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C11 VRG / Sold,new year/new C !!

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Anything less just wouldn't cut it with that interior Daren (you and ram's awesome car's) :salute:

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Interior looks lovely Daren, have you had the door panels done too?


RS301's would finish it off perfectly, you'll have to try mine on to see how it looks.

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Interior looks lovely Daren, have you had the door panels done too?


RS301's would finish it off perfectly, you'll have to try mine on to see how it looks.


Not had door panels done Chris ,thanks.Think your wheels could look quite good..

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Nice wheels but you've got them rested on the car!!


It's ok, i cleaned the bumper first so the wheels didn't get dirty !!

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Right guys that's it,

who's been able to get hold of a brand new Corrado, :lol:


She looks amazing, nice job.


Si :thumbleft:

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Right, thanks chaps.This text should have been with the pic's but i haven't really got the hang of tapatalk yet ! easy for sending pictures though.

I was going to wait until the weekend to fit the Rs's but chose to finish work early & fit them today.I'm really happy with how they look & they are in fantastic condition.I bought them from ChrisL & OSV owned them before Chris so i feel privileged that they are now on my car having been on two such great cars previously.

I agreed to buy them from Chris more than a month ago but had been waiting for Chris to travel to London for work, to save me a 5 hour drive from the south coast to Hull but it was worth the wait.

My car is now sorned from this Friday for a few months so i will be looking forward to some shows & meets next year.

Its a bit strange not having the RX2's on the car now as they have been on there for almost as long as iv'e owned the car but they are still really nice wheels which i will be putting up for sale soon.


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Look lovely Darren. Although we will barely be able to tell the difference between yours and Jason's cars now, unless you look closely at the no. plate ;)

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