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No they don't, but if they were to test it and find it's wrong they can consider the car unroadworthy.

Basically all I'm saying is if you try to mess with them they can call up all this kind of rubbish to mess right back at ya!

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how are you meant to know if it's wrong? my old derby read about 10% too short. I only found that out by following my missus up the A19 in it and she was doing 80mph all the way and thought she was doing about 70odd. If we'd ever got pulled for speeding in that thing I'd have laughed at the copper. :lol:

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That's not the point - the car manufacturer should have made sure that the speedo was accurate (a requirement for UK type approval). If any modifications have been made to the car that alter it's gearing it's the responsibility of whoever does that to make sure that the speedo is recalibrated afterwards..

Of course if you buy the car and it's been fiddled with but you don't know about it, then you probably will never know, and they'll probably never check.

But if you get pulled and try to be arsy they can do you for it just as much as if you "didn't know" you had a dead brake light.

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ignorance is no plea in the eyes of the law so saying you didnt know the speedo was inacurate wont get you far. :(


i tried that with my bond bug the speedo used to bounce like hell untill 60 so i couldnt get a true reading, the copper who stopped me (doing 40 in a 30 ) was laughing his ar*e off, he said he didnt think the bug was capable of 30 let alone 40.

thats the only copper i have ever met with a sense of humour. :)

i think your best bet is to get a good lawyer :(

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Yup I use GPS to monitor my speed.....


50 mph on a gps is 57mph on my Pug and 54 on my VR...

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Oh and another thing, they will suggest that they had to accelerate to 80MPH to catch you, so you must be doing 80. If they were stationary or doing 30 then they would have to accelerate to a speed far in excess of yours to catch up, another way of suggesting you were doing substantially less.


I strongly suggest that they will be less idiotic than to try such a completely stupid tactic... The policemen I've met have never struck me as being quite *this* dumb...


But it is relevant to ask for proof of calibration of their car's speedo etc etc.


Thats what they did to me....and I used the arguement in court, 6 points and £320. I was doing 105 and admitted 90-95.

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Scott, what GPS have you got?


I have got Sat Nav mate ... TOM TOM 3.. it shows you speed via GPS satellites...

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But it is relevant to ask for proof of calibration of their car's speedo etc etc.


opppppppsssss :oops: mine out by about 10mph with 17's on..... :roll: this means i'm more screwed.... :cry:


there's your excuse then, say your speedo was only reading 60, not 80



that still wont wash with them :roll:

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hold ya hands up high and hope for the best, the more bullsh1t u give em prob the more chance of getting "shafted"....they have prob heard it all before yesterday

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does anyone knew roughly how long i'm looking until my court summans will come through.


It can take up to 6 months for the court summons to arrive, for example mine came through after four months.


I found this site the best for info on speeding, even if you haven't been done yet Id recommend everyone read it. it pays to know how the bastards can get you..




And yes I am bitter about being caught doing 101.4mph on an dry, well lit and empty motorway at 10.39pm by some jumped up authority loving little pr*cks in an unmarked vauxhall omega. :D

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exact one month in some cases..............apparently they cant really do u if they take more than 1 month... apparently

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Say Sorry and never say you didnt know what speed limit you were in,

thats driving with undue care and attension,oh and dont admit to F.All

tell them you have been stupid and have learnt from the gobfull they have given you


all this will you settle for ... whatever got me done when I was a kid too,they had an uncalibrated speedo and prosicuted me on me admiting what I was doing ( 96 mph in a fiesta pop )

I trusted the speedo..Yikes ! it was going so fast I outran the panda car lol

If you get a citation,I would plead guilty by letter and make it the biggest grovel you have ever done.

I got a £70 quid fine and 3 points,but it was in 1989.

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All Traffic cops must have a calibration certificate for the speedo in their car, done on every shift, If they have no video evidence or police Pilot (Times you between 2 fixed points and gives you your av speed) then this is what they will use!


No Calibration certificate.....No speeding Fine!


Are you sure they were Traffic??? Didn't think Traffic used wanky cars such as mundanos as undercover cars! I was pulled on the M1 near Sheffield a Few years back on the way to Inters, Unmarked Omega, Had a Camera in it, thought they all do????? CID use shitty cars, sure it wasn't them and they were trying to put the shits up you????



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Eh.....just noticed in my post.....can't say *blank* but can say *blanks*! Let my try *blank*, now *blanks*.......


mod edit-swearing-vr6storm :-P

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yeah was definitley an undercover mondeo estate with leathers! hoping the court summans takes it time to come through then atleast i can insure my corrado before my points are applied, or ban. should be pickking it up this coming week with its a new engine and gearbox, just want to get a drive of the damn thing before it comes to winter. thanks for all the advise and helpful links guys, much appreciated. :mrgreen:

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i wouldnt of thought speed cops would use a mondeo estate..was it video equiped??and you have to inform the insurance company of any convictions..failure to do so would make your insurance void

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