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LEDs for dash frontside illumination

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I've just replaced a couple of the bulbs along the top of the dash as I only had one left working, which was great if I wanted to see how much fuel I had left but not so good for (high) speed or revs ;) In fact I didn't realise there were supposed to be three - the middle one hasn't worked since I bought the car. Luckily, a spare dash I bought when I thought I'd shorted out the MFA display was able to donate some bulbs.


However, I like LEDs and I'd like to replace these rubbish little bulbs with some. I've seen from searching here and on Google that people have done it, but I can't find confirmation of what I think I need to buy. (Quite a lot of the old threads here are focussed on the LCD backlighting, or point to product pages which don't exist any more.)


I need to replace these things, which I think are 509T - kind of:



And what I'm finding online is this:



All the versions I can find to buy have the bulb sticking out of the "round" end - as though they're supposed to poke through whatever they're mounted in from the back (I think the one behind the MFA display installs like this?). I'm guessing that with a bit of bending of contacts slightly I could use this type and install them in the top of the dash from the back?


Anyone done this who can point at what they did/what they bought?

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I've fitted similar to these to mine: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/10x-SPEEDO-DIAL-DASH-LIGHT-LED-BULBS-509T-B8-5D-Green-/280525752529?hash=item4150a348d1:m:mUWV6LJPSFW5eBUGeu71N8A


If you search for 509t led in eBay, you'll find plenty and they are a direct replacement. Best to go for the flat top bulbs as opposed to round as the round tend to create 'bright spots'

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so 509T will fit then? I know that the 2 behind the LCD are this sort and there are flat top, frosted LED offerings now to displace the light so was going to go for them for the background. The 3 bulbs across the top look to be the reverse with regard to the physical makeup of the fitting although in theory 509t should fit..... ill keep digging.

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  MZpog said:
Can you not remove the bulb and fit an LED in the original holder?


no idea really as im new to the fiddly end of things. Is it that simple? if so, great. Id feel happier to find direct replacements though.....

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  VAG-hag said:
no idea really as im new to the fiddly end of things. Is it that simple? if so, great. Id feel happier to find direct replacements though.....


You can't remove the original (incandescent) bulb from the holders and fit an LED (they are like spot joined to the connections, not soldered). The LED will need a resistor (thus taking up too much space) and the LEDs don't solder very well to the connections (at all). Believe me I've tried.


I've simply run a piece of coloured LED tape along the top replacing the 3 bulbs and the coloured diffuser, works so much better. On my valver I used a cold cathode tube which worked well also, however took up more space and needed the ballast which needs space as it can get hot.


They're actually red in my VR but this was a set I made for someone in blue:





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Nice!! Cheers for that mate. So I take it from your approach that nobody offers a direct replacement?


I'll probably just replace the bulbs in that case. :)

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Unfortunately not no (or at least I haven't found any), as mentioned above the OG bulbs are a 509t style reverse fitting but factory modified for the 'rado. The standard 509t bulbs fit (albeit a bit fiddly) as they have connections top and bottom like the OG (the 'rado flexi-PCB is on the inside on the cluster) but unlike the OG ones, have to be fitted from behind (removing the cluster) whereas the OG ones can be fitted with the cluster in situ.


Can I just ask are you going for LED because of a colour change or lack of original stock bulbs or similar? I only ask because the LED bulb has a narrow beam angle vs a standard incandescent bulb and the throw isn't that great, even with a flat top LED, hence the reason for fitting a full strip on mine.

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I might have a go at fitting an LED strip. Does anyone know the voltage of the of the standard bulbs?

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  eugopnosaj said:
Unfortunately not no (or at least I haven't found any), as mentioned above the OG bulbs are a 509t style reverse fitting but factory modified for the 'rado. The standard 509t bulbs fit (albeit a bit fiddly) as they have connections top and bottom like the OG (the 'rado flexi-PCB is on the inside on the cluster) but unlike the OG ones, have to be fitted from behind (removing the cluster) whereas the OG ones can be fitted with the cluster in situ.


Can I just ask are you going for LED because of a colour change or lack of original stock bulbs or similar? I only ask because the LED bulb has a narrow beam angle vs a standard incandescent bulb and the throw isn't that great, even with a flat top LED, hence the reason for fitting a full strip on mine.


I am toying with the idea of red LCD display & green instruments if that will work

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  MZpog said:
I might have a go at fitting an LED strip. Does anyone know the voltage of the of the standard bulbs?


they have 1.8w printed on them Stuart

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  MZpog said:
I might have a go at fitting an LED strip. Does anyone know the voltage of the of the standard bulbs?


12v as per everything else on the car. The 1.8w is the wattage of the bulb and irrelevant if being replaced :) which compared to an led (which is usually only around 0.2) shows how much of a difference they make. Also LEDS are generally measured in lumens which is at a fixed focal point, what you need is lux which is amount of light given off - bit of useless info there, but for spaces where a wide angle is needed it is interesting to know.

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  VAG-hag said:
I am toying with the idea of red LCD display & green instruments if that will work


Cool, I've got red dials, blue LCD (reversed), red switches, blue ABS, blue climatronic LCD (reversed) with red buttons, blue stereo...can you see a theme :lol: I'll take a photo and post it up later of all the coloured goodies!


For the strip light it doesn't really matter, there's a few different options and chip sizes. They're all 12v. I'd go for 60 led/M in either 5050 or 3528 chips. I can give any help if needed, I made a set for a guy on the forum a while back (the blue ones).

Edited by eugopnosaj

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Cool, I've got red dials, blue LCD (reversed), red switches, blue ABS, blue climatronic LCD (reversed) with red buttons, blue stereo...can you see a theme :lol: I'll take a photo and post it up later of all the coloured goodies !

^ ^
that'd be very good to see, please,
, Ta...

... and very helpful as it seems that you & I share the same taste in desired Corrado interior illumination : I've got the blue back-lit dial & red switches theme in my Mk3 Daily, which I achieved with Mk3.5 Cabrio OEM clocks & switches [ ie, without any bulb changes or-the-like ] and I'm aiming for that same scheme in my Corrado [via the right bulbs & a strip of
coloured LED tape, as per your Post #8],
together with the matching blue back-lit & red switches of the CLIMAtronic upgrade]...


...so your own outcome sounds to me very much my own ideal



Regards & Appreciation of your helpful offer with the PIcs

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Blue leds (with a smattering of red) get my vote - not that I'm biased! Yes you'll need sone smd's to get the right light dispersion. I fitted some strip sections with 3 smds per section several years back but these led strips that are now widely and cheaply available would be a better idea.

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Guest petercabrio

Just done some red ones today with some I had left over, will order some better ones



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