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New How-To website! - Feedback needed

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Ok guys, following the talk I had with metman, VR6 and jimsG60 earlier, I have made a start on a How-To website...


The idea is that this site will catalogue all of the step by step How-To guides that are floating around, and make up some more from the huge amount of existing information that is locked away in the depths of this forum.


I still need to finish it off and get a nice GUI admin side working, but for now I've added 2 of my entries so you get an idea of how the site will work.


If anyone has any feedback, or suggestions or features they would like to see on the site, then please let me know.


Most importantly, can people start PMing me links to How-To guides that have already been done! Without these, this site is going to be worthless.


Don't go bookmarking it just yet, because the site is sitting on my personal space on our work server! With any luck it will be moved to the-corrado.net/how-to but that's yet to be decided.


So go take a look, tell me what you think and start digging out your how-to guides!




P.S. Before you say, I know the contact page doesn't work yet, just PM me instead. And yes, it's going to need a search feature, but until we get enough entries to warrant that, I won't write one just yet.


Edit: I also need to sort out pictures in the articles

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Yep yep... liking the look of that a lot so far.


I hope this takes off... if you need anyone to do some donkey work dinkus (formatting some text, getting the useful bits out of a long thread, photoshop bits, etc) then just let me know mate :)

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Excellent idea Dinkus! 8) 8)


It'll be very handy to have one central pool of information when fixing all those little niggles. :)

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Glad you like it so far, the design is a little 'functional' but I'm working on getting the code working properly first :D


Don't forget to PM me links to how-to's you've seen on here. I've had a few already, but keep em coming. Even if it's for something simple like how to replace a sensor or do an oil change. Pictures always help too :)

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Err I have archived tons of stuff to my PC from this forum, vortex and other places. Alot of it is word files with embedded pics. Let me know if you want it.

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Storm, it would be great if you could, if you have the links for the original threads too that would help so I can give credit to the people that originally posted the stuff. If not, if you can mark which forum it was from that would be good so I can then go and find the original thread.


jimsG60, maybe you'd be able to help me out with that?


I want to get as much stuff up on this new site as I can, so people start using it and it doesn't just fizzle out :)

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PM'd you about my seat bolster replacement.


Feel free to pinch any of the other stuff I've done present on the forum.



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dinkus, let me know when you want to host that on the-corrado.net instead!

I can also help with linking it in with the forum if you wanted....


Looks an excellent idea and would be a very welcome addition to the site!

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Well I didn't have much to do at work today, so the how-to website has taken a good few steps forward and I've managed to add a few more how-to guides.


The articles now have pretty pictures in them and the contact page works as well.


So people of the forum - send me your how-to's :D

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Still looking good, mate!

Only comment so far, it doesn't fit on 1024x768 - and it could quite easily.

Just for those of us on 'normal' laptops. The forum is fine on 1024x768 :)

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Still looking good, mate!

Only comment so far, it doesn't fit on 1024x768 - and it could quite easily.

Just for those of us on 'normal' laptops. The forum is fine on 1024x768 :)


Ah good poing, I get used to my laptop running 1400x1050


I'll have a tinker with the layout in a bit.


When it's finished (structurally) I'll get in touch and see about moving it to the-corrado.net.


It still needs...


A search function

A flag for which models the article applies to

Admin logins so people can add/edit their own articles (but not change other people's!)


I'm currently putting kevhaywire's seat bolster how-to up

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Looking damn fine, must be something I can add? Oh yeah, recently posted up the VDO Wiring Guide pdf on the Forum, worth adding in perhaps? If you can't find it (I'd have no idea how to 'link' to it) PM your e-mail and I'll forward it to you.

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Looks damned good matey! :) Deffo needs to be 1024x768 though...


Can you add in my ignition switch replacement as well please? It's only text, but there's likely to be photos sooner or later! ;) :lol:


it's here

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Looks damned good matey! :) Deffo needs to be 1024x768 though...


Can you add in my ignition switch replacement as well please? It's only text, but there's likely to be photos sooner or later! ;) :lol:


it's here


't has been added, let me know when you get pics and I'll put them on there too.


I've also added stevemac's guide to replacing the actual lock barrel... and who was it that posted the hotwire guide the other week? With pics of the little loom you can make up to start the car in an emergency? That could be useful too

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[i'm currently putting kevhaywire's seat bolster how-to up


Got the other pics to put up? Some of em are quite crucial as a few of the screws etc are hidden.

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Henny, get ya finger out with the pics mate :lol:




I've already changed my switch, so I'll only be doing photos as I'm now changing all the locks on the car so that they all work off one new key... 8)

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[i'm currently putting kevhaywire's seat bolster how-to up


Got the other pics to put up? Some of em are quite crucial as a few of the screws etc are hidden.


Don't worry I won't leave them out :p I only allowed for 10 pics per article originally, so I need to add in some extra fields to the database first.

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Sorry for not getting back to you sooner dinkus..


Yeah am happy to help with a bit of work on this, if you can throw me some guides that need sorting - though er, I don't actually know any PHP :oops:


I thought they were just going to be guides in HTML - and figured I could use an existing page as a template and work off that... didn't expect fancy proper coding and all that kinda thing :oops:

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Sorry for not getting back to you sooner dinkus..


Yeah am happy to help with a bit of work on this, if you can throw me some guides that need sorting - though er, I don't actually know any PHP :oops:


I thought they were just going to be guides in HTML - and figured I could use an existing page as a template and work off that... didn't expect fancy proper coding and all that kinda thing :oops:


If you can help it'd be grand... at the moment it's more a case of digging them out of the archives on here and collating them on the new site. I know of some that I've seen and I can have a rummage for, but I'm sure you know of some too.


Don't worry mate, adding articles is like posting on here, you don't have to go near any PHP at all ;)

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Ok... if I get some time in the next few evenings (have been bloomin busy lately) i'll have a rummage around :)

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Yeah tell me about it, I've not had a lot of spare time either, but as and when is good.


When I get a chance I'll get that login system working on the site so people can add their own articles, which should make life easier.

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