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It may have been done on here but ... Is it me or do people dislike Corrados and Corrado drivers?!


I've only owned my dream car for 2 weeks and the amount of people up my @rs3 makes me feel like I've done some awful crime! People seem to hate corrado drivers. I thought when i got the car there would be an epidemic of neck injuries from people nodding in appreciation as i rolled by. Oh no my friends ... all i feel is derision!


I've checked the records, there's been no increase of eye injuries or people squinting and thinking, "my word ... he could satisfy my wife/girlfriend/partner/husband/boyfriend". No-one I have noticed has fainted due to the lack of blood flow to their brain after they get an immediate erection at the sight of my purple "machine". And women don't do what they shouldn't do at the sight of my purple C.


I even got a smirk from a pre-pubescent teenager the other day ... probably cos he thinks vauxhall corsa's are the thing to have. PRICK.








MOTHER ... hold me!!!


Anyway ... What's your story?

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There are so many muppets around i think Jim Henson is Jesus Christ himself.


My view is jealousy, pure and simple, someone has got something i want, lets ruin it for them.

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I tend to find petrol heads and those that appreciate a good car give the corrado the recognition it deserves. Most others though tend to see it as a banger simply because the majority are worried about having the newest most latest gadget and if you don't have it well then your done for.

My neighbours have a new car every two years just for the sake of it and I find all the youngsters that work for me are quite happy to get a 5k loan just to buy something modernish, when I have quizzed them it's always the same don't want to be seen in a rust bucket they say!

Your first chariot should be £300 or less it's a right of passage in my book.

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The Corrado is in its teenage years still so isn't a cool classic yet-


To most people it's just a car you would have if you can't afford a newer one. Therefore you must be a low life.

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Hmmm, that's a funny one. I don't think that I ever met someone who is envying the Corrado. Well, apart from a very few, but they said it with a smile.

Of course there are a limited number of people who may wish you dead or worse, just because you drive a car, never mind being a sports car. But that is more because of their quite enthusiastic view on save the whales/Poles/tiny miniature monkey on a micro island on the other side of the planet. Nothing to do with your car being a Corrado really.

Then there's the petrolhead types, and most of them are too young to know what a Corrado is anyway, because they follow the latest trends in space shuttle spoilerkits (and think they have a true sportscar when they install a huge turbo... well, no) for their ford Ka's/C1/107 whatever, even though they have an ever nailpolishing girlfriend who told them to sell their floor speakers/sportscar/life, and they should at least give a thumb's up when seing one who is not a victim of their girlfriends ongoing iphone messageing: "well, you have you sell your car, now that we've been going steady for 5 days and we'll have a baby soon and my minidog needs a diamond necklace, and my 5 girlfriends don't like "our" car......." Well, that's because they are too stupid to appreciate one, never mind that they are not even able to drive one. (I vote on taking off all powersteering to get safer roads).

Nah, the one who actually know about Corrado's are the soon to be middleaged ones, who either had one when they came on the market, or wished they had one, but are now confined (read: sentenced) to death in a vauxhall 4 door saloon, and who is usually not out late at night when we are driving our Corrado's, plus the sunshine rides which are pasing them too fast to ever see what is was that blasted past them.

But when they do recognice one, and they are in a position to admire them, they walk over and begin to chat and appreciate the man/woman who is actually a thinking individual, and who are enoung grown up to choose a propper car themself. Nice talks come out of that ;)

In two years of Corrado ownership, I've only seen two other Corrado's once on the roads in my country, they are that rare. I don't think it's because they are off the roads, but merely a result of the above.

I actually only got nice comments every now and then on my Corrado.

Would that cast some light on the matter?


ps: my own brother is dead envy but he every time chose a mega long 5 door estate and fill it up with crap that he never use anyway ;)

Well, it's a free country, but I would chose a Corrado any day with it's super driving abilities and sheer FUN! I also use mine for fast holliday driving and there's ample room for a tiny bit of luggage, rest can be bought on the trip anyway. And honestly, who need all the crap that people bring along on vacations? No, I thought so.




Edited by Redfox

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I dont think its personal mate, These people are plebs and just look at the registration letter and not the car! They think its an old banger and could not possibly outhandle or out perform there 1.6 eurobox!! Real car enthusiasts will know what a corrado is, I have had new jag owners and expensive BMW owners raise a smile at me in apreciation! Ignore them and laugh at them

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As has been mentioned, to most people it's simply an old car being driven by someone who can't afford something newer. That's because they simply don't know what it is and only look at the ageing style and older number plate. But I've had quite a lot of love for the Corrado over the last couple of years too by the few people who do know it.

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I really don't want to be appreciated by, or even acknowledge anybody that doesn't know what a Corrado is. It is fair to say I have dumped girls in the past over their view of cars, my cars certainly!

