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Things you hate other people do to your car...

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I forgot to mention someone pulling the rear VW badge off while trying to open the boot :lol:

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The kids when sitting in the back putting their feet on the back of the front seats. Grrrrrr.

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what about you park the car in a emty carpark when you come back its like your cars a magnet to all the worse parking folk on the planet:mad:

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what about you park the car in a emty carpark when you come back its like your cars a magnet to all the worse parking folk on the planet:mad:


Get that at work there's an end space next to some bolards which is about a space and half just so I don't get any doors flying my way came back one Sunday to find a smart car sandwiched between me and The other car with less than a foot to spare.

What a toss.

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With you on the seat adjustment mate :lol:


Yeah me too. It just looks so much better. The car park thing always gets me too and its always some 4x4 or people carrier with massive doors parked right next to you too.

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My cars currently parked up in a lockup whilst I rebuild it along with my mates car, its quite dusty in there so the car is now covered in dust. My mates mate came to take a look at the cars and then proceeded to wipe the dust off to look at my paint and lean against my car, I know some people might say "its only dust" but its how you get spider marks/swirls in your paint and on fresh paint it really wound me up. I hate seeing people lean against my car, its not your car so stay clear ffs!

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so many things that wind me up! Some have already been said...


writing in dust/condensation

kicking the speaker covers as people get out or the side seat trims if they're getting out of the back

using the top of an open door as an arm rest

using the roof as a storage point whilst the boot is opened

using the spoiler to open the boot

pulling the wipers up when the car is parked - I know this isn't exactly a major thing, but I'd rather they just didn't touch!

parking so close that I'm contemplating getting in via the boot

not leaving notes with an apology, phone number and insurance details when they hit the car (which is how I've ended up with a dented and now rusted front wing and a bent front bumper :( )


A few months ago one of my best friends swallow-dived onto the (old) bonnet. I've known her for years so she knows just how much time and money have gone into the car, but I saw her slightly drunken state as absolutely no excuse. To say I was livid was an understatement. I know that given the state of that bonnet I probably overreacted but that isn't really the point. I don't think she has been in the car since... What a nice friend I am!

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What about when someone brings there own music to play in your car:2gunfire:

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When you rpassenger doesn't take their own rubbish home with them, they'd rather leave it in your door poscket for you to find.

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Hmm... I more or less second all of your somments, but I'll write some of the ones I've had.


* Sitting in the back - forbidden.

* adjusting seats - forbidden.

* eating/drinking/smoking - forbidden.

* touching paint and glass - forbidden.

* commenting on me driving, especially going fast through corners and s-bends - I stop and ask the person to take the bus, period.

* slamming dor - forbidden.

* leaning and hanging on an open door - forbidden.

* talking like a parrot - get out!

* using thespoiler to pull or press - forbidden.

* parking near me/driving too near me - F..k off.

* using the sill as some sort of staircase to get in or out - totally forbidden.

* lending the Corrado and my tools or carrying kids - totally forbidden.

* Someone saying: Lend me your wax and sprays/polish/whatever - NO WAY, get your own cheapscape.

* roof is some sort of shelf or sofatable - get lost!

* generally I see that most people don't care at all about their car or other poeples cars, so I tend to stay off them, and they can take the ferry!

* Thinking my Corrado is some sort of lorry that should carry all their crap/furniture, shopping ect - will never happen! It's a car designed for maximum two, to go fast and feel joyfull, nothing else, period.




Edited by Redfox

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Where to start, just general car protective issues like any enthusiast I guess, we all treat our cars with pride and car but most folks only see cars as an appliance or utility.


Passengers not been too bad, although Supercharged tends to poke everything when he gets in the car, worst one I ever had was coming back to find a group of people having a chat and one of them was using my boot as something to lean on - not happy and he soon shifted though.

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That means bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla... You get the idea ;) That means I stop the car, and ask the person to get out.

Of course saying something nice about Corrado's would swiftly change that to relatively okay - for a few minutes... ;)





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although Supercharged tends to poke everything when he gets in the car


:lol: Will have to ask Jim, whether everything is still on his VR after the trip back down from Scotland :lol:



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