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the little scumbags...

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Driving along on my own last night, slow down for a roundabout and here this VERY loud bang on my car. Shat myself a little then looked around to see that my windscreen had been hit. Its left a crater and crack marks about 10 inch diameter :shock: I had gone over an underpass so obviously some little s***s below thought it'd be funny to throw rocks on the road. I went back to see if i could see anyone but they must of scarpered.


Luckily the damage is at the very nearside in the bottom corner but i need to get it fixed ASAP! My mate reccomended someone and he's quoted me £220+VAT! New it wasn't gonna be cheap :roll: Anyone else had a windscreen replaced and comment on that quote?


:mad: :mad: :mad:

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FFS!!! :mad: :mad:


Does your insurance not cover you to get a free (well, £50 excess) windscreen Rob, or are you 3rd party cover only? I had to fork out for my own windscreen from a place in Coventry on my last Corrado - came in about £246 inclusive of VAT, so your price sounds ok. Wasn't a genuine VAG screen from what I could tell - leaked initially, I took it back, they apologised profusely and sorted it out. No leaking after that :)


I'm really sorry to hear this though... its insane. Do these kids not realise they could kill people doing this kind of crap?! :roll: :x :x

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The swear filter does not allow me to say what I would really like to say!


Put it this way, if I ever caught anyone intentionally damaging my car, I would seriously damage *them*.

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Don't think my insurance will cover it as im only TPFT. Even if i could, would it still count as a claim? It's come at a really bad time as well, im absolutely skint!


I was going up the city and i hardly ever go the way i did. Wrong place, wrong time i suppose. Dont think my drilled airbox helped though, think they heard me coming :roll: :lol:

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It doesn't count as a claim from what I understand... but if you are only TPF&T I think you are out of luck - thats why I had to fork out as I insured my last Rado as TPF&T for the first few months I owned it :(

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Yeah most TPFT policies should include screen cover.


If not, a screen will cost you around £100 from a smaller screen company and about 2 hours labour. Good oppurtunity to get a top-tint screen :lol:

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A friend of my mums had this happen to her several years ago. Some kids dropped a brick from a bridge and it smashed her windscreen, causing her to swerve off the road. Thankfully she wasn't hurt, it hit passenger side and no-one else was in the car. But it could have been fatal.


The kids were never caught.

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Facking hell mate, I was going to call yah lastnite as I was in NP... hope you get it sorted, I hate them little buggers who think its funny to throw things of bridges :mad:

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b4stards!!! they need stringing up by their balls. that could have killed you!!


someone did that to me in my nova. the brick landed 2" in front of the glass sun roof, on the drivers side... (strangely, I mis-spelled that the first time round and wrote "drivers die"......)


:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

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Similar thing happened to me in the Supra last year, I was driving past a building site when all of a sudden there was a huge bang. At first I thought the engine had decided to blow up, but when I opened my eyes I realised that some dirty little scum bags had thrown something at my car from the building site, narrowly missing the windscreen and possibly my brothers face.


I stopped the car and my brother jumped out and legged it towards the site, I was still barely walking after breaking my leg three months before so I got on the phone to the police, who were useless as usual.


(They threw a big lump of concrete mixture at us from 3 storeys up.)


We cornered them in the site but one managed to escape and my brother quickly gave chase, a slight mismatch as my brother is lightening quick. After 30 mins with the scum still cornered and my bro just coming back with a sore foot and hand.(he must have fell or something!) we decided that the police weren't going to turn up so we went home.


About two hours later the police turned up at my house!! Thats a pretty quick response time.


Have they got nothing better to do?? Where the hell are their parents? Scum :mad:


We didn't get injured so thats the main thing I guess.. and it only caused small amount of damage as it hit the bonnet and window and skimmed off leaving loads of scratches

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Because they went to the top of the flats being built three storeys high and hid, but one did get out and I'm sure he had a sore head, back etc the next morning (hence the bit, 'my bro came back with a sore foot and hand). I bet he wished he'd stayed with his mates! There was no way I was climbing anywhere with my busted up leg still in a brace.!


Rung the police for other peoples safety as well, they might have tried it again, and the company thats in charge of the site should have better security and the police should this know about I guess.

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The people in charge of the site should have taken all steps that are practivcably possible to stop unauthorised persons getting onto the site. You should have put in a claim against them :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: scumbags!!!!

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Im quite lucky really reading some of these stories. Wasn't too long ago i heard of someone dying after some little punks dropping a building block off a motorway bridge :shock:


Unfortuently, as i presumed my insurance doesn't cover me for windscreens :(

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Just got a quote from the RAC @ £400+ :shock: And thats with discount! £220+VAT dont seem too bad...

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All fixed, looks like a good job although it hasn't rained yet!


Apparently some of the old seal was stuck on with superglue :lol: which made it a little tricky but he said was straight forward other than that. He's done a few corrados before and he says usually they've all had some rust lurking underneath. Thankfully mine is rust free and the best one he's done :D

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I stuck my motor through a car wash after having the screen done to make sure it was water tight - might be worth doing the same or hosing the front of the car just to make sure they have done a proper job! :)

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I had this in my Mk1 GTI driving through a sh*t part of Leicester - almighty bang right by my face, saw some kids scarpering, drove round but they'd gone.


They'd thrown something large (half a brick I reckon) at my car, it hit the top part of the door frame (and possibly the window too, although it was the door that was dented). If it had been an inch or so lower it would have come through the window and hit me in the face...


Bunch of little "ladies-bits"...a good shoeing just isn't enough...

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