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around When I first got mine I had the full mix of face to face chats and chufties at the petrol station and within minutes there were people chasing me and cutting me up. It's weird how polarised the public can be.


I agree with previous posters about it being jealousy. Not specific "i want that cool Corrado" but more "i hate that b@stard who thinks he's cool, i'm going to teach him a lesson" type jealousy.


I also concur that anyone who actually knows what it is generally loves it, waves or stares or joins in the chufties!


I don't generally get trouble from true petrol head cars (perhaps because I don't try to engage or bother the many Porsches, Ferraris, hot Audis and BMWs etc around Nottingham), only from those who are trying to prove themselves by showing off that their uninteresting turbo van or modern hatchback is quick off the lights. The Focus STs always win of course but it's funny how they always must prove it to themselves against my stock VR6 in a straight line race!


My most recent case in point was rather disappointingly a 90s Polo! I was a bit sad that my VW brethren tried to run me off the road :(


...at the end of the day, I fear a lot of people recognise a sporty looking car and perceive it is out to prove something just by its existence. Therefore many people rise to what they see as someone who needs knocking down a peg or two. The trick is to not engage. Sure, enjoy your car when it's safe to do so, but don't over take or behave aggressively around someone who may feel the need to respond.


in short: a corrado is a red rag to a bull for those not mature enough to just let someone enjoy their own cool car.

Edited by G-Lad

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  Oldtax said:
It may have been done on here but ... Is it me or do people dislike Corrados and Corrado drivers?!


I've only owned my dream car for 2 weeks and the amount of people up my @rs3 makes me feel like I've done some awful crime! People seem to hate corrado drivers. I thought when i got the car there would be an epidemic of neck injuries from people nodding in appreciation as i rolled by. Oh no my friends ... all i feel is derision!


I've checked the records, there's been no increase of eye injuries or people squinting and thinking, "my word ... he could satisfy my wife/girlfriend/partner/husband/boyfriend". No-one I have noticed has fainted due to the lack of blood flow to their brain after they get an immediate erection at the sight of my purple "machine". And women don't do what they shouldn't do at the sight of my purple C.


I even got a smirk from a pre-pubescent teenager the other day ... probably cos he thinks vauxhall corsa's are the thing to have. PRICK.








MOTHER ... hold me!!!


Anyway ... What's your story?


you my sir are one funny F*cker!


hahahaa love it

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Now, take for instance a Ferrari 308GTS/GTB. I think most people would agree that it is a sportscar. I think many people would say it is also a very nice looking car, if not one of the best looking cars ever.

Even I would like one.

But there is a problem: it's not fast.

Or rather, it is not fast enough compared to a brand new Focus ST or alike.

The Ferrari is for example a 1978 model, where as the Focus is only a couple of years old if not newer.

The question here is then: Is the Ferrari lesser of a sportscar, just because general development have taken a family shuttle to an even higher performance level?

And is the Focus ST a sportscar?

The answer is no.

Of course not. The Ferrari will allways be a sportscar, and the Focus will allways be a fast(er) family transporter in it's own right.

They were built for a purpose.

And at the end of the day the Ferrari will be way too much of a mouthfull for an ordinary car-driver. Both in driving and in maintenance and practicality.

Exactly the same with a Corrado, though it is not nearly as limited as a 308. But a 4 person car? Never been that.

HGP in Germany have released a new 730 Hp turbo version of the Golf. I know the 650 Hp model of the Golf 4 very well, and it's never been a sportscar, even though it's faster than most.

What it represent is a compromise for the ordinary man, who want something fast, underdog styled, and yet very versatile in doing what ordinary cars do most: bring people to their job or carrying a lot of crap.

I think it is this fact that some prople cannot accept with their ego. Why not just enjoy it and smile to the people who sacrifice a lot of what normal cars do, to drive a sportscar. And knowing that they at some point in their life may debate this standpoint of driving a sportscar with their partner etc. etc.

And then there's the other problem.

The thing is that sometimes some sportscar drivers (or owners, because they don't dare to use the car for what it was made for) look down on the fact that the Corrado for example, were after all a VW, a carmaker that built for the people, even though it is made by Karmann.

That is where the smell of the Italian horse hits your nose.

Where the Ferrari 308, the Corrado, the Elise and many other special made cars excell is not that they are good at doing everything. Not at all. But that they are good in doing ONE thing only. Driving with no compromise.




Edited by Redfox

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There's a lot of angst, anger and frustration on the roads these days, so I wouldn't take it personally.


