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EJ Taylor

The CF Bacon Sex Thread

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ok now i have got your attention i was just wondering if there was a sticky thread on here or anything like a step by step guide on how to change the front and rear brake pads on a Rado VR6..... guna be attempting this tonight so a soon response would be great! sorry if im being blind.. i just couldn't see anything...

Edited by davidwort

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heres the fronts http://wiki.the-corrado.net/front_brakes_removal_and_refitting_guide.html


Dunno about the vr6,but im assuming they are similar to the 16v in that you need a wind in tool for the piston when you do the rears.I hired one from a local motor factors place for about £3 so you should be able to find one cheap enough.

heres what i mean with the wind in tool... http://forums.vwvortex.com/showthread.php?3950797-Rear-Brake-Pads-Change-DIY


hope this helps

Edited by dubweiser

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Barsteward! :lol: I can feel a banning coming on- you just can'y play with people's emotions like this!

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I've created a warning/deterrent so this doesn't happen to any other poor unsuspecting bacon lovers.

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That's probably the best username on the forum now.. lol! :)

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You mess with the CF when it comes to bacon, ham or cheese ... and you get branded for all to see! :grin:

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Bacon is the best invention in the world.



And this is the best thread this year

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Bacon is the best invention in the world.




Where would it be without the bacon slicer?.......and it has to be asked which came first?

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:lol: i cant help but laugh now... the OP put a title thread to attract people for help, but all people have been talking about is the free bacon.. or the lack of... :lol:

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i new that bacon would be the only thing to guarantee a large audience.


bacon is great, bacon is pure, bacon is almighty! thou shall hail bacon, praise bacon, for bacon will soon retain its place as the true king of Europe!


I've created a warning/deterrent so this doesn't happen to any other poor unsuspecting bacon lovers.


i love my new user name!

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