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Is the paint goosed

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About two weeks ago i gave the car a good clean and dried it off , even used the compressor air tool to get rid as much water from everywhere as possible and eliminate any damp before it went back away

Id been given a cover for it to stop getting dusty and iv just peeled the cover back tonight to git some wheels and noticed that the paint all across the top of the car has become bumpy !! Lots of tiny micro blisters

Car was painted about 9 months ago and high end products was used and iv had no problems , car looked fantastic all year

Has anyone ever exparienced this ?

Im gutted to say the least [ATTACH]82966[/ATTACH]




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Get it checked out by a proper paint shop Matt. Hate to say it, but it looks like moisture under the paint which may only be showing now there is a lot of moisture in the air especially under a cover which may be causing additional humidity.

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I have heard of this before after a car cover had been used, not sure why it happened but it was rectified with a machine cut back/ polish.

Talk to your painter, hope it gets sorted, the paint looked lovely when I saw it last.

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There was bo problems for nine months sean and i watched it get painted in a very good booth , its only since i got the cover on it

Cheers harrier iv got some time this week im going to try and flat it back and see where im at with it


Feel like stripping the ******* and abusing it at the moment !!

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Apologies mate, I thought I remembered it being painted outside the booth, didn't mean to scare you! I'd go with Darens suggestion then, or try to get it into dry storage for a little while to give any moisture time to evaporate. Hope you get it sorted mate!

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Its in a a garage tucked away mate , cover is off and thrown on the floor ! I might go kick it


Ill leave it a few days or a week and see how it settles , iv got a dehumidifier i might sling in the garage and see if that helps at all

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From facebook mate ??


In the fourth pic? Silver 6 spokes

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Had the EXACT same on my old Corrado.


It happened one winter when it was cold but very moist. It snowed and the snow sat on the car for 24 hours. When the snow thawed the car was covered in the exact same microblisters. Best way to describe it is the car has goosebumps! The car had a respray 7 years prior and until this moment the paintwork was almost flawless.




I went to loads of bodyshops and apparently it's moisture under the paint, well a paint layer; so under the clearcoat, colour coat or primer - Very hard to find out which one it is. The only guaranteed solution is a bare metal respray - Across the full car. If you only take the paint back to past the bubbles there is no guarantee you've fully removed it - meaning it's likely to come back at some point.


It's caused by water molecules in the paint when it was applied (so small you'll never see them when applying paint) - Either via rubbish or poorly maintained equipment, contaminated paint or atmosphere. Effectively the water molecules sit under the paint, dormant - and in the right conditions, react; freeze (expanding causing the bumps) and thaw. Pop one and salty water will come out.


Gutted for you. It was the demise of my last Corrado. :(

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Its not all over the car its just the top areas that have suffered ! Im pretty sure all the paint and gear we used was in good order as they use the booths for spraying porche race cars and the likes of and the lad who sprayed it is a mate and id say hes pretty good


I can see its the same though all though id say mine are much smaller in size , im hoping it may thaw down but as it stands at the moment im pretty gutted and if they dont settle down or go im not sure what ill do with it as i put so much in for a full year i just cant be arsed with any more paint work , feeling pretty **** about the whole car at the moment after this


Ohh and yea thats the wheels mate i didnt know i had added that as it was nothing to do with the post i must have clicked the wrong pic

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Its not all over the car its just the top areas that have suffered ! Im pretty sure all the paint and gear we used was in good order as they use the booths for spraying porche race cars and the likes of and the lad who sprayed it is a mate and id say hes pretty good


I can see its the same though all though id say mine are much smaller in size , im hoping it may thaw down but as it stands at the moment im pretty gutted and if they dont settle down or go im not sure what ill do with it as i put so much in for a full year i just cant be arsed with any more paint work , feeling pretty **** about the whole car at the moment after this


Ohh and yea thats the wheels mate i didnt know i had added that as it was nothing to do with the post i must have clicked the wrong pic


Mine was any horizontal(ish) surface. Bonnet, roof, arch tops, swage line, top of doors etc.


The problem is, if it's affecting those areas now; it's likely the whole re-spray will have the same inherent problem. Is it worth the risk only for it to reappear down the line?


I feel your pain, I truly do. My car had been off the road for 8 months basically refurbishing the engine and brakes. 2 weeks before it was back on the road the microblisters appeared. The following week someone vandalised the bonnet. Seriously soul destroying. What I can tell you with hindsight, I really regret losing the Corrado and wish I had stuck with it. Better the devil you know.


Keep at it mate, you'll get there.

Edited by P3rks

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Just found this exact thing on my rado a few days ago so I also know your pain, just like what you describe it's alot worse on the roof but now the bonnet is starting to get worse. It got painted by the previous owner about a year ago, have you any idea if bodyshops do any kind of warranty or goodwill work? Iv been trying to find out where about it was done but no luck yet, I think around the Aberdeen area.

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Shame mate , no idea on paint shops you can use but i do have an update


Basically i threw the cover away and left the car for a few days

Then i did a test patch and used a geat gun very gently to warm the patch up and left it 24 hours

Came back and they had gone down a bit

So iv been doing this on the full areas effected for the last week or so and they have gone right down and are now tiny , you can still see where they are a bit but. Its s hard to find them compared to what they was like


All id say is that usually i go in ham fisted and want it sorting straight away ! Very impatient !!


Just take your time and let time do its thing and give it a try with the heat gun

Hope it sorts its self out for you too just dont go mad with heat as i rekon you will pop the small blisters when they get to hot

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ahhh some wise words! hopefully they will evaporate during the summer aswel, I'm scared to use a heat gun incase I damage the paint but like you said it's worth a try on a small area first

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Small area first and only light heat , dont over do it and them wait , i can only assume that its the heat that lets the moisture escape slowy

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