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Car perception - the ones you drive

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Has anyone noticed how they get treated by other road users when driving thier car(s)?


In my Corrado generally I've found most people give it a wide berth (maybe it's because a lot of people don't know what it as, it looks fast so they just keep thier distance and give me the right of way?). Even other people in performance cars give it some respect and always give me a nod. But then I always get the odd ****head in a clapped out or poverty spec Astra or the like hooning it right up to my rear bumper or overtaking in a manner aiming to provoke (you know the type: stuck to your rear bumper, throws the car into the overtaking manoeuvre sticking as close as possible beside you then cutting you up to get in front). But it's never the performance cars, always the standard crappy ones with two lads in, with everything to prove. Other than that the Corrado makes me feel respected on the road.


But then sometimes I borrow my mums car.. A new Fiat 500 in white with the gay stickers up the side. When I drive this I never get right of way and nearly every single other road user tries to buly me off the road. People cutting you up at junctions and round a bouts. Never let me in a filter lanes. I've been victim to road rage 3 times in this car. Twice by van drivers once by a lorry. Fiat 500's are obviously in the lower spectrum of the pecking order.


How do you guys and girls get treated in your Corrado and the other cars you drive? Have you noticed a difference? Discuss...

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I did own / drive a Fiat 500 for a 10 months..


I think the problem is that (for example) Mr Selfish Audi Q7 driver, who will arrogantly barge past at any opportunity, is incapable of appreciating how a 1.2 litre 70BHP engine actually performs, and I can only assume thinks you're trying to hold them up whilst driving even though you have your foot to the floor. Hence it's not long before the red mist descends and they have to overtake you as quickly as possible and/or cut you up and let you know how much you've ruined their day.


Regarding the Corrado, I used to get a lot more "interest" than I do these days.. lots of challenges to race and so forth. No-one really gives it a second glance these days!

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People give me a wide berth in the BMW as it's an old, massive tank that looks like it could squash a modern hatch like a bug.


In the Corrado I get mixed behaviours. Just lately it's been attracting the angry sorts looking to incite road rage. I think it because it's so fat and low to the ground, it looks racy (even when not driven in such a manner), which obviously attracts the idiots.


Doesn't matter what you drive these days though, the roads are just choc full of c*nts with chips on their shoulders.

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I used to get astra drivers trying it on all the time driving fast and tail gateing when i removed the crystal rear lights as I thought them some what chav like the challenges from these knobs stopped.

Years ago me and a mate hired a white van and spent the week being the most curtious drivers on the planet did get a few shocked faces.

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Don't really have many problems in the Corrado, just the odd numpty who would drive with the same aggression with any driver and any car.


I get a lot more willy-waving chancers when I'm in the MK2, who seem to think it's a badge of achievement to overtake a 20 year old car with 215000 miles on the clock. They all look pretty stupid though when I don't even acknowledge them and then roll up behind them at the next set of lights.

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I tend to get let out of turnings more in the Corrado than the Golf. I think it's due to people noticing an unusual car more than anything else. I've not had anyone trying to race (although I've no doubt they would win) apart from one Polo GTI a while ago. I didn't bother responding as I don't race.

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No-one bothers me much in the Corrado except some wee neds who I rarely bother with. The T25 is different -everyone lets you out and the amount of people on the pavement who point, give me the thumbs up or just stare in what looks like approval is amazing! I like the T25 cos it makes people smile, I like the Corrado because it makes me smile :)

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I have an Alfa 156 2.5 v6 and people seem to think they can drive precisely six foot behind me, maybe they think i should be breaking the speed limits everywhere, but at 25mpg i like to poodle.


I have driven 7.5t trucks for 15 years and i think courtesy went out of the window years ago, in the end i hated risking my life (and my license) for a job, which is why i now work in an office.


In my C it does seem to attract every idiot on the road who wants to race me, i dont think it matters to them what you drive if you are in front of them you are in the way.