I get the same tailgating, blocking out junctions, no one letting me join a dual carriageway etc (all the usual schitt we encounter on our daily commutes) in my Rover 1.4 and Alfa 147. Arguably 2 cars right at the very bottom of the pecking order :D


In 9 years of Corrado ownership, 1% was encountering pr1cks, 90% was nonchalance and 9% compliments / acknowledgment.

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  Jim Bowen said:
just throw spark plugs out the sunroof at them if they are too close

That's exactly why they are hated! You would never get a broken sunroof on a focus :)


Seriously though I think a lot of folk just ain't that into there cars and only see it as means from a to b and maybe c if there feeling adventurous, there are lots of nice cars near me porches the old sort, an ac cobra , couple of aston's and an r8 I have observed and have watched them go by with not a sole lift there head or show interest, I think another big factor is the colour the louder the better if you want to get noticed and like clothing its whats fashionable at the time, I love my dragon green paint work with its pearly glint but most of the time it looks quite dull granted a lot of dirt is hiding the paint but I just think it will never stand out quite as much as a flash red beastie or nugget.

I wouldn't take not getting noticed to heart if does bother any one buy a bright pink Peugeot with a broken exhaust that should do the trick.

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Or seen from a socio-psychological point of view, that some people who do not have a high level of personal integrity may represent that with an certain form of insecurity that expresses incoherrence between on one hand inner values such as ethics, moral, upbringing, ones personal boundries, and on the other hand outer values such as societys demands, other peoples opinions and action, the law, ones own action, tooling (read: schooling) etc.

If there is a divergence between those, they may grow a type of social behaviour that can have several forms of manifesting, like the obediant type, who never argues, just do what they are told untill one day a triggering mechanism bring them to explode in the face of others. Could be road rage, or seeing someone in a Corrado and thinking "he's a prick, I'll go molest his redicously low car", giving you the finger etc. The fact that very many people spend an increasing amount of time on social medias, in stead of interacting directly with other human beings, can sometimes increase that, because they only get about 20 percent from the language, and on the internet for example, it's "free" to say any sort of thing. That is, that you don't have to face someone because of your expressions. They lack the reminding 80 percent which is an interpretation of our body language, facial expression, tonality and many more.

This is also sometimes seen as the reason why people do a certain action, and afterwards deny it. Because they are subjected to their inner values, who is in conflict with their outer values. Some people even gos as far as recogniseing that objectively they did it, but that "me" is not their real "me" so for now thay claim to not having responsability.

Another mechanism is that when one part in an interpersonel relation gives up his or hers responsability, the other unconsciously picks that up and therefore gets a double responsability, like "I don't like the way you drive moron, so now I'll show you how it's done"-type of thing, when they bring their ego into it.

Many of us are brought up in a society which is based on a level of obedience, rather than our own conscious reflection of what we should do in a specific situation, which is where society is going towards now, and this can give growth to a way of expression that is sometimes seen as envy, general frustration, anti social behaviour etc. It is not a determined patern of reaction, but merely an explanation, that as adults we should work lifelong with our understanding of ourself, this leading to reflection, which again gives space for modifying ones own action, which again leads to an increase in ones personal integrity.

People with a high level of personal integrity does not feel the need to express themselves in an antisocial or misbehaving manner, they just do what they want in an integrated way, while taking care of their own wishes, and others ditto, integrated.

Theses mechanisms are more prone to act if a person is put under a lot of personal stress, like family burdens, crisis (being that personal or on a society-scale), job expectations, heavy economy and so on. Personal integrity have no relation to social rank, personal income, succes or lack thereof, but is a function of ones upbringing and lifelong self analysis.

Like Kevin said, it's not a personal thing against yourself or your Corrado for that matter.


Ha ha, good one, I vote for the pink peugeot ;)




Edited by Redfox

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  Jim Bowen said:
just throw spark plugs out the sunroof at them if they are too close


Or just 'accidentally' slowly veer onto the rumble strip and throw up gravel and assorted other debris up onto their bonnet. That makes them pull back every time :D

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  Redfox said:
Or seen from a socio-psychological point of view, that some people who do not have a high level of personal integrity may represent that with an certain form of insecurity that expresses incoherrence between on one hand inner values such as ethics, moral, upbringing, ones personal boundries, and on the other hand outer values such as societys demands, other peoples opinions and action, the law, ones own action, tooling (read: schooling) etc.

If there is a divergence between those, they may grow a type of social behaviour that can have several forms of manifesting, like the obediant type, who never argues, just do what they are told untill one day a triggering mechanism bring them to explode in the face of others. Could be road rage, or seeing someone in a Corrado and thinking "he's a prick, I'll go molest his redicously low car", giving you the finger etc. The fact that very many people spend an increasing amount of time on social medias, in stead of interacting directly with other human beings, can sometimes increase that, because they only get about 20 percent from the language, and on the internet for example, it's "free" to say any sort of thing. That is, that you don't have to face someone because of your expressions. They lack the reminding 80 percent which is an interpretation of our body language, facial expression, tonality and many more.

