. But, when Phil showed me his (not a word) it had a 2 block connection... ...is this just another typical VW model change? Or did something fall off? (or breed on Phil's car)




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the two block (which I have) is the older version, mines a K plate (post face lift) but must have just missed this being changed.


Apparantly (according to the phucking idiots at VW Moterworld Oxford (free plug boyz :p)) The earlier version doesn't give as much info as the newer version, ie it checks fewer sensors. dunno how true that is though, as they are the same monkeys that when my HT leads went were gonna charge me near on 3 grand to "fix" the problem.

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Hmm interesting, I have a one block on a G plate 1.8 16v. Oh well, maybe I'll take it down to Motorworld see what they say :roll:

So, I'm guessing this wonder supplier isn't in the "Servicing and Suppliers" forum.... Ah well, for every good garage - there'll be a shedload of poopy ones. Just out of interest (sorry as it's waaaay :offtopic1: ) - but what was your 3 grand gonna buy you?

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2K for the Head Gasket, then another 800 odd for the timing chains.


The amusing thing is, they would have carried out this work, I would have paid 3 grand, and the car would have still been running the same as the HT leads would have still been F*cked, they truly are genius's.


This is before they left a 12" screw driver blade across my slam panel and rocker cover (i drove for 15 miles with it there and only discovered it when I checked the water level), and after they had charged me 113 quid for a new set of spark plugs :roll:

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Bloody hell. Mate, that is un-beeeeeee-lievable. As for the screwdriver, I do hope you went mental about it. Man, that's poor workmanship. Anyways... ...back on topic. :D

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Hmm interesting, I have a one block on a G plate 1.8 16v.


Should have 2 x 2 pin connectors - I for power & 1 for comms.

From memory, 1 is black & the other is grey.


Quite common for them to become detached from the gear lever surround - take off the trim & feel around with your hand. The other connector will be there somewhere.

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Yup on is black and the other is white/grey... the one on the left is the black one...


Campbel - is your "smaller" (hehe) one only a two pin conection or is it multi pin? AFAIK all the valvers had the 2+2 conections along with the G60 and the VR got the all singing all dancing multi pin setup...


Could be wrong though :wink:

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I can take my VAG-COM lead apart and get a break-down of parts required if someone fancys a go at copying one.


Only snag is if your computer fries the ECU then you've got no comeback :oops:


The other thing is Ross-tech will still relieve you of $99 for the software. The program only works once now apparently and then asks for a registration code.



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stevemac and Phil K - bloody thing worked it's way loose, she's in there :roll: Second screw up today... ...freakin Monday.


I can take my VAG-COM lead apart and get a break-down of parts required if someone fancys a go at copying one.


Hell yes, if you can do us a pin out - I'm on for that. Nice one.


The program only works once now apparently and then asks for a registration code.


From what I can see on the website and the download, it probably just needs a keygen. Must be one kicking around somewhere, failing that I might know somebody who "likes copy protection".


Cheers all




DISCLAIMER - I am in no way affilated with any warez crew, hacking group, software pirate or dodgy dealer. However, I don't mind using their releases. In fact neither does half the internet. :)

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sounds good Kev, i'll give it a go too :)


Randal PM me if ya have any success mate ;)

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