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It may be senility setting in, but I quite like this!

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I like it too. I also hear that Kia's are substantially better to drive than their reputation would have you believe. Have read a lot of things on various forums about folks being given them as loan or hire cars and by the time they hand them back they're converted to liking them!

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We have a cee'd as a fleet car at work and I'm impressed. It's a bit gutless but does drive surprisingly well and has made me think about the brand in a different way.

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No if's or but's that is a smart looking car and id have that all day long , i bet 90 percent of peoe who say they font like that would change there opinion if it had a ferrari badge


It somehow reminds me of the viper srt10 aswell

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I'll take it back. I couldn't view the vid on the kindle earlier, but just had a decent look on the laptop now and it does look pretty good tbf. That said, many concept cars look awsome, yet never make it to production.

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