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Corrado windscreen replacement (warning advice)

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Hi All

Thought I'd post this up as a warning to other corrado users.

With the dreaded MOT looming I thought I'd get my windscreen fixed/replaced due to a big stone chip in the drivers view.

Anyway contacted my insurance company and they promptly passed my details to a very well known auto windscreen company. They contacted me and made me feel that I was they're number 1 priority. The fitter came out to repair my windscreen and informed me that the damage was too much to repair and said that a new screen was the only viable option(I had talked to them beforehand and they brought a replacement screen and rubber kit). Once the outer seal was removed he found light surface rust and informed me of his companies' policy(no warranty) and advised me to have the windscreen area cleaned and repainted(once screen removed).

So I booked the car into my local paintshop and arranged for the windscreen company to remove the screen.

This is what it looked like after screen removed and area treated and painted.



When I picked the car up the day after it was fitted(when screen fitted have to not drive car for at least 3 hours) I was informed by the paintshop tech that the windscreen fitter worked late on the screen and was 'faffing about' with the push in seal. On first glance it looked a good job but on closer inspection it didn't look right. So called up the windscreen company and they created a warranty claim and arranged to send another fitter out to check their work.

The other fitter came today and removed the 'bonded in' with sealant(push in seal).

And this is what he found.


Advised by 2nd fitter that paintwork had been damaged by first fitter on fitting of screen, and also of an incorrectly fitted screen. He told me that he had informed his manager of the situation, and for me to expect a phone call from him tomorrow. He also said that the warranty work would probably be carried out at their local depot.

So as a warning to all Corrado drivers If this was left it could have spelt the end of the road for my corrado.

Always check other people's work and no matter how trivial, if you are not happy, call them back and get them to put it right.


Edited by stevec14

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How the hell has he damaged the paintwork during fitting just dont understand it. Glad its getting sorted though

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Thats pretty shocking Steve. Good job you realised and you got them back out. Shocking how many cowboys are employed by windscreen companies. There is a thread for recommended windscreen fitters and this is the reason why!

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Reminds me of my troubles , some of these companys are a real nightmare . They fitted some sort of standard flexy rubbers to mine the first time round ,you could peal it away from the screen with no effort at all , it was just flapping around and leaked like a sieve !.The fitter said thats what i was given to work with !I rang them and asked what the hell they thought they were doing . I explained that the proper seals needed fitting not something they thought would be ok . They came out a second time , when i was with the car . The bloke said i think ive been given the wrong rubbers !.I had to get back on the blower again and tell them what parts were needed .The third time they came out , the bloke was old school and had fitted corrado screens before , he did say they were not the easiest to fit ,but i finaly got it fitted properly . If i had a screen crack on me again i would go for a private company and save myself the grief even though it might cost a bit more .

Edited by robrado974

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Hi and thanks for replies.

I can't understand how or even why the fitter had damaged the paintwork. Or even why on a push in seal did he attempt to bond it in?

He must have known that he had botched it and basically tried to fob me off and cover his tracks.

The most annoying point of it is that I remember him saying he was a perfectionist, and not to worry as it'll be done right!

Can't really rant on too much about it at moment. Awaiting a phone call from the area manager, to arrange a date(this week me hopes) to have the car in and put it right.

Needless to say I will be thoroughly inspecting the car before I bring it home, even to the extent of asking them to remove the push in seal to inspect the paintwork.

Will keep you all posted.

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Id be watching the new one being fitted..


Id be crying if that happened to mine.


Must admit I did come close, but the windscreen fitter was there. Anyway with all the problems I've been having with the car, sometimes it makes me wonder why I bothered buying a 21 year old car.

All those feelings though are forgotten as soon as I turn the key. Corrado still starts and drives like a mini supercar. And always puts a smile on my face.

Just wish I had more time and a garage to sort out all the niggly little things.

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I refused to use the people my insurance company told me to use. I knew of a local guy and paid him to do it, (insurance said they would only pay £100) he had quoted £420. I used him anyway, he did a fantastic job, treated some minor rust for me and took him nearly 6hrs.


Anyway, he tried his luck sending invoice off to my insurance and they just paid it, only cost me £40 in the end.


The push in seals are a right pain to fit. I watched him struggle to fit the new one, then after about 1hr of trying to push it in without it popping back out, i asked him to reuse the old seal, which fitted lovely.


