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do you enjoy driving your corrado, or worry too much about its condition?

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This post may lead to a bit of a backlash!


I am a Mystic Blue VR6 Storm owner and I love driving my corrado!


...however, as much as I love my Storm, and still grin when I drive to work in it most days, I could never consider myself as someone who looks after their car like some people do, nor could I really be bothered to. I saw a thread on this forum where someone was questioning, "why don't people look after their cars?"....I guess I fall into that category!


When I hear people spending their weekends polishing, buffering, waxing their cars, I think "good for them"...... but there's probably 5 million other things I could think of that I would prefer doing!


Some people have spent a fortune on their corrado's, keeping them in pristine condition......then they come to sell up and explain that they have a folder full of £10k's worth of receipts, including a £2k respray, and have ensured that their car only drinks V-Power and is locked up in a climate-controlled garage...... only to find out that they can only manage to sell the car for £5k!


Now my Storm is in VERY average condition for a 17-year old car..... 160k on the clock, gets taken through a car wash once every couple of months, has a standard service from the local garage when its needed, and an odd oil change when required. Basically just enough to get it running ok and through its MOT......It has a few dinks and donks on it...theres scrathes on most panels, a crack in the windscreen, a few marks on the leather, a spot of rust round the wheel arch, etc....


The truth is when I come to eventually sell it, I reckon I'll be quite lucky to get £1,800 for it, even though its a Storm.


I still have as much fun driving it as someone with an "immaculate" standard storm, who has spent £12k on keeping it looking mint....in fact you could argue that I have even more fun driving it because I might be inclined to drive far more conservatively if it was pristine.


I guess my point is that some people worry too much about how their car looks, and how to keep its value as high as possible, and forget the reason why they bought one in the first place......because they are great fun to drive!!


Don't get me wrong, buying a car with a folder full of receipts is great for the buyer, and I'd always take a car with history over one with none...... but as a seller it doesn't make sense to me to spend £££££'s on your car knowing there's absolutely no chance you will ever recover it!.... The VR6 is a great car, and I really mean that.....but at the end of the day, it's just a car :-)


......or am I on my own with this one?

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Youre not on your own... Theres plenty of people like you and for me theres nothing rong with that. Each to theyre own way of enjoying a car.

Some of us take it more like a hobby (like my self) and yes its a strange thing when people spend 10k on a car just to sell it on after a while.... And that happens a lot around here. And then theres others that have more then one corrado.... One for a run around and the other.... A 1/1 scale car hobby.

Thats me anyway. With 3 corrados thats how i like it

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Haha, you're not on your own. My wee car sadly has taken some knocks over the years and the paint is fading and peeling. As much as I'd love it to look mint, it's not on my list of priorities - enjoying driving it is.


In that respect, I never skimp. I'll put genuine parts on where possible and make sure she's in fine fettle machanically. Was only when I met a forum member and apologising for how bad she looks that I'd keep saying things like 'Oh yeah, it's got R32 bushes', 'Yeah, I fitted braided hoses', 'Oh, I forgot I'd done the door handle repair', 'I've got a Mocal oil cooler', 'it's got 312mm front brakes', 'I uprated the engine mounts', 'I fitted the tranny tunnel cover kit', 'yeah, I fixed that with the headlight switch repair kit', 'I did the chains, tensioners and tappets when I had the engine out', 'I managed to get some fairly new springs' and so on.


Of the above, virtually none you could tell by looking at it, but all of them help make it a really solid car that will go for years. She just looks crap and no-one would pay more than a grand for her :(


So in summary, I do what needs done, but not cosmetic or pointless upgrades.


I'll join your club :)


PS - I do however love tinkering away and doing all the work myself. Corrado is without a doubt the easiest car I've worked on, and I've had 27 other cars!

