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Roger Chatfield

Is it wrong that I really like these?

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Greetings rado chums,


Is it wrong that I really like these..




Yes I know not much power from the 700cc turbo engine but they weigh less than a knats bollock so should be fun and I assume there must be 'tuning' options..


Prices seem to reasonable atm, it's got me thinking......


So, anyone have any experience of Smart Coupes? Obviously I realise I'll have to give up my engineering career and take up hair dressing...lol



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In answer to your question, yes.


Looks like it's a GCSE design technology piece by a camp 15 year old boy......... :lol:


I'd rather have a Dacia. :lol:

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My old neibour in Plymouth had one of those Sean. (The original one not the coupe). Sounded like a souped up lawnmower! Lol

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I've driven a few, I quite like how they drive but the worst thing for me was the rock hard suspension, think I would get tired of it quickly.

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A bit of research has revealed that a hyabussa engine can be jammed in the back.



That would sort out the engine and gearbox issues.... Just need to find cash for tyres and the impending divorce...lol



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Now that would be fun at 12k rpm! Oh the shame of being left for dead by one of those! :lol:

That coupled with a sequential box would be epic tbf.

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