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Still..... Smoking

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Ahem. (Not wishing to get into a flame war but.)

I *have* seen significant M$ version incompatibility problems, actually. In both directions. (The missus can't use her NEWER Word on her machine at home to view docs saved using their older version at work, and vice versa for example, and my thesis clearly used some feature of Word 95 that is no longer available, so that won't work in Office 2000 either.)


I wasn't even suggesting Star Office either. I was suggesting good old, boring, reliable, cross-platform, open-standards HTML. Not even XHTML. Or Flash or DHTML or Javascript or any of those other things that never *quite* work how they are expected to. (But if you *were* to use Open Office (the free one) you'd find it saves it's files in plain old, boring, reliable, cross-platform, open-standards XML anyway.)


PDF is good, cross platform stuff (assuming you pay homage to the mighty Adobe), but you still can't view it natively in your browser, so stick to HTML is my vote.


Just don't get me started on M$ ..! :)

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write it in MS word, and save it as HTML! ;) solves the problem nicely ;) :p

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Scott, just do it in word mate :roll:


Ignore the people that have chips on their shoulders about Microsoft products.


Most of us will have 32bit MS office that supports back to 16bit Word 6 (95) so won't be an issue and it can be converted to HMTL at a later date if need be.

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Well I am MCSE so I will be quiet on this one :-P :D


I will do a bit of both then.... a thread as I go along and a formal 'HTML / WORD' document....





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I just like freedom of choice, Kev. We all know M$ would love it if we all simply didn't *have* a choice, so therefore I'm playing the part of the strong free-software advocate just to balance the number of people who use M$ all the time and don't see the point in changing.

Can you imagine how much worse it would be for the majority of M$ users if there were no anti-M$ people? If M$ didn't even have to *attempt* to compete?

But that'll do, I'm not going off on one.. much.. ;)

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Ha, no. IRIX... (Tho my web browser is running on the Linux box under my desk for the mods that wanna check the browser tags..) ;)

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I never had you down as a bitter, anti-MS Unix nerd Matt.


It's sad imo. You lot all suscribe to some ridiculous conspiracy that Gates is trying to rule the world with his software :roll:


95% of the planet use MS because it's affordable and works, so much so Linux tried to woo MS customers with a fancy windowsesque "blue curve" desktop. What's that if not joining them because they can't be beaten? And what is Star Office if not an MS office clone?


Windows, Linux, UNIX et al....... all different ways of the doing the same bloody job. This anti-MS attituted P's me off no end.....

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I never said I thought he was trying to rule the world...

It's a proven fact that Microsoft will use pretty much every trick in the book to prevent anyone at any point in the supply chain from offering their customers a choice. Which I'm sure any business *would* do, but let's face it, if 95% of the world drove Fords, and Ford refused to sell cars through companies that also sold other makes, I'm sure most people's opinions would be different.

Linux has implemented a windows gui, that's true, but then M$ copied that from someone else anyway. The look and feel are quite different (or at least, can be configured to be quite different) to the M$ take on a window-ing OS.


They are all ways of achieving the same thing, that's true. But then, cars - they're all ways of getting from point a to point b, right? No difference there either then? So we may aswell all buy Kias?


Honestly, if M$'s product was sooooo much better than anything else out there, I'd pay for it happily. But it's not.

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I've yet to see a serious office incompatibility problem.


*waves hand around*


I've got one, but you've called time on this off topic discussion.. :)

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Don't feel sorry for me.. My choices are sound, based on my knowledge of the industry. I choose not to be one of the herd, and that includes my choice of car too!! (phew, back on-topic) ;)

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I choose not to be one of the herd, and that includes my choice of car too!! (phew, back on-topic) ;)


You and 50,000 other people eh? And in the case of the cavalier, one of millions :wink:


Sorry..... definitely end of subject.

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ZZZZzzzzzzzz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :sleeping:



Talk about a thread hijack :mrgreen:


This is you lot :- :agrue:


bye 8)




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LOL we were having a perfectly legit discussion about the best way for Scott to present the information he produces when doing the engine rebuild, that's all!! ;)

Completely on-topic, imho! :)

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