This is also sometimes seen as the reason why people do a certain action, and afterwards deny it. Because they are subjected to their inner values, who is in conflict with their outer values. Some people even gos as far as recogniseing that objectively they did it, but that "me" is not their real "me" so for now thay claim to not having responsability.

Another mechanism is that when one part in an interpersonel relation gives up his or hers responsability, the other unconsciously picks that up and therefore gets a double responsability, like "I don't like the way you drive moron, so now I'll show you how it's done"-type of thing, when they bring their ego into it.

Many of us are brought up in a society which is based on a level of obedience, rather than our own conscious reflection of what we should do in a specific situation, which is where society is going towards now, and this can give growth to a way of expression that is sometimes seen as envy, general frustration, anti social behaviour etc. It is not a determined patern of reaction, but merely an explanation, that as adults we should work lifelong with our understanding of ourself, this leading to reflection, which again gives space for modifying ones own action, which again leads to an increase in ones personal integrity.

People with a high level of personal integrity does not feel the need to express themselves in an antisocial or misbehaving manner, they just do what they want in an integrated way, while taking care of their own wishes, and others ditto, integrated.

Theses mechanisms are more prone to act if a person is put under a lot of personal stress, like family burdens, crisis (being that personal or on a society-scale), job expectations, heavy economy and so on. Personal integrity have no relation to social rank, personal income, succes or lack thereof, but is a function of ones upbringing and lifelong self analysis.

Like Kevin said, it's not a personal thing against yourself or your Corrado for that matter.


Ha ha, good one, I vote for the pink peugeot ;)





Can you explain that again one more time?!

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Nah, Denmark. So sorry for my bad English.


It's all about our patern of behaviour. Some we are conscious about, some not. But the level of personal integrity is based on some values we call inner and outer, our own and the ones brought on to us by society. If they are not in tune, we can get strange antisocial behaviour, and reactions like described in the thread, occour.

The thing is, that we can chose to do something about it. But sadly there are many factors that influence our descision on that.

I just felt to fill in on a theorethical side of things, while having small talked away earlier on the thread ;) There's a reason for everything (ultra short version ;) ).

Maybe it became unclear as I listened to Joe Bonamassa taking it away on a guitar in "Woke up dreaming", while I wrote ;)




Edited by Redfox

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  captainredeye said:
I tend to find petrol heads and those that appreciate a good car give the corrado the recognition it deserves. Most others though tend to see it as a banger simply because the majority are worried about having the newest most latest gadget and if you don't have it well then your done for.

My neighbours have a new car every two years just for the sake of it.


One of my close and mates and his family are like this. 60 plate or go home. He's old man bought him a 30k A5 black edition (were both 23). It was a laugh seeing his face as I waved him at xx speed in my ex Rado lol. He drove it and was shocked as to how it could inspire so much more confidence when giving it some compared to his A5.

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I never noticed any of this indifference mentioned in the Opening Post. To the best of my knowledge, no-one has ever gone out of their way to be overtly nasty just because i'm driving a Corrado..... if someone is nasty, i just put it down to their bad manners or questionable road-sense/behaviour rather than them taking it out on me because of what i'm driving.


For the most part, i've had nothing but compliments about what i'm driving. No-one has ever said it's an out-dated piece of junk or been disparaging toward it in any way. Most people who comment about my Corrado obviously know it's pedigree and appreciate what is now looked upon in most circles as a modern classic. :)

Edited by VR-Sixy

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  Endeegee said:
I never noticed any of this indifference mentioned in the Opening Post. To the best of my knowledge, no-one has ever gone out of their way to be overtly nasty just because i'm driving a Corrado..... if someone is nasty, i just put it down to their bad manners or questionable road-sense/behaviour rather than them taking it out on me because of what i'm driving.


For the most part, i've had nothing but compliments about what i'm driving. No-one has ever said it's an out-dated piece of junk or been disparaging toward it in any way. Most people who comment about my Corrado obviously know it's pedigree and appreciate what is now looked upon in most circles as a modern classic. :)


Agreed on this one, never had any strange Corrado related treatment. However driving any kind of fast car will attract kids wanting a race, to be honest the corrado is getting on a bit now for facing against modern hot hatches and winning but it is the enjoyment of the very direct feel it has with the road. Would still hold its own in the twistys though.


My fave moment is when someone tries it on when I'm driving my 59 reg, stage 2 tuned Octavia VRS TSI which is making about 270bhp.......they nearly always loose that one unless it is an M3, M5 or current gen Scooby.

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