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Players Classic Goodwood 7th June

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Tempted. I love Goodwood and I love the other Players show so it should be a good combo! Pics from last year looked really good.. Other issue for me is Bristol Volksfest is the same weekend and around the corner, so a lot more tempting!

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Last years was definitely the best show I attended last year

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I'm thinking about going to this. I'm very tempted but I've had an expensive month already so I should probably be good.

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Is this the same Players that is at North Weald ?

Yip having it at Goodwood this year I believe.

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So..who went, and are there any photos?


I went - Unfortunately I only took pictures with my Iphone. Only saw about 5 corrados in total, one of them was mine haha

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I went. Was an ok day out but I think I'm officially getting old - I'm so bored of identikit air ride and Rotiform cars. Didn't take any pics at all sorry...

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ouch that bad? thought about it myself but think you sometimes can have a show overload, i usually go 2-3 a year or it can become rather repetitive

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Oh dear all that hard work gone in a sec but then if you want to take the risk you have to bear the consequence's

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That car was crashed by one of their mates apparently.


Wasn't a bad day out just a lot of the same sort of thing, which I suppose is what "scene" type shows are really. The only thing I'm gutted I never got a picture of was this blonde bird in a blue dress with the best arse I have seen in a long while :D

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That's a good day oot seeing that there was a couple of little crackers at Crail

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That RS4 spec S4 is very similar to my old one - less the colour. Awesome cars. And I love the wheels that S4 is on :)

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