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I like to think I have a healthy attitude to my Corrado onership, driving my VR6 whenever I can and don't worry about using it in winter or where I leave it. I like to think that Im a fairly sympathetic owner, and keep on top of routine maintenance and only use approved parts, with servicing at the local VW Specialist. However, I don't spend every spare moment forensically going over my car and spending thousands on it. My 1996 car is in good condition, low mileage and everything on the car works (including the spoiler, sunroof, heater etc), it is fairly standard but has some paintwork imperfections and some minor rust. This will get sorted as and when, but I don't get hung up on it. I have AA mechanical breakdown cover, so if the worst happens I should be fairly unaffected..


Having said all this I keep my eye out for that elusive pristine car, then my attitude may change!..

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Hell it's your car and you enjoy it the way you want to.


The only thing I got worried about with my car was using it every day for short trips - my engine is more leggy than yours (184k) and it's starting to sound tired and it forced me to stop using it as a daily purely because I thought I was running it into an expensive or early grave.


I only worried about the stupidity and carelessness of other motorists when driving mine every day - otherwise I just drove it and enjoyed it.


That said I do feel enough of an attachment to the Corrado in general that I couldn't be responsible for running one into the ground, or breaking one!

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I'd say I'm like you in the way that I enjoy my car, and have it mainly to drive, but at the same time I think you're being a bit harsh on people who take pride in their motors!


I can't see why you can't have it both ways? I'm driving mine daily at the moment, and I think that when the insurance is up for renewal I'll probably switch to driving it full time. I like not having to worry about keeping it my car pristine, being able to chuck a load of waste in the back to take to the tip, not worrying about parking at Asda, but at the same time I do take pride in it. Washing/waxing/detailing isn't really a chore - washing by hand is probably less than an hour a week, including getting everything out and putting it back, and then a wax every 1-3 months depending on how the beading is.


Also as it's my main car at the minute, I don't necessarily want everything to be perfect, but at the same time I do want everything to work, and for all the trim to be present. Not because I'm trying to keep the value up, but more because I want my car to be a nice place to be. It's funny how on a daily car, how interior rattles take priority over trolley dinks.


I have spent some money on my car on wheels, suspension, Schrick, etc., but this is not because I want my car to be a show queen, but it's because I want my car to be the way I want it.


I also find that by tinkering and keeping on top of the little problems, the car is less likely to let you down when you don't expect it. Preventative maintenance is a lot better than a big garage repair bill.


You don't need to neglect your car in order to enjoy it.

Edited by tony_ack

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I know what you mean. As far as I'm concerned I think you should do both - drive it hard and maintain it well. There is a lot of satisfaction to be gained from looking after it and cherishing it after all a lot of those things actually help it perform better and survive for longer which for some of us who have the long term bug is quite important. Its quite satisfying to fix things that have broken or refurbish things that have deteriorated.. I also think that there is a special bond that builds up between man and machine when you really start to look after it - I hesitate to call it a relationship! Taking a bit of time on keeping it all together means you inevitably start to know your car really well - try reading Zen and the art of motorcycle mechanics to understand what I mean. There is definitely a borderline between all of that and becoming OCD obsessive but I think its probably in a different place for all of us and more than a few us may have crossed it once or twice!

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I guess I fall in the middle somewhere, I have it as a project car and occasional driver, with plans to clean it up. But whatever gets done to it is on a real tight budget and in no way intended to turn it into a mint example.



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I drive mine and don't worry too much. Make sure it is maintained properly and enjoy it regardless of the condition. There's no point owning it if you don't enjoy it.

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I think it's about how the car comes to you.


My G60 had a tired interior and a few dings on the outside and average paint. I made it fast and incredibly fun to drive, and I didn't mind throwing stuff in it or leaving it in a car park. Having said that, I didn't like leaving it on a street in a big city while I slept out of earshot in a hotel or flat- the thought of it being stolen and burned was too much. I cleaned it when I had time but didn't fret about it and never saw the point of trying to make it cosmetically perfect.


The VRT I am a lot more protective about. The paint and the interior are in far better condition and I would like to keep it that way. The internals obviously need care (heating up before driving, very regular oil changes etc.). Despite this, I haven't lost sight of the point of a car like this- it gets driven, and I enjoy it most when I'm in it, not with it sitting in a garage.

