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old tax discs

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did anyone else see the adverts in some of the newspapers a couple of days ago??i think it was elite registrations asking for people to send in old tax discs and they would pay you for them...but what would the want old discs for?? :?

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Dunno, but i've got a few.


I would imagine its to help the combat tax disc fraud, but I don't know quite how sending in old discs would achieve it.


How much were they paying for them?

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didnt say..all it said was send in the old discs and we will send you a cheque if your not happy with the amount we will send your discs back to you

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How confusing..


Elite Registrations had no mention of the deal on their website, but then their website looks in serious need of a redesign.

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just found this..

Twenty-five years ago, people were questioning the sanity of anyone who bought a personalised car registration from Elite Registrations. In fact, had you done so, the registration would have proved to be a superb investment. Registrations continue to have a long-term investment potential and we are still as busy as ever, buying and selling.


NOW, we have a new potential investment opportunity for you. As you may have seen in the national press we are buying and selling old expired tax discs. We know the market inside out and can confidently recommend that you try investing yourself. Of course, this is risky, however, if you are looking for something truly unusual to give as a present or to keep yourself, then this colourful piece of motoring memorabilia is worthy of consideration.


It is extremely difficult to find complete sets of tax discs for any decade, however, we have invested heavily in the market and are able to offer sets that sell from £50 (+ VAT) and could, if our forecast is correct, double in value within a few years. Tax discs were first issued in 1921.


Finding unique and highly unusual market opportunities is the secret of truly big investment potential. We have no idea if our forecast will be correct, if we did, we would be selling for much higher sums. If you like taking risks then buy now whilst prices are low.


The price list below should prove self-explanatory.




One disc for each year from 1980 to 2003. PLUS one disc from the seventies, one disc from the sixties and one disc from the fifties. A total of 26 original tax discs in good condition.


Price £150 plus VAT. (Total = £176.25p). Postage (including recorded delivery) and packing FREE.




One disc for each year from 1950 to 2003. PLUS one disc from the forties and one from the thirties. A total of 56 original tax discs in good condition.


Price £200 plus VAT. (Total = £235). Postage (including recorded delivery) and packing FREE.




As Investment Set (Ref: 2) but with the addition of one from the twenties.


Price £275 plus VAT. (Total = £323.13p). Postage (including recorded delivery) and packing FREE.

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If someone is willing to buy them, keep them, If you have a set of old tax disc for your C, IF they are worth something, they´d be worth more if they all had the same Reg plate on them surly!!! :idea: Im sure they are worth even more with the MOTs to go with them!!

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Give me strength, what ever would be the point. Can't see 'come up and see my complete tax disc collection from a marsupial beige Morris Marina' being a great pulling technique.....hardly a collection to get the pulse racing.

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They will only be paying good money for very old tax discs. The last ten years they probably have buckets fulls of them...

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Surely the tax disc isn't worth keeping unless it's from your car... who'se going to want a tax disc from an unknown car from 1980?


But then again people collect stamps...

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Well it seems from the above article that people *do* want old tax discs... Bizzarre but true. I can't help but wonder if no-one had ever thought to collect this stuff until this company came along and decided to offer it..

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A total waste of time....


I do actually keep all my tax discs for the Corrado though and keep them with the history :oops:



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