Am sure you'll get it sorted.

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HI All

Thanks for replies.

Autoglass are a complete waste of time. The local manager(cardiff) keeps on saying that the damage could not have been caused by his fitter, and he is refusing to pay for something that they didn't do. He even advised me that when the windscreen is taken out to have a roof respray to have a proper job done? I feel like we are just going around in circles and told him that I am not going to argue with him I will let my Insurance sort it out.

I Have contacted my Insurance sent off all the pictures that I took and am awaiting a reply.

I hope it doesn't take them too long.


Edited by stevec14

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Auto glass were the ones who messed mine up . Their such a big company now , proberbly all on a bonas scheme , wack it in then jump in the van and into the next . I'm not saying their all rubbish fitters , but there is an obvious lack of care in some cases . If it was a nearly new Porsche or something I bet the job would be spot on , some people look at an older car and think , well it's getting on a bit it doesn't matter if it's not spot on .

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It's a bonded screen - it can't drop unless it's not set properly... this is why they always needs the car for 4 hours even though it only takes 1 to change the screen.

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Itz a shame hes so far away as i broke my tuesday night and i have a major rust issue at the top of the n/s piller has anyone had a heated one ? Did the club have a batch made? Can you still buy the trims new?any recommendations for a fitter in the south wezt?

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Latest update

Had an email back from my insurance stating that they have passed on all info and pictures to their customer care department.

And for me to expect a call from Autoglass to arrange a viewing by one of their inspectors!

I Really don't want Autoglass anywhere near my car and have stated this in my reply back to them.

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Isnt the Corrado windshield glued on to the car?


I got my windshield replaced for about 600quid and that included everything (like the correct seals and sealcovers)and they gave me a Liftime guarantee on their work.

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This just tops it all.

Had a call from Autoglasses' so called technical department(what a joke). They said they have reviewed the pictures I sent them and came to the conclusion that the bodyshop caused the damage!!

WTF you can clearly see were the masking lines are and what the bodyshop prepped/painted. The damage is clearly above the masking lines. They also said that the bodyshop had clearly painted over rust? Another contentious issue. I have been using this bodyshop(same tech also) for a long time(15 years) and trust them totally.

Took the car back to bodyshop and told them what Autoglass tech had said, they just laughed and said this isn't the first time they have had problems with them and to drop the car off asap, and that they will sort it again. I have asked them to take detailed pictures of the prepped area when they have finished, and also to take pictures before the outer seal is fitted.

And if possible to get the autoglass warranty tech to sign a prepared document, stating that there is no exposed metal work showing and that he is happy with the prepped area, before fitting the said seal.

You would never think something as straight forward as having a front windscreen fitted by a professional company, could cause so much hassle.

Wish me luck.



I have the original receipt that they billed the insurance company for and it's £620

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Wow bad news Steve,


I've just this morning had a screen fitted by Autoglass and from the look of it it looks a great job, he kept knocking on the door to show me various stages he'd got to as asked and although i didn't stand over him I feel he's done a good job. He did say the seal supplied isn't as good as the original so i asked him to refit that which he did and it simply pushed in with just a small amount of sealant as the sometimes use.


Hope you get it sorted soon :/

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The body shop prepped the windscreen fitment area(lip) that contained light surface rust, there was no other rust showing before windscreen fitter arrived(you can see masking line and slightly different silver). The area around the windscreen wasn't treated as the paint was good and had no exposed metalwork(I inspected it and took the pictures). The black you can see is the remnants of the windscreen sealant as the previously fitted windscreen wasn't the original and had a shed load of sealant holding in the outer seal.

The body shop fitter stayed with the autoglass fitter all the time, and not once did the autoglass fitter ask for any paint to be applied to the car. He came at 15:00 screen was in by 15:45 and stayed in bodyshop messing around with the outer seal till approx 18:20? The bodyshop fitter explained to me that the areas were there is rust are where the autoglass fitter was trying to ram the seal in. He couldn't see what tool he was using but said that at one stage he took a rubber mallet to the seal to try to get it to sit right.

Car is still in bodyshop awaiting screen fitment(monday).

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They must hit it with a wire brush and remove the paint. My recently purchased corrado looked mint, but after peeling back the seal it's actually rotten through on the top drivers side and can also clearly see removed paint all along it. Not sure when or where it was done but not good.

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