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Stalling problem fixed!!

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New fuel pump and coil pack seems to have fixed stalling problem! Picked my car up Fri night, but didn't want to report back until I had been able to give it a couple of days and a couple of good runs.. the drive back from High Wycombe barely warmed it up! But went for a run up Henley Fairmile and around Peppard on Saturday and it was great :D


Apparently, their top technician at Rye Mill worked on it and I have to say I am impressed.. but, bit worried cos have read on here where stalling problems seem fixed and then come back after a couple of weeks so will keep you posted. For now however, Rye Mill get my vote as main dealers.


However (always a however!), I noticed today when getting on bypass, that as I wound up through second to third, pushing it quite hard as was warmed up, had quite a noticeable wobble in steering wheel, like it was trying to pull to the right as I was accelerating?! Anyone else experienced this? Maybe it is just that I have been used to the MR2's light steering as the Corrado is quite a bit heavier, and maybe I just need to hang on to it more?


Anyway on the whole I am very pleased as it seems to be running better than when I first test drove it and the stalling has stopped and I have a nice steady idle now!



Happy Corrado Owner :)

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glad you got it sorted!!

Steering is comparatively heavier but shouldnt pull to anyone side on a flat straight surface - first step would be to check tracking and camber before anything else

If these are okay, it could be a wheel bearing ( if accompaied by worsening vibration/noise going round a corner)


Incidentally did you ever lose revs momentarily when accelerating before the fuel pump/coil was replaced?

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£189+VAT for a coilpack and £111+VAT for a fuel pump last time I checked + about 2-3hours labour I reckon.....


I'll start the ball rolling with £423+VAT...... any advances?



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LOL! I got a coil pack for £20 and a fuel pump for free! an labour is of course free too.



£500....dear oh dear.....

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Hi Folks


Sorry, not been on for a couple of days cos had auditors in at work, so knackered! But, good guess Kevhaywire, pretty much spot on, around £500!


And I envy you PhatVR6, I don't have the connections you do and I have neither the time nor the knowledge to work on my car myself (wish I had both!! :( )


Storm2, I don't recall losing revs when accelerating, it was more when I was downshifting at low speed, or stopping, revs would drop and then just die...


Anyway, it is still running fine, I am pleased to report :D . I am planning a run up to Stealth to get it checked over generally and will ask Vince to check tracking and camber then.


Feel there is something not quite right in the steering, tracking, suspension area. Did mention to the mechanic who came to look at it with me, but he did not pick up on anything. Sometimes wonder if I am over sensitive to these things!?


Two more things, firstly, recall seeing somewhere on forum about smell of unburnt fuel, have been smelling fuel since I got car back (or am I just imagining it?) what was the general consensus on this?


And secondly, oil temp.. someone said about not booting the car till 80 degrees, mine seems to fluctuate fairly dramatically, takes a while to reach 80, then will increase dramatically (up to 100+), then drop back down to 70 or even below.. is this normal? And is it bad to drive it hard anytime it drops below 80? That seems cruel, this car wants to be driven! :twisted:



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Hi Folks


Feel there is something not quite right in the steering, tracking, suspension area. Did mention to the mechanic who came to look at it with me, but he did not pick up on anything. Sometimes wonder if I am over sensitive to these things!?


Two more things, firstly, recall seeing somewhere on forum about smell of unburnt fuel, have been smelling fuel since I got car back (or am I just imagining it?) what was the general consensus on this?


And secondly, oil temp.. someone said about not booting the car till 80 degrees, mine seems to fluctuate fairly dramatically, takes a while to reach 80, then will increase dramatically (up to 100+), then drop back down to 70 or even below.. is this normal? And is it bad to drive it hard anytime it drops below 80? That seems cruel, this car wants to be driven! :twisted:




Steering probs - a few of us have been reporting steering probs that *may* be down to worn ball joints. Might be worth taking a look at some of the other threads kicking around on this.


As for being over-sensitive it's a part of owning a Corrado I'm afraid!! I suspect you won't find a single person on this list who doesn't claim to be a little oversensitive to problems with their C!


Fuel smell: yeah, well, they opened the tank access port, and almost certainly spilled a few drops (or more) of fuel into your boot. Don't worry about it unless it's overpowering, it'll go away after a while. It only takes a TINY amount of fuel to cause you to smell it quite strongly. But if you start getting headaches or feeling dizzy, STOP THE CAR and get out. (Preferably in that order! :) )


Oil temp - that seems VERY strange. I'd expect the oil to climb through 85 and then keep going up to 120+ if it's being driven hard, but I wouldn't expect it to drop much further than 90 or so when you back off, unless there's an after-market oil cooler on the car, anyway.


Still, at least it's not stalling...!

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