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Modern car headlights... is it just me?

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Well seen as the eves are getting darker sooner, we're all having to drive home in the dark. So, ive noticed that personally i find car headlights extremely bright, i first thought it was because the corrado is low. But im now drivin a standard B5 Passat to and from work and still stand by this opinion. Doesnt matter if its a dark side road or well lit main road.. i find modern car lights, esp 4x4s really bright.


Tonight i was on a dark country road and coming towards me was a car, i thought had its full beam on. When it got closer it was a 4x4 with dipped beam on... i just thought wtf, i could barely see until the level of the car changed.


Is it just me or has anyone else experience blinding car lights?

Edited by Critical_Mass

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Yep. Hate driving in the dark these days. I get dazzled by the bright lights on some modern cars.

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I just close my eyes and hope for the best






Glad its not just me then, i also get headaches, or aching eyes. These modern lights, i assume hids, are just way too bright. Numerous times whilst passing the car there's often been a second or 2 where ive been unable to see anything due to being dazzled :?

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Was thinking the same thing earlier this evening, sometimes I flash my lights thinking they've got full beams only to be dazzled even further when they put them on for real in retaliation

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We need a few massive car accidents due to being blinded by these modern headlights and the rediculously high position of these headlights (as found on all these 4x4s and vans etc.) before anything will get noticed and changed. It´s the insurers who will start the ball rolling if more and more accidents and subsequent claims happen due to being blinded.



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On top of that, there's morons who thinks its "cool" to have fogs on as well. Makes it twice as bad. Those idiots get the full beam treatment.


---------- Post added at 10:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:16 PM ----------


We need a few massive car accidents due to being blinded by these modern headlights and the rediculously high position of these headlights (as found on all these 4x4s and vans etc.) before anything will get noticed and changed. It´s the insurers who will start the ball rolling if more and more accidents and subsequent claims happen due to being blinded.




Bad way to change things, but i agree i cant see things changing unless something big happens.


The new Range Rovers and the Nissan Duke i find worse than others.

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Just drive a T5, you don't these issues:thumbleft:


Oh wait, I must be blinding the 'in the weeds brigade' :cool:

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I agree with all of the above, the intensity of some of the lights is a bit much. You also get people obviously with weight in the back not using the height adjustable switch to compensate.

Had a 4x4 dazzle me the other day on a country road, again couldn't see straight and when i got some vision back I immediately swerved because I was milli seconds from ploughing through some teenagers wandering down my side of the road (no paths) all in dark clothes. properly shook to me to think 'what if.'

Now it seems to be weekly that some unlit jogger or dog walker suddenly appears at the side of the road.

Also why does the Juke need 6 lights at the front? like a fat TVR Tuscan

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What about those nigh time driving glasses they used to flog at BP petrol stations on Father's Day!

Remember those!


The strange thing with the headlights being bright is that you always look at them for some reason?! Lol

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Just drove from Portsmouth to Plymouth, its almost all a roads (bar about 10 miles of m27) and I had quite a few hairy moments! Its mostly new bmw's and merc with xenons, and even when they are 200 yards behind you, it blinds you from the rear view mirror! Totally agree with every other point too about accidents before it gets better unfortunately.......

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Also why does the Juke need 6 lights at the front?


Had thought that when i was writing Nissan Duke. Side lights, those awful round headlights and then fog lights - v ott.

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What about those nigh time driving glasses they used to flog at BP petrol stations on Father's Day!

Remember those!


The strange thing with the headlights being bright is that you always look at them for some reason?! Lol


Yea I do find myself staring at them trying to work it if they're on full beam or not! Then I wonder why I've got a head ache.

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those pesky 4*4's are the worst offender i feel as you get blinded by both rear view & wing mirrors when they are behind you!!!

only last night i had to flick my rear view mirror down 4 times due to this issue.....grrrrr!


however, i have found that since fitting one of KUR2Y's uprated looms & new bulbs i often get flashed when only on normal beam & can get my own back on the oncoming 4*4's when necessary ;) lol

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I just close my eyes and hope for the best


Me too! I've found for the past few years that modern car headlights are too bright for my liking. Originally, just high spec/exec cars, but now it seems to be most newer cars.

And if a car has misaligned lights, then at least with a car over 3 years old it gets checked once a year for such things, but with a new car it's unlikely to be picked up at all.

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Often found the same thing. Xenon headlights on big SUV's are I think one of my pet hates.. I can't honestly say I've ever found "normal" headlights to be so inefficient that I've needed an upgrade!

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I hate them too! I do think they will cause accidents, my girlfriend even agrees that Xenon lights are too bright and admits to closing her eyes to oncoming Xenons! She doesn't drive thankfully, but clearly shows that they cause discomfort.

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I've noticed this too in recent years. I thought it was my eyesight getting worse with age, but my last eye test showed I had better than 20 20 vision!


4x4s and SUVs should be in fields not roads. Roads are for cars ;)

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Funny because this morning in daylight, i had a big Range Rover heading my way with headlights AND full beam... in day time. What an idiot... he got flashed and sworn at. He prob still didnt click :lol:

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Everyone stop.....


I've found a use for stupidly bright headlights. Ever been stuck behind someone with their high intensity rear fog lights on?

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I have noticed it most in my mirrors driving up and down the M6. I find Mercs and Audis are the worst, especially when they sit behind you for ages! I quess its because the cut-off of the beam pattern is so sharp, that they can be normally set quite high (for example to the bottom of the windows of other cars) as during normal driving hardly any light at all is projected up. The problem is that whenever they hit a bump in the road, or are on any sort of a gradient which is quite alot in the UK, the car bounces and the headlight cut-off raises and lowers with the car, blinding everyone in the process. I thought they were meant to have automatic levelers, but they would have to react so quick it just wouldnt work.


My solution to the problem was to buy a Jeep wrangler. Not the most sensible solution I know...but im alot higher up so dont get dazzeled as much, does still happen every now and again though.

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