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Not so much a hello, but goodbye.

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Hi guys


I know this is the wrong section but couldn't think where else to post. With a heavy heart I sold my VR6 on Thursday after a year of fantastic expensive automotive pleasure. Personal circumstances and the lack of a bottomless pit of money meant I had to cut my losses and move back to modern machinery. Without doubt the best car I've owned, that turned my head every time I walked past it, never again will cars like this be made. I've fulfilled a lifetime dream owning one and wanted to thank everyone on the forum for all your help with my various problems over the past year, you are a genuine petrol heads and I have loved using and reading this forum, it has been a great source of inspiration and knowledge.



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Goodbye. It's sad to have to sell but at least you did have one and it's nice to see that when people do have to sell they still acknowledge how great the cars are. Rarely do you see people say they are glad to see the back of them.


Good luck with modern cars (what did you move on to?) and maybe we will see you back sometime.

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Rarely do you see people say they are glad to see the back of them.


True - even the biggest money pits, people are still sad to have to sell them usually!


Good luck with whatever you buy next and thanks for the positive comments about the forum and it's members :)

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At least you've experienced Corrado ownership, so many people haven't, and as the numbers of roadworthy ones decline the chances that they ever will is getting less.


Let us/the forum know what modern/newer car you decide to buy.



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You're a better man than i mate, ive tried selling my rado numerous times and always failed. The love for the motor is too strong. I honestly believe you'll be back, but what ever your heat says and leads you, the best of luck from me and im safe to say everyone else on this forum.

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Thanks guys for the kind words, you are all so right when you say it really is a privilege for petrol heads to get to drive a Rado, I loved every minute of owning it and even though it was a money pit, I knew once I had pumped money into it I could drive it again! Such a pleasure to listen to the burble of that V6 every day. The fact that I sold it within two days says it all about how great a car VW gave us, and if it hadn't sold so quickly I might have hesitated more but such is life.


Moving on to the dark side and down the autobahn to another german marque. Looking at an e92 BMW 3 series. Been out for a test drive in a 335i and 330d, but think I'll plug for a 330i. I hope I'll be back though to a Rado someday. Good luck fellas, I am feeling such pangs of jealousy!

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