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BBA Reman ABS Pump Reconditioning

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Not sure if this is the right place for this but wondering if anyone has used this company to recondition an ABS Pump for a VR6?




Phoned them up and it's £135+VAT and delivery if they can fix it or £35 if it's BER. 3 day turnaround, seems like a good deal.

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Spoke to them a few weeks ago, they have reconditioned units for about £450 too. I've just got one off ebay which i should be sending off next week hopefully...

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Yes I have dealt with them in the past - in fact I went down to their place in Rochester this time last year to take an ABS unit and to have a nose around. They know what they are doing.


Best wishes



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I've fitted 2 faulty ones already, they were sourced by garage so I haven't been charged for them. If I had been charged I would have racked up about £500 in labour by now.

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Well the one I sent was too old to refurb. Only option is a refurbished one from Germany for £300. Unsure of the best way to go.

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Yeah, Beyond Economical Repair. Just placed the order so I'll wait for them to say its discontinued

Edited by livi1982

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  livi1982 said:
Well the one I sent was too old to refurb. Only option is a refurbished one from Germany for £300. Unsure of the best way to go.


Out of interest what would this mean? That the pistons were out of tolerance or worn, or perhaps some corrosion inside the unit? I've never taken one apart so have no idea what's in it and what would cause it to be BER.

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The cost of dismantling it and replacing the components and building it back up and testing is more than a complete unit. Didn't give a report on why they couldn't fix mine.


There's probably only a few simple things they can do to fix it. Common issues that they tried with mine.


They will send one from Germany in a few days that has been reconditioned so should be like new. Will also send my old unit back. New one comes with lifetime guarantee and if it doesn't fix the fault I can return it to them for £45.

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Good alternativ to either VW expensive unit or VW very expensive repair kit...


My garage made one descent unit from two old units... but my ABS doesnt work.

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Just a wee update. They couldn't fix my unit so opted to buy a reconditioned unit with lifetime guarantee from the. Took about 7 days to come from Germany and dropped it off at garage yesterday. Should hopefully get car back next week all sorted.

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Does the recondition item does look externally different at all..? I.e blasted/painted metal body..?

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The new unit didnt look any differnet to me apart from being in better condition. New unit was fitted but the garage electrician is off on long term sick so I have it back still with a faulty ABS. Need to decide if I'm going to wait for them to get in contact about sorting it or look into another garage.


Only real change for me is the ABS light comes on as soon as you drive off where as before it took a while and could be reset with restarting the car. The way it is now seems to be caused by a proper issue as before I thought it was a dodgy connection. My logic might be flawed though.

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  livi1982 said:


The new unit didnt look any differnet to me apart from being in better condition. New unit was fitted but the garage electrician is off on long term sick so I have it back still with a faulty ABS. Need to decide if I'm going to wait for them to get in contact about sorting it or look into another garage.


Only real change for me is the ABS light comes on as soon as you drive off where as before it took a while and could be reset with restarting the car. The way it is now seems to be caused by a proper issue as before I thought it was a dodgy connection. My logic might be flawed though.


I had the issue of abs light coming on as soon as setting off, approx 10mph. Also getting pump fault error code on vag-com. Changed pumps and ecus's. Turned out to be a blown fuse behind the glove box. There is 2 fuses and 3 relays. Check these are ok as these will throw up all kinds of incorrect error codes on vag-com.

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I have the issue where it comes on after driving for a while, usually when the engine gets hot, and a stop/start of the ignition makes it go off again. The VAG-COM error I get is on the left rear outlet valve. Will check those fuses though.

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I used them was a bit of a waste of time, gave me lots of hope over the phone but they can only electrically test them (id already done this & they didn't tell me until I rang them up when I got my unrepaired pump back), mine also have the left rear outlet valve error but was on a G60 not a VR

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  iceviolet said:
I had the issue of abs light coming on as soon as setting off, approx 10mph. Also getting pump fault error code on vag-com. Changed pumps and ecus's. Turned out to be a blown fuse behind the glove box. There is 2 fuses and 3 relays. Check these are ok as these will throw up all kinds of incorrect error codes on vag-com.


Will give this a try when I get home. Don't know which Relay numbers I should be looking for? Will there be a diagram in the Manual?

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