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What should i do?

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I'm in a bit of a dilemma in whether to keep my recently purchased storm grey 93 vr6 or sell it and purchase my old vr6 which has just been offered back to me which was previously edds corrado on here.


My plans for my current vr is to make it a bit sharper and perhaps use it for a couple of track days and just enjoy it so i was planning to add suspension, exhaust and bmc etc but my old one has all of this already fitted.


But then i love the storm grey colour along with the cream heated leather and with the bodywork sorted it would be a lovely car.


On the other hand my old one is pearl green which isn't my favourite colour but it benefits koni/h&r struts, fully rebuilt stealth rebored engine with 80,000 miles, vibratechs engine mountings, a bmc, black leather which i fitted and the body work is all there.


My current grey one needs £500-£700 spending on the bodywork and is totally standard so i still have to fork out for the suspension and other bits to turn it into a bit more of what i want.


What shall i do?


Hers a pic of both cars, first the storm grey


And the green one


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You got space / time to work on and store both cars? Buy back your old one, get the engine and all the decent bits swapped from that into the grey one, and the less good bits into the green one.. then sell the green one, and then get the bodywork sorted out!

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I'm sure you wouldn't struggle selling the Storm Grey one just looked at who is viewing the thread and the vulture's are circling mate if it was me stick with the storm grey. Jim are you for real all that work I'm sure you would do it :rolleyes:

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Well yeah that's also an option, but the body on the green one is solid, just the colour:-( Also the engine in the grey is spot on, doesn't burn oil like all the others I've had and doesn't smoke at all when given a bit of stick


The grey one would be a slow burner project but it's just a shame about the arches, my heart says keep the grey and head says go with the green/-)


Funds are low at the mo too as I have a tennant moving out of my flat so I may have to find rent and mortgage next month, thats why the green already sorted option is appealing, if I had the cash I would have both.

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I'm sure you wouldn't struggle selling the Storm Grey one just looked at who is viewing the thread and the vulture's are circling mate if it was me stick with the storm grey. Jim are you for real all that work I'm sure you would do it :rolleyes:


What has whether I'd do it got any bearing on anything?! Some folks are mega hands on with their cars and wouldn't think anything of doing an engine swap over a weekend.. I was just throwing it out there :) I'm not one of those types of people but plenty of folks on here are!

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If the storm grey is a slow burner why get rid? It's got a good engine like you said plus you don't like the colour of the other to me you need to keep the grey as you would regret it in time. You know how it goes mate you sell it get the other and 2 day's later new tenant in flat stick with it you know it make's sense.

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Well I'm going to have a drive in the green one tomorrow night, it's had lots of new bits like lambda etc so I'll see how it goes, ill report back...

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What body work needs to be done on the grey car? It looks ok in the pics. I'm biased anyway as I have a pearl grey myself ;)

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Most people say buy on condition and not color. I've taken a look at the pics and the green does seem a better bet. All fixable of course but your point about the green one being better condition is valid.

















I fell in love with the grey though :)

Edited by Portent

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depends if you want biased or unbiased view!


i bought a dragon green vr last year and really disliked the colour. enough to sell the car even though it was mechanically sound.


id have bought yours in a heartbeat for the price you paid, but seeing the bodywork now its much worse than i was thinking! if your guy can sort for £700ish id be going down that route, but if you do decide to sell the grey one let me know..

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As someone who got his old car back I'd say go for the green one. You know the car, you know it's a good 'un, and you know its history. Ok the colour might not be ideal but is it really that bad?

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depends if you want biased or unbiased view!


i bought a dragon green vr last year and really disliked the colour. enough to sell the car even though it was mechanically sound.


id have bought yours in a heartbeat for the price you paid, but seeing the bodywork now its much worse than i was thinking! if your guy can sort for £700ish id be going down that route, but if you do decide to sell the grey one let me know..


