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Your Worst Nightmare!!

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Made the mistake of parking under a tree recently. Little did I know that 'Big Bird' lived in the tree.


Here is the result :mad:

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something about corrados i think

i spent four hours cleaning and waxing my c last week went to a mates house parked next to his golf (no trees or phone line or anything to perch on anywhere near it ) went to leave 20mins later and it looked like a whole flock of the flying rats had emptied there load on it. (wasnt a spot on his golf) FECKIN BIRDS :mad:


probably getting their own back as a couple of weeks ago i was doing about 60(honest) a pigeon flew out in front of me just missed the windscreen only to get sucked down and under the spoiler i had to hold the switch to make sure it didnt get crushed by the spoiler when it lowered at the junction (was pretty dead allready though)

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Everytime I park my rado on the driveway it get attacked, just after washing it! so it goes in the garage nowerdays!!!

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The missus 206 picked up a nasty bit of paint damage on the bonnet about 6 months back now from a turd that hadn't been removed in about 30 seconds. (Damn the paint is thin on Pugs!)

She crashed it and got a whole new bonnet on the insurance in order to fix it... ;) ;)

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Sorry mate but I thought it looked funny. Put a smile on my face so it can't be all that bad :)

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My ex girlfirends parents have a blackbrid which attacks wing mirrors...


when I visited I used to get given a 'sock' to cover it.. pun intended :lol:

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Can see the funny side now - thats why I posted the pic. I wasn't too amused scrubbing it off though :x I think he'd had a vindaloo the night before!!


Luckily no damage was done.

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Nothing worse than having bird S**T on your car, just the other night i parked my car under a tree on my drive and the little bas***ds s**t all over the rear nearside wing :mad: and the following day for what ever reason i parked the other way round and the fuc***s s**t all over the front offside wing :mad:

Just washed it and i'm never parking under that bl**dy tree again :p

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mind would be if someone would key my car... AUGHHHH :mad: thats would drive me crazy or if someone lets down my tyres coz then you don't know if you have a puncture so you just waste money on a new one...

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No... waking up without my penis is my worst nightmare. :wink:

Loaded Weapon! :lol:


Indeed it is mate :lol: Classic film

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sh1t happens :lol:


would rater have a bit of sh1t on the car than a big fat dent from a transit or no car at all :wink:

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