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Neighbour's kid

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I think being totally friendly and saying that you fully appreciate they're just kids and you honestly think they're nice, etc etc - but that you're an enthusiast for these cars, you're trying to keep yours in excellent condition and it would just mean a lot of they asked them to play away from your car!

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lol @ corrado sunderland hhaha... classic answer. Id say use that as a secondary option though and do as whats been said and speak to the parents - explaining calmly. going in all guns blazing wont help the situation at all tbh.

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ps. I just wish you all guys to have nice neighbors, big garage and no problems of the ones I have. It's really, really stressing.


On a more serious note, I am in the same boat as you but have learned to live with it. My neighbours are nice enough people, just a bit ignorant and oblivious of the noise they make. I give as good as I get with my car related noises, which has to be considered. Live and let live. You wouldn't want them complaining about you revving your engine, so just be careful if you're thinking about complaining ;)


When you move next, I guarantee you will think twice about moving next to a family with kids again ;)

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Tricky one this.

Can you do something alarm related? i know you can get some car alarms with proximity warnings on them or are set to be sensitive to approaching enemies...but these may cost you a fair whack and could easily end up waking you up in the night everytime a cat walks past.


what about just waiting for them to go near the car / for the ball to hit it and then remotely activating your alarm using the 'panic' function? after a while they might get the idea that is not the done thing to mess with the car and also should raise the parents attention to what they are doing/where they are?


this is the more cowardly option than speaking to the parents...... but might also turn out to be fun :smug:

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My issue is the fact that my drive way is on the same side as theirs (it just a low fence dividing it). When they kick the ball, they do it on their driveway... but simply saying every several minutes their ball lands on my car. It would not be an issue if they would decide to kick the ball for like an hour a day or so... but for past 2 weeks it was from 6:30pm till 22:30pm - non-stop. Seriously, all the freaking time!


On their side of driveway on one side they have a garage door (hence thud, thud, thud) and on the other way there is a metal gate (so once the ball is kicked to it, it makes that massive rattly metal noise). I can live with noise, I don't mind it at all... but it is very difficult for me to accept the fact of ball landing on my car.


Like I said I have a home made CCTV camera and everyday, I have recording of 5-10 times of ball on my car. I cannot stop them from playing ball on their property. Ofcourse the ball should not be landing on my side... but you know, it just does it all the time.


I will talk to parents this weekend. But I need to talk to the day rather to mum.. as she will go defensive mode straight away I can feel it already. I just never encounter such issues in my life. Yeah I had noisy neighbours in the past, or something along the lines. But "noise" doesn't do damage... freaking ball on my car does! My biggest worry is that if I start to fight over this, kids being kids will make it their mission to ruin the car even more... it is so frustrating! Maybe I am just stressing over silly thing... but it is really affecting my daily routine. I am at work now, and cannot stop thinking about it! Last night, decided to not think about it.. just ignore it and get on with life, but it is almost impossible due to the ball being so loud - you just wonder if it's hitting just fence, gate or maybe your car! horror...

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Yeah but that's not cheap. Neat idea though.


When I feel myself getting wound up by the neighbours, I just crank my music up or something to drown them out. It's a detached house so can go real loud :D I also try and remember that I was a kid once and used to do the same and in actual fact, when I lived with my parents, our neighbours moved out because of me and my brother :lol:


Must be karma catching up with me!

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i once kicked my ball over the fence and into the next door neighbours garden, i knocked on the door and asked for it back all nicely, the grumpy old c**t told me to f**k off and i was only about 8 at the time, so i took action and went into my dads garage then went onto the field that the gardens backed onto and poured a gallon of petrol onto he's fence and set it alight.


40 minutes later the fire brigade had put the fire out, so i stepped over the no more fence picked up my ball, and said to my neighbour "should have given me my ball back" and smiled at him.


God did i get a smacking off my life when the old man found out.

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Nifty story :D I reckon the crays would have recruited you if you were a bit older :lol:


yeh i only remember it as my old man brings it up every time i talk about putting up new fencing, i was a very bad child when it came to fire.

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Don't really see the point in you having the CCTV cameras if you're going to accept them kicking the ball against your car anyway.


Tolerance is a strange thing insofar as different people have different levels. The 13 year old kid should know better so either they think it's okay to do what they're doing, or they think it's not okay and don't care about the consequences (or don't believe there are any). You need to ask them sternly, but politely, to stop damaging your car each time you see them do it, and then if they don't, speak to the parents and explain calmly what the problem is. There's a big difference between kids playing, getting lost in the moment and accidentally striking your car, and them not really caring whether they do or not.


Dreading coming home is a bad sign - if you feel the situation can't be resolved, then you'd be better off moving. Don't put yourself in a situation where you end up worrying constantly about what they're doing as it's not healthy.

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ok on a serious note, cant you just put up some taller fencing where your car is parked?? or make a cheap car port?? at least you would have been able to get your car polished while we have had rain everyday the last 3 months.