The price I was quoted for the bodywork is a very top price so I would think it easily could be put right for 4-£500, the chap I went to see is v very good.


Just weighing up what suspension exhaust and all the other bits the green one has on it and it does look appealing, I'd have buy all that:-(

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can you work out some sort of deal with getting the guy who owns the green one to swap everything over and sort out the paint a bit later on?


i guess a lot would come down to how much the green one's being offered back for? if its a great deal i'd be lookign at a 6 month loan/overdraft giving time to swap everything between the two and then selling the green as a standard low miler..


other thing i'd be looking at is keeping the green one, but putting the cream leather in. cream in green & black in grey are much better combo's imo..

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I think you'll struggle to sell the grey one as is, there's a lot of decent cars hanging around that just aren't selling. The pillar will be much worse once the screen is out. I'd expect to pay £1K for replacement metal and paint job for the kind of job where rust wont be showing though after a few months.


I like the rarity of the grey car even though I own a green one :)

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Maybe an obvious question, but why did you sell the green one if it had all the toys and was everything you wanted in a Corrado? Could it just be a case of looking back with your rose tinted glasses on? I seem to remember that when OSV bought back his silver car that it was no time until it was gone again.

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Nowt wrong with green and the silver one looks like a rot box if its like that on the outside wats it like on the inside


Get the green one wrapped if the colour is that bad

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Maybe an obvious question, but why did you sell the green one if it had all the toys and was everything you wanted in a Corrado? Could it just be a case of looking back with your rose tinted glasses on? I seem to remember that when OSV bought back his silver car that it was no time until it was gone again.


I actually swapped the green one for this



I had a scooby years ago which had prodrive everything and was great fun but i just didn't feel right driving the impreza so i sold up and went for the grey one i have now.


And dox i disagree on struggling for a sale, yes there are alot of corrado's for sale but most of them are either green or blue and have a boring spec.

The close up pics really show a poor light on what really is a lovely looking car especially with the cream heated leather contrasting with the grey. It's also had a lady owner since 2006 and has been very well looked after, mechanically its excellent.

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Had a spin in my old car, went well and has got everything on it that i'm looking to do to my grey one.


But i'm still none the wiser and i do love the grey, my car seemed to have a bit more feel in its steering compared to the old green one? maybe a trait of it being lowered?


Green one sounded alot better as i remember with the bmc and exhaust, but starting to feel guilty about not carrying the grey one through as i told myself i would, and everyone needs something thats not perfect so they can tinker right?!

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How much is the grey one worth...if its not worth much you could keep it if space allow as "spare parts" for the green one. The green one has the mods you want and is ready to be enjoyed so go with that.

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Had a spin in my old car, went well and has got everything on it that i'm looking to do to my grey one.


But i'm still none the wiser and i do love the grey, my car seemed to have a bit more feel in its steering compared to the old green one? maybe a trait of it being lowered?


Green one sounded alot better as i remember with the bmc and exhaust, but starting to feel guilty about not carrying the grey one through as i told myself i would, and everyone needs something thats not perfect so they can tinker right?!


I think if you go with the green one eventually you will feel its lacking something....you've already let it go once before. The grey one represents a challenge and it sounds as if you like it more despite the obvious work and cost? But hey ho what a dilemma to be in...... eeny meeny miny mo with Corrados!

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Now I'm starting to think have both! use the green one for track fun and restore the grey one and keep it nice and shiny?!


I've got a new tenant in my flat too...

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Well whatever happens the grey one is staying! it hit me today quite how attached i've got to it, so i'm just gonna get on with it now, might just order some coil overs for her too:-)

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Well whatever happens the grey one is staying! it hit me today quite how attached i've got to it, so i'm just gonna get on with it now, might just order some coil overs for her too:-)


this is defo the way forward. grey is bloody awesome, so if you can work out a way of getting hold of the green one for the good bits and sorting the bodywork you'll end up with a cracker. :thumbleft:

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