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I have an Alfa 156 2.5 v6 and people seem to think they can drive precisely six foot behind me, maybe they think i should be breaking the speed limits everywhere, but at 25mpg i like to poodle.


yes but yours is lowered and does look fairly aggressive (in a good way) so people may want to try it on sometimes...

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yes but yours is lowered and does look fairly aggressive (in a good way) so people may want to try it on sometimes...


True, i suppose you forget how your car looks to others when its your daily........ little do they know its slowly rusting back into the ground from where it came........ :norty:

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I have a VX220 as well as the corrado and everywhere I go people drive really aggressively around me. Sometimes it can be really disconcerting...

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I was considered boring when I have a 1.6 Golf but quite cool for having a Corrado, my wife is called a tart by her colleagues for driving an R32, she was called middle aged for having a 1.6 Leon and a poseuse for driving a convertible 3 series.

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Get a few try it on when I am in the Corrado, the Alfa seems to get respect especially off those in more expensive German cars. Biggest problem I get is in the T5 as everyone expects it to be slow so am often being cut up. The two golf have been off the road so long I can't remember.

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After driving a Corrado for well over 3 years up and down the motorway covering a good 50k in that time I noticed many common behaviours from varying groups of road users.


1) Bikers - I'm relatively sure there is a solid connection with the two wheel'd army. Many occasions in the past I've had 'the nod' from bikers, something which I've since learnt whilst learning to ride myself, is reserved for the acknowledge of other riders on the road. In a few limited situations I've had more than a nod to indicate an increase of speed is requested ;) most of the time I've simply not bothered knowing most bikes will wipe the floor in a straight line with most cars. Overall I've definitely felt an appreciation from serious bikers.


2) - Outside Lane Hogers - we all know the type, large car, poss rep-mobile that despite two free lanes to the left decides the outside lane is 'his/her' lane. Rolling up behind one of these vehicles in the Corrado 99% of the time they spot the car and in a moment of panic or un-timed driving move over. I had one incident where (and this hadas nothing to do with my driving approach) almost freaked out to find me in his rear-view and almost collided with the central reservation before swerving into the middle lane. I think something about a slightly modified front end and a lower 'stance' [read ride height] gives the car a powerful road presence.


3) The Air Cooled Fraternity - never seems to matter the type; Beetle, Camper or Ghia etc always seem to approve. Often indicating a increase a speed for amusement but generally speaking, I've noticed a definite appreciation for the Corrado and its road presence.


I could go on all day but those 3 spring to mind.

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As people have said, the Corrado does endear itself to people in some unfathomable way. I'm always getting let out at junctions etc. I'm guessing because it's old and good looking people want to be behind it and check out what it is/listen to it etc. I never really had any trouble from boy racers or 335D owners etc wanting to race.


I know that if I see a Ferrarrar or Lamborghini waiting to pull out, I'll always let it go just so I can do the above.


Since having the M3 I've definitely noticed that I have to muscle myself out at junctions a lot more.

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Since having the M3 I've definitely noticed that I have to muscle myself out at junctions a lot more.


Hmmmmm... you almost feel apologetic for driving a BMW because of their reputation for the BMW lane and broken indicators. I go out of my way to indicate and use the slow lane in mine :D

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I also get people trying to race me off the lights from time to time. I shocked a 3-series yesterday by playing along, and winning :lol:


Been flashed by a lot of older VWs - Mk3s around me tend to be mostly people out for cheap old cars rather than enthusiasts, but all the Mk1s and Mk2s wave, same with the buses. I think they're a bit old for the traditional boy-racer type so you get more of the classic car vibe than the sporty thing. I know these days I'd lose to most 2.0Ts and upwards so not much point bothering to play :)



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Today after two weeks holiday I am the one blatting everything and loving it and my car.


Generally don't get any bother, if I do its young lads driving anything at all and who i let pass.

Outer lane on motorways I do find larger german car drivers(the cars not the drivers being larger !!) seem to want to intimidate you.


Other than that its other Corrado folk - most of whom I know !!! http://the-corrado.net/images/smilies/dance.gif

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