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My car looks great, ive had it years, worked hard onit & spent plenty of dosh to get it that way. It is my hobby to improve it & try to maintain it so it will last & feel great in years to come..... I do however drive it hard when I feel like it because its mine & I can. There are shed loads of "types" of owners on here and I really dont judge folk for their approach no matter how they use theirs.


I do wonder why, when people critisise my choices or other peoples choices..... so whats your point?

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I would like to keep it looking stunning, but as it does a 60 mile round commute 5 days a week, it is pointless getting too precious about it. The best thing about Corrados is the driving experience, so that comes first for me, although I would love it to be spotless. Hate the fact that however far from other cars I park it, it still seems to get knocked on an almost daily basis!!

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My last one, and the next is likely to be on a shoestring budget. So for that reason, preventative maintenance at home is the only way it can be, as I cant afford hefty garage bills. I have all the gear when it comes to detailing, but again I give it a wash once a week, and a wax once every couple of months. I actually dislike detailing though! How anyone can enjoy sore hands, and a back that aches for days after trying to hold a rotary polisher I don't know! Personally for me though its a necessary evil. Lets not kid ourselves, we all like the chufties. Hell, theres even a thread! We're not gonna get that with a car thats a bit of a ****ter. We like to protect the paintwork as much as possible, because for me that only adds to the pleasure of owning a Corrado, and you take pride in a nice clean car. I don't park in the furthest space at the supermarket, and take two spaces to ensure against stupid people though!

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I do however drive it hard when I feel like it because its mine & I can. There are shed loads of "types" of owners on here and I really dont judge folk for their approach no matter how they use theirs.


I think this is the key point here. I don't think any one way is right - I'm glad we have the Kip & Judiths who are down to concourse level (how many Corrado's are there in that kind of condition? VW's own MUSEUM doesn't even have an example that good) and I'm glad we have those who use them occasionally, and those who use them as dailys - the Corrado SHOULD be driven.


I remember at a CCGB annual meeting several years back when we talked about ideas for a National Day and one suggestion put forward was how about combining the National Day with a track day at something like Silverstone. One member was quite vocally opposed to this (I don't recall who!) as he felt the Corrado should be, essentially, cherished and that abusing it round a track was not the right way. I don't share that viewpoint - I want to drive and enjoy my car... but as I said, I'm so glad there are people keeping these cars to concourse standards because there aren't many left now and thank god someone cares enough to keep a few in such good condition.

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My rado is indeed just car.....BUT I do love it & have always looked after things I own. I personally can't understand people who spend money on something like a car & don't really care for it but each to there own. As long as your having fun & not hurting anyone.


Suppose in the long run your Raddo will be a nice project for someone one day:)

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I do wonder why, when people critisise my choices or other peoples choices..... so whats your point?


It's them wheels man :lol: only joking mate, really I am. It wouldn't do for us to all do the same with our cars to be honest and whilst i actually love tinkering and constantly trying to make it look perfect i know perfection doesn't really exist but i like to get pretty close to it.


I do however also like to drive it too and always remember taking it round the ring in 2008 and I didn't potter round either, not to mention all the camping gear and 2 other people going all that way probably added a little more wear to the interior but thats how it is :)


I am fortunate that i have a Corrado daily too in the 8v and this gets not much love at all as i know it'll fall apart with rust one day so i have a collection of chalk & cheese really.


I do often comment on some folk's threads but at the end of the day it's completely down to the individual but putting a different front end on a corrado and that kinda thing does wind me up i have to admit.


They're my thoughts anyway :)

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Lets not kid ourselves, we all like the chufties. Hell, theres even a thread! We're not gonna get that with a car thats a bit of a ****ter.