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i think what kad is getting at is you should burn the children! this i agree with! that final then! fire is the key!

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Chuck Norris would burn the children. Then he would do a full ninja routine on their ashes. Then eat the ashes in front of their parents. They won't kick the ball over again!

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Chuck Norris would burn the children. Then he would do a full ninja routine on their ashes. Then eat the ashes in front of their parents. They won't kick the ball over again!


i dont care i freeking love this guy! HAAAHAHAHAHAHA!


Chuck approves anyway!





P.s the font selected for quotations makes the R and N worryingly close... giving your statement even more impact at a glance!

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Chuck Norris would possibly help, if only was not so busy with counting to infinity... So far apparently he succeeded twice :)

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There is no hope!

I sensibly talked with kids, parents and there is no way of solving the issue! Kid is relentlessly kicking the fakin ball off my car. Maybe I am getting paranoid, but all I can see now are scratches all around. Did manage to wash and wax it today, and as soon as I finished the kid started to kick the ball. It is too dark now, but I bet I will have a nice collection of ball stamps on my car in the morning! I know these will be there as my CCTV recorded it!


I am at the bring of loosing it. I'm going to stay at this house till contract ends (7 more months), and then will try move. Thought my misses does not want to even hear about it. Says I'm paranoid, what not and that it's just the car!


If it's going to carry on like this I will be forced to sell Corrado and buy Saxo or so, so I can have bit of peace in my life, what a joke!

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Some times a bit of hard ball is needed, ask the kids nicely, once, twicetwice maybe even three times but then what I did was threaten them, do it again and bye bye goes the ball. If you don't feel comfortable doing this, voice your concerns to their parents, if they fail to acknowledge your worries then next in line is the knife In the ball.


If they are the sort of sh!ts that will seek revenge then totally undoutingly and especially ignore the above statement!

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I think, sheets and blankets under a car cover, if you can't stop them kicking a ball at your car you can only try to stop it damaging it. Also your not paranoid, no one can hang off my doors lean up against it eat in it or even say bad thing about it (not in its presence anyway).


Options ;


1) Lose it, all this will do is alienate them, and turn you mad.

2) Live with it, to them its "just" a car and they don't see why its so upsetting, the long and the short is just cover it.


Is there no way to construct something temporary like a lean-to or something, how about a free standing marquee-type thing ?


Please don't threaten me with Chuck Norris who im sure would do a full ninja routine on me, make a decorative piece of attire from my innards, eat it, then i'll never try to help someone on this forum again.......

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JUST F!!CKING SHOOT THE LITTLE *******S! im actually gettin agry for you now! just confront the parents and ask them to ask there little W!!NKER of a child to kick the ball out back instead of front? either that or head stamp the little C!!NT!

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I think you need my Ex Hubby to come round - his loss of temper is something else ! I actually mean that serioulsy, he would frighten the hell out of the kids.

Top that with now he is a Champion weight trainer - he looks menacing in his build.


I really feel for you, I get wound up enough with next doors dogs barking, at least they are not damaging my car though.

Shame you are not being supported at home, at least you can voice off here and everyone understands and backs you.

Painful as it may be each day, I quite like the idea of wrapping you car up in blankets, there is some really thick bubble wrap stuff too.


What about now reporting it to the Police and Council - Perhaps even try to get out of your rental contract in view of not being advised about the neighbours.

Selling the car, lets them win and you lose, don't do it.


Good Luck

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No one cares anymore so you have to fight fire with fire, but carefully!! Pay some kids further down the road to give the little ****e a good kicking and tell them you will pay them weekly to keep an eye on your car! Worked for a mate of mine, But make sure you find out who the hardest kid in the street is and use him.. Good luck with it...

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No one cares anymore so you have to fight fire with fire, but carefully!! Pay some kids further down the road to give the little ****e a good kicking and tell them you will pay them weekly to keep an eye on your car! Worked for a mate of mine, But make sure you find out who the hardest kid in the street is and use him.. Good luck with it...

getting involved in a protection racket doesn't seem like the best idea :lol:

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No one cares anymore so you have to fight fire with fire, but carefully!! Pay some kids further down the road to give the little ****e a good kicking and tell them you will pay them weekly to keep an eye on your car! Worked for a mate of mine, But make sure you find out who the hardest kid in the street is and use him.. Good luck with it...


getting involved in a protection racket doesn't seem like the best idea :lol:


hahaha this is awesome!


in all serious though boss, i would just go n talk to the parents? at least then if they are like "kids will be kids" then u can be like "car enthusiasts will be car enthusiasts" and then kick the f!!ck out of there dad! then u wont have to feel the guilt of head stamping a child yet at the same time proving a valid point the the family and the community!


seriously though, just talk to the parents mate!

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What did the parents say when you talked to them? Did they acknowledge it was a problem or just fob you off?


I don't accept that this is "just kids" - I don't remember kicking my football around peoples cars when I was a kid! My parents would have gone ape ****.

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