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24V Renshaw

What to build......? Your ideas....

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I am currently in the process of having an extension built on the house, which will include a heated, lined and insulated garage, finished in white, with resin floor etc..

So my dilema is this. What do I build in it?


I love my current Corrado and have been going the whole, keep it standard route, but I have to admit, I am realising the part of building cars I love is the fabrication, custom work, but completing it with an OEM finish where I can.

I think for the first time ever I will have a "project car" which I will build up slowly in the new garage, clean and dry and then a daily for the horrible salty nasty run to work every day.

This has to be something which is cheap to start, initial shell or chassis, but don't mind spending some money on it over time.


So far I have these ideas...


- Using the current Corrado as a base car, strip it down sell bits off and build a Mid engine, Audi V8, RWD Corrado from it, with OEM finish.


- Buy a kit car chassis of some sort and gradually build something up


- Buy a Porsche Bodyshell and build something very slowly over years and years....



Edited by 24V Renshaw

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I have a vision in my head of a corrado wearing audi UR quattro arches and bonnet. Would need the 4wd to match.


Or an Ultima GTR kit, seem quite reasonable to me (wasn't their someone on here building one)


---------- Post added at 12:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:52 PM ----------



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Get yourself anything built before 1960

After November (2012) it won't need a MOT and as its pre 1973 it's historic tax that's free !

No seat belts are needed,cheap insurance,(even with a huge V8)

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Knowing how good a job you did on your last Corrado, I'd love to see you do another project on this one but if you have the money / option to build something serious like an Ultima then you might as well do that!

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The only problem I see with the Ultima, is I would spend £2500 on a chassis and then have to wait to buy the next stage, so wouldn't actually be doing anything.

At least with the Corrado project I can sell seats, wheels, engine etc... buy the Audi V8 and have a projec to get stuck into...



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Why not get a cheapish Corrado from the for sale section, sell what you don't need off it the convert the remainder into a 4wd V8.



Edit:- Or put an F430 body on it. Ooops, sorry

Edited by Wullie

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Your main problem is your going to be bored of it and sell it as soon as its done.

For most people I'd say build something you're going to love forever, for you I'd say build something that will have a value to it in the future.


With that in mind something along the lines of a kit car/hotrod will be far better suited to you then spending 20-30k on a 10k rado.

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Personally I would only build something where there was a well defined end point. Look at everyone on here who's tried to build a mad Corrado. They all end up running out of time / money / patience and sell them on as uncompleted projects or they never get finished. Not saying you would be the same, but history does have a habit of repeating itself :D


At least with something like an Ultima, it's recipe based and therefore you know for sure there will be something usable at the end of it, instead of a pile of metal that was once a Corrado, looking sorry for itself and neglected.


Plus, I'm not sure a Corrado is really the tool for the job. Maybe a MK2 as they're 10 a penny and most things have been tried and documented on them already.

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/\ with a TVR AJP8 engine in it :D


Years ago when I was driving around in a Stealth 16v turbo MK2, I thought it was the quickest thing ever. That was until my mate took me out in his Westfield. To this day I've never experienced cornering speeds like it. No other car has pushed my shoulders into the B frame mid corner so hard that it hurt, and there wasn't a hint of tyre squeal. Mental machines. And that was only a 1600 crossflow jobbie, so pretty gutless!


The basic Caterham kit (yes, the one the chimps on Top Gear accidentally on purpose knocked off the axle stands) always seemed like a good value one to me, plus the support and spares network is vast. And then when you're bored, stick a TFSI lump in it.


If you really want a Corrado project, the Schimmel's rear drive 24V turbo was a thing of beauty. Maybe you could reverse the Haldex somehow and send power to the front wheels too?

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Its a difficult one to advise really, as a corrado lover and with it being the corrado forum I would advise doing something corrado based but not mid engined, it becomes a bit of a mongrel and even with all the engineering and fabrication skills in the world it will never be OEM, it will be very cool but it sort of becomes a car built around an engine so less of a corrado and more of a kit car with corrado bodyshell in which case you might as well just get a kit car!

Seeing your previous projects have you considered a 4wd 2.0tfsi corrado? If I remember correctly then can be tuned pretty easily and with 4wd it would be an animal! Forgotten his forum name but shaun put an audi 8p dash in a corrado and it looked awesome as well!


However, something like an ultima would be brilliant for track days and they are extremely fun! Plus they hold their value well, sadly people don't seem to want to spend much past £3k on corrado's no matter the condition or spec!

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What's your skill set? Metal work? Fibreglass?


If you can do almost anything I have a good one for you. Get a rear ended vx220 or one with a bust engine, fabricate new engine mounts and rear subframe, bolt in a supercharged jag v8 and corvette manual box and finally find a way of lengthening the rear clam to compensate for the bigger engine (or do without a boot).


Caral used to do them and charged silly money upwards of 60k I think, but the car had 420bhp and weighed under 1000kg!


Or do a DIY Honda into an Elise as its a well trodden path so lots of people can help on seloc.


RX7 with a rover v8?


Twin engine and 4wd the corrado like some did to golfs in the 90s?


wish I had the skills to do my dreamy ideas for real lol.

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Mate just strip the rado down and r32 it, then paint it yourself..... great base to start with

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With your skills I would go down the bay window campervan restoration. Get one needing body restoration but go with a serious engine and running gear and dropped to the floor. That way its going to be pretty quick, useful for the family (not 2 seater) and will hold value when its finished if its kept OEM looking. I'd love to do this.

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I think I have decided. I am going to spend the next year or two getting the house finished and the garage prepared and then start an Ultima Build. It just makes sense to me.





Edited by 24V Renshaw

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