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Glove Box

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Hey all.

I seem to have broken something on my glovebox. The handle is still attached but it wont open the catch.... Is there anything i can do, my lunch is in there!!! :cry:

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Is there anything i can do, my lunch is in there!!!


I think I have broken cars for less!!!!


have you tried to mess about with the key in the lock too (it does lock dosent it?? :oops: )


i will look at mine and report back in a bit, if no one else does first.

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bummer dude... I can hear the desperation in your post! ;) :lol:


if the handle is lifting, but not releasing the catch, then it's not the lock that's at fault as this just prevents the handle from moving... IMHO it sounds like the mechanism inside the handle has either come loose, or has jammed on something inside the glovebox... Lift the handle as far as it will go, and give it a good tug... otherwise, I fear you're gonna have to break in with a lever of some sort... :?


Good luck...

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Can anyone think of a good way to get it open without causing too much damage. I kind of forgot about it and the sandwiches are staring to get stinky!!! :lol:

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Is it todays lunch?? or a few days old....its gonna start minging in this heat!!! Sorry, made our lunchtime here. Best of luck getting it open.

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I had this happen in my Mums golf after she overloaded it, nothing was broken just the catch did not have enought room to open, managed to prise it with a flatbladed screwdriver

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last tuesdays....ohh nasty.


Have you tried pressing the lid in hard and then pulling the handle....similar principle to opening a jammed bonnet.

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mmmmmmmm tasty :D


i once left a plastic 1 pint milk carton in the glove box in my van for two weeks in the middle of summer which exlpoded when i opened the glove box lid as it was holding the cap on the carton which had swolen up quite a bit. :roll:


you should be able to do it without damaging anything 8)


first look at the two hinges through the gap at the bottom of the glove box


the glove box is hinged on two plastic clips, the clips are flat on one end with two prongs on the other end

you need to push the clips from the two pronged end, use a small flat ended screw driver push the right hand clip to the left and push the left hand clip to the right


once youve got the clips out you should be able to lift the bottom edge of the lid out slightly


now look up through the gap and you should see the screw that holds the lock loop, undo this and you can remove the lid ta daa 8)


mine isnt broken but i just tried this with mine while it was locked to check it works 8)


the screw driver from the corrado tool kit is good for the lock loop nice and long :wink:

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Just tried that but the sun is shining through the windscreen and i cant see much - bugger. Hold on Ill get a torch... This is on my golf by the way but i guess its the same as the Corrado, it certainly looks the same....

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I think it's time to get some in-car air freshener dude... ;)


An ex work colleague of mine lost a load of fishing bait in his car once (read: maggots).. They crawled into the air ducts (any dark spaces really) - for the next few months he had flies coming out of the vents every time he turned the heater on!! :lol:

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Well, no maggots or flies yet..... :shock: Still cant get the thing open though. Have been looking for a new handle. Theres some on ebay going for about £14. Just called VW and they do them for £9.50 including VAT... :lol:

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Woo Hoo! Got it off. Pulled the handle off completely and i can just manually move the catch behind now. Cheers all.

p.s. Sandwiches dont look too bad, but banana is minging!!!

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I have a friend thats scared of bananas. We hide them places for her to find :lol:


I'm sure there's a comment to be made there.. ;) :lol:

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I have a friend thats scared of bananas. We hide them places for her to find :lol:


I'm sure there's a comment to be made there.. ;) :lol:


I so want to make that comment. :p

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