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VR6 Lee

Heater matrix changed -- No idea whats happened

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Over the past few weeks I have changed my heater matrix on my VR as I thought this was the reason why the water in the expansion tank was dropping after 20 mile drive. Just my luck there was no problem with the heater matrix so decided that while everything was out that I would change it for a new one. Job Done.


Car worked spot on until I put the new heater matrix and new heater dials in so no idea whats going on


Interior all put back together, Connected the battery back up. Tried to start the car, fired up and instantly stopped, at this point I thought this is the fuse 16 problem so checked sunroof this wasn't working. I went to the fuse box and changed fuse 16 but while I was there I decided to check all the other fuses and noticed that on fuses 2,14 and 18 the plastic bit of the fuse was melted but still the fuse was intact and working. Turned ignition back on and fuse 16 blew straight away.


Other things I have noticed are


My gauges(oil and volts) don't work or illuminate anymore.

ABS light does not come on anymore or do anything

Cigarette lighter does not illuminate or work

Im sure my glovebox light worked but this does not work anymore

None of the lighting on the heater dials work


All the fuses have been changed and checked but 16 still keeps blowing


Heater does work on all 4 positions though


Any help is appreciated on the matter as I want to get the car in the garage but it won't start or do anything... :(

Edited by VR6 Lee

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  Dox said:
Could you have caught of the looms with a dash screw?


Hmmm. Something is not right so maybe! Gutted at the moment, my car is a nightmare :(

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Starting and immediately stopping sounds like the classic in-key immobiliser chip. Did you reconnect up that factory immobiliser?

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  VR6 Lee said:
Hmmm. Something is not right so maybe! Gutted at the moment, my car is a nightmare :(


If you suspect there's a screw through the loom you need to disconnect the battery asap

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  VW_OwneR_85 said:
did you smell anything like burning wires?, pull out the fusebox and have a good look around...


No that's the strange thing I so no idea what's going on with it. Was perfect prior to changing heater matrix.

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As above looks like a wiring short. Remove the glovebox and check the looms carefully there. Also see the harnesses on the side of the clocks - there are a few 'risky' screws there. Remove the fuse panel and follow the looms from there. Sometimes the mounting bracket catches a few wires.

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Make sure everything has a proper return to earth via the loom wiring as far as the earth mounting points to the car body. IIRC there is an earth point on the left hand side behind the dash glove box, and another one near the fusebox on the right. These may have been disturbed during the dash out/dash in job. You'll probably need to get a multimeter out to check this kind of stuff. You can also get a current reader device (LED screen with a bit of wire and a fuse connector on the end) which plugs in instead of one of the fuses, which will let you check which circuit is drawing the current.

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Typical connection on the gauges causing all the issues!! Thank god its sorted... now wheres that 6 pack of beer


Thanks all for your help! :)

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