Not true at all! Got stuck on the M1 on Friday (Transit on fire under a bridge...) and even with no grille, plastered with months of road dirt and viewing it from the previously-keyed side with the most obvious rust and flakey wheel arches I still had someone wind down the window to tell me how much he liked it :D


To me, it's a car - it gets driven every day (usually hard), washed when I feel like it and fixed when it needs it. One of my big reasons for getting a car I cared about was to learn about the general mechanics and to learn to do some of the jobs myself and I've had that in spades. Short of writing it off I'm planning to keep it so I don't resent spending money on it when necessary, and when I replace things I tend to swap them out for uprated parts. Getting from 'badly lowered, Magnex exhaust' to the spec list in my sig hasn't really cost that much and I still have a huge pile of parts to fit when I get around to it, everything from an oil cooler to some 263s! More to the point I've had great fun doing it.


My mum still disapproves (especially after my fire!) but I always put it in perspective by reminding her that the depreciation of her new Mini Cooper over the next year will exceed everything I've spent on the car so far including buying it :D



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Cant say much more that hasnt been said before but each to their own.


I wish I could drive mine more as I love driving it but I also love making it look great. ( I spent 2 days cleaning it for god sake :bonk:) There is nothing I would love more than to drive it around a track at full attack as thats what I have built my car for,driving. I did the same with my old valver and changed all the running gear to make it handle and go like the clappers.


Plus nothing like hearing my Corrado on full chat but I do miss the 12v induction roar.


Corrados are meant to be driven its a car thats what they are made for, even tho mine is cooped up in the garage more than I would like but that comes down to personal circumstances

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Not wi them wheels :lol:


Yeah agree with Stone on the fact that even when they look ****e they still get the odd nod of approval, opening the shop the other day (work) and a guy who saw me get out of the 8v said is that your VW? Yeah i said, that looks awsome :lol: it actually looks naff to be honest as the thing is scratched to buggery and rust on most of it too but i kinda get what people mean.

Edited by KIPVW

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And that's why you need two of them. One good for knocking about in and one minter for the weekends.

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Well I drive mine daily as its my only vehicle, but if it as much as squeaks, off to the garage she goes.


I am lucky enough to have Stealth 8 miles down the road and able to afford fixing it, (good job as I can't fix it), but then I don't abuse it either, so to me they are just running repairs, including my 6000 mile ish regular oil change, yes, I really do this and have done the whole 10 years I have owned her. It shows too, my car does not use oil and there are no engine rattles.

And as was said earlier, you would lose more on depreciation on a newer vehicle.

I do however, open her up and give her some hard driving - as most folk know, after the engine is warmed up of course.


Bodywork does bother me and I am just waiting to get the detailing done, although to be fair she has just one tiny ding on the drivers door, rear bumper creases and 3 very small rust spots, plus the usual stone chips on the bonnet.

I have her usually garaged and do treat the leather etc, on top of washing her reguarly and several polishes a year.


So I guess all in all, I get the best out of my car in both areas without being over the top in any.

I would love to get her re-sprayed though.


Best chuftie I had was this week - Vince and Jon agreed you could knock 100,000 miles off my engine clock and no one would know that either the engine, bodywork or interior had done more. She is currently on 192700 !! Dead chuffed.

Another 30k and I will need a new clutch and............. by which time she won't be in my best books again !!! :-)

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It actually looks naff to be honest


In the yellow one then? :LOL:

Edited by VAG-hag

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I drive mine every day or so and fix whatever needs to be fixed and service it regularly - if I had two I might consider being even nicer to it, but one costs me enough as it is! The only thing that annoys me is the paint and some small rust spots, and these are always on my to do list. I say enjoy it while you can...

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Not wi them wheels :lol:


Yeah agree with Stone on the fact that even when they look ****e they still get the odd nod of approval, opening the shop the other day (work) and a guy who saw me get out of the 8v said is that your VW? Yeah i said, that looks awsome :lol: it actually looks naff to be honest as the thing is scratched to buggery and rust on most of it too but i kinda get what people mean.




Yeah I understand that don't get me wrong. The point I was trying to make though is that you take pride when its looking its best, and prefer it when its nice and shiney! :cool:

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