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To all those happy campers, T25 or T4?

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So I've been looking at campers recently, with a view to buy one early next year. I know its a little preemptive, but there are obviously so many options with regard to converting from a panel van, all the way up to one already fully fitted so I want to do tons of homework on what would best suit. I wouldn't mind a new project, but I expect the wife and kids would be pretty cheesed off with me if I bought one with the intention of restoring - which we probably all know can take quite some time!

It depends on price (which leads onto below), but probably a T25 which needs a little work or has started to be converted, or a T4 which is ready to go but could do with updating/interior refurbishment.

This is the headache I have........


Obviously the T25 are cooler - being older, but I'm a little more worried about reliability. It'll be used for its intended purpose - weekends away with the family etc so being stuck on a hard shoulder late at night with 2 young kids isn't ideal. It just seems to me its the (slightly) more affordable classic at the moment, but no doubt prices will creep up a little over the coming years. Its not an investment and its not what I'd buy if for don't get me wrong, but it would be nice if when the time comes to sell, any work would have paid for itself.


Onto the T4. Obviously newer and more reliable, more comfortable to drive and "camp" in, less likely to be rotters, and cheaper.

I don't think these will ever attain the status of the previous ones though and therefore no different to any other manufacturer produced camper. Is it just riding the classic VW camper wave and overpriced for what it is? Sorry if that sounds really negative toward them, I mean no disrespect and I do like them!


Anyone have either or know much about them?


Thanks all! :thumbleft:

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I've had both a T25 and a T4. I've had my T25 for about 6 years now. It was a 1.7d, but I got a 1.9d put in (not the old engines fault, but it's a long story).


I love it - drives brilliantly, plenty room, loads of ground clearance. It needs work occasionally, but there's a guy in Inveraray I use who knows them inside out (Wagonbuild).


I had a T4 Syncro - hated it, plus it was a total rust bucket compared to the T25. It was the 2.4d and slower than a week in the jail.


IF you look after your T25, there is no reason for it to break down any more than any other car. The problem is that people jsut leave things and don't proactively maintain them - much like Corrados.


I bought mine with noting in the back and kitted it out using an interior I piked up on ebay and refurbed. Now having full kit and an Eberspacher.

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Can you consider a T5?


I have had neither T25 or T4, but I would personally go for a T4 out of the two. The more modern drive and engineering of the T4 winning the day.


Our Caravelle T5 is fast, relatively good on fuel and also benefits from modern crash protection and isofix seats. The downside is that it is a pain at times to work on and parts can be expensive.

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T25 1.9 petrol watercooled was the most reliable vehicle I have ever owned. Loved loved loved that van. Used to Drink fuel though.



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Thanks for the responses guys, I've signed up to club 80-90 forum (T25 OC), and asked a similar question too.

Jamie, thats great thank you! I'm definitely leaning way more to a T25 if I'm honest.

Rusty, the T5 is probably a little out of the budget I was hoping. That said, looking around a bit more, a decent T4 is actually more expensive than a T25! Go figure......

Edd, I'd originally thought a late T25 TD would be the way to go, but I'm now more inclined toward the 1.9 or 2.1 petrol as it'll only have very occasional use, so economy isn't really a problem. A Diesel with a PD conversion would be ideal though.


Thanks again gents, food for thought!

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  Rustynuts said:
Can you consider a T5?


I have had neither T25 or T4, but I would personally go for a T4 out of the two. The more modern drive and engineering of the T4 winning the day.


Our Caravelle T5 is fast, relatively good on fuel and also benefits from modern crash protection and isofix seats. The downside is that it is a pain at times to work on and parts can be expensive.


I've got a 2.5 T5, engine currently in bits, injectors, injector loom, camshaft, DMF and clutch etc

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I helped a mate convert a t5 panel van last year into a camper quite enjoyed it. First t5 Came out on a 53 plate... He subsequently won the lotto in a syndicate and has a brand new t6 now. And dumped the t5 on a mates farm..

Edited by delfinis38

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  Dox said:
I've got a 2.5 T5, engine currently in bits, injectors, injector loom, camshaft, DMF and clutch etc


This really does not mean anything, why is it in bits? How many miles has it done, has it been looked after etc?

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I haven't got a camper but I've got a T25 single cab pickup. 1.9DG watercooled 4 speed box and its yet to let me down to this day, though it does drink fuel I consider my VR6 the economic vehicle out of the two ;)

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  Rustynuts said:
This really does not mean anything, why is it in bits? How many miles has it done, has it been looked after etc?


177K miles, its got stamps in the book but everything is well worn, miss fire was the reason I stripped the engine, cam is worn badly, 5 injectors tested and cleaned (one needed a nozzle, another reshimming), loom fell to pieces.


At the end of the day a van is a workhorse, few get much in the way of love, the van was motd 2 months before I bought it, I'll tapatalk some pics.


My advice is to avoid the 2.5 engines in the T5 due to engine access and costs (£3.5K buys a used engine, £7K for new), there's plenty of 1.9s for a couple of hundred quid (I have one).

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The van is a 5 seat kombi, carried his kids around in it, the brake pedal pulsed violently on the trip back here, ebay purchase of course


Brake fluid










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I remember you posting pics of those disks. Unbelievable how ignorant some people are to problems with their vehicles, especially when it's something so safety critical and you have kids to think about, let alone other roads users.

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2.5 camshaft problem is a AXD or AXE engine issue and they all seem to wear 150-200k, mine had been done at 195k. I put a brand new engine at mine at 258k, it threw an injector but also the bores were ovalised. Rather than drop a new head on a high mileage bottom end it was better to put a new one in. Done 50k since then and had no issues at all (as would be expected). I agree the 1.9 is a much cheaper option, however not available in Caravelle spec.

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I drive a T4 Sean , a 1.9. The transporter forum is a good place to be . I know there are other engine variants which are best avoided .

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  Dox said:






The van is a 5 seat kombi, carried his kids around in it, the brake pedal pulsed violently on the trip back here, ebay purchase of course


Brake fluid










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It wasn't all bad







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t25? t3 is what there known as in germany, any way ive got a few of them and love them the wbx has its issues and not the best on fuel id go for a 16td as this is an inline 4 it is an easy swap for 2.0 gti motor for a more reliable economical petrol engine.

i have a 19td aaz fitted in 1 which is a good option and works well.And ive got my beasty 1 which has a 2.7tt out of an s4 remapped to 340hp porsche 996 6 speed box.

if you go t4 id go for the 102 2.5tdi as is best imho but t4 handling is a bit iffy after a t3 but chuck in sach hd,and ambulance anti roll bars all vag parts and big improvement in the handling.

t5 worked on and fixed loads not for me.

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