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Cina's classic green vr6

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Hi all,


This is is my second corrado my first was a satin silver 16v that started to convert to vr6 but ended up not having any time or patients to finish the project so I sold up and bought this classic green vr.


Made the most of today's nice weather and gave her a good clean and went for s nice Sunday drive.






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so deciced its time i finally pulled my finger out and start sorting stuff out, decided the engine bay let the car down so started working my way through various thing stripping rusty brackets off for powder coating and a bunch of stainless bolts ordered to go back on when there all done.


not many pictures as i totally forgot.



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had a few spare hours today so started to polish up a spare rocker cover id bought,




a quick blast with a pad sander and few grades of wet and dry left me with this as the previous owner had partly polished it up




a few grades of polishing wheel later left me with this could do with a going over with some decent aluminium polish but pretty happy with the result



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finally got all my bits back from powder coating along with all the stainless bolts have arrived still missing a fair few for various things but should be enough to keep me busy for a while.





managed to get an hour stripping more parts off and managed to get a couple of bits back on





still a long long way to go yet as its still in a right state but that should be able to give it a good scrub end of march.


Edited by cinadine

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not had much chance to get much done with long working hours an kack weather but scraped a an hour or so here and there.


spent the afternoon stripping down the fuel rail which was fairly rusty around the edges and the original paint had seen better days so sanded it up and gave a couple of good coates of vht.





came up pretty well i think but cant see the finish lasting too long as it seems abit brittle



also managed to strip the old engine cover and give it a spray up with some old satin silver paint i had left over from my last corrado.



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so been busy over the last couple of weeks finishing off a few bits and getting ready to put it all back together a holiday inbetween slowed me down a fair bit but all sorted.


manifold got a good sand down and a few coated of vht.



while i was at it the throttle body had a god clean out as alot of crud had built up



injectors where looking a little worse for ware so they got a good clean up and a coat of paint



also painted up the engine cover and a few other buts to match the manifold




once everything was finished i spent most of the day putting it all back together and back on the car, all went well until i came to crank it and found the one of the injector seals ****ing fuel so lots of swearing and tool throwing followed until i called it day and ordered some more seals to go on when i can get some will to look at it again.

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so seen as summers just around the corner decided to pull my finger out and get cracking on wasnt too happy with how hot the engine runs so decided to have a bit of a coolant system rebuild and give the car a going over sorting little niggles out with a good service chucked in for good measure, spent the last couple of weeks gathering parts.



managed to get most but still missing a few bits should be enough to keep me going for a while




started stripping the front end down ended up been slow going as nearly all the bolts and screws are pretty rusty only ended up having to drill a couple of headlight screws as the heads where ruined,the radiator which has seen better days.






drained the system removed the radiator and carried on stripping it down to get the lower manifold off for painting, seems to be very rusty around the front end not too much to worry about but still doesnt look to great so will be giving it a paint in time to come.




started early this morning to get a crack on started by changing the water pump out which i havnt seen done in the history so though it'd be worth doing, got the old out and it looks to have been a good call nearly every fin has been damaged.




nice new pump



also started to swap the rocker cover gasket as the old one was weeping slightly and was greeted with this sat looking at me when i got the cover off




so looks like its another big job added to the list was going to do chains and clutch at the end of the summer but looks like this has forced my hand

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Oh dear! We're there any symptoms that it had broken like that? I noticed on my strip down that my top guide rail had snapped in two. The chains and the lot were replaced less than 6k ago too so not good. I have noticed over the last thousand miles or so that mine had become more noisy but put it down to a worn head. On the plus side, you caught it before serious damage occurred!

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Not really noticed anything backfired abit on idle but put that down to the battery going flat and Iv not had chance to reset it properly yet.

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right bit of an update got hold of my mechanic about doing the chains and we both decided it would be easier to pull the engine and do it out the car instead of messing about in the bay, so seen as the engine is coming out i thought id rather get the best out of it by stripping the block down to have a good steam cleaning and a lick of paint as well as having sub frame and the rest of the engine brackets powder coated.


engine practically flew out no trouble at all from any drive shaft bolts or manifold studs, took about 3 hours dodging showers so not too much effort to make doing the chains a lot easier.






when the engine was out i set about splitting the box and clutch, wasn't really surprised the clutch had seen better days as its been bit of a problem since i bought the car






and slightly creepy but couldn't resist


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Top work there fella!


What did you use to paint the plastics? My rocker cover is discoloured on the raised part at the alternator end, and with everything else being cleaned up, this is gonna stand out so need to do something about it.

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Top work there fella!


What did you use to paint the plastics? My rocker cover is discoloured on the raised part at the alternator end, and with everything else being cleaned up, this is gonna stand out so need to do something about it.


cheers, i used heat resistant black Vht to paint most things, plastics it didnt take too well to without lacquer but parts that get hot make it cure so there no problems with them really.


awesome - another sth yorks 'rado fan!! orate from from Barnsley mate :)


aye think theres a fair few cropping up round here now, was much easier tinkering with them in that dry unit in barnsley though.

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