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No rear fog bulb ?

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I saw i had a rear fog bulb out thought i'll change it, like you do. when i removed the panel on tailgate it turns out my car has never had a bulb on the passenger side as it is blanked out with a piece of plastic. I just thought this odd and that i would share, has anyone else had this on their car or know why it might be like this.

sorry theres no pics my laptop is not allowing me to upload any...still.

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They came like that!

Just drill the plastic out,put a bulb in,the printed circuit is all ready there,

Hey presto,two rear fog lights !

I did mine years ago,still going strong

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Both reversing lights as standard and I have also done the removal of the plastic bit for twin rear fogs :) As an aside, you can also modify your foglight switch so that the fronts and rears can be operated independently. I hated the way the fronts came on with the rears, as the rear fogs can be useful to signal to Barry Mc F***wit with his beams on high behind me :)

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Both reversing lights as standard and I have also done the removal of the plastic bit for twin rear fogs :) As an aside, you can also modify your foglight switch so that the fronts and rears can be operated independently. I hated the way the fronts came on with the rears, as the rear fogs can be useful to signal to Barry Mc F***wit with his beams on high behind me :)

Sounds like a good mod - how do you do this?

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Sounds like a good mod - how do you do this?


You have to take the fog switch apart and pop a small piece of insulation tape over the contact that the rear button makes with the front one. I'll try and get a picture of it at some point, It's easy to do as long as you're happy to take the switch apart :)

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