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A few of you will probably remember my unintentional bonnet restyle resulting in a write off by the insurance company a few weeks ago, and so am now looking to replace it, but I thought id buy either a G60 or VR6 the models I should have gone for in the first place, so thought I would have a quick look at the performance figures of the models, but after looking at the corrado club link I noticed that although the G has 160bhp as standard the acceleration times of the G are slower than the 1.8 16v, although in the description it says "this time with added power and acceleration", is this a mistake??? my mate used to have a G40 and that kept up with my 8v Gti all day, so although I know the G60 can be tuned to a far higher output than the 1.8 16v I'm just wondering why VW did it like this, anyone shed any light on it??? I might just save up the extra pennies and get a VR cos i so liked my old Mk3 VR6 :D then again I do like the sound of the charger on full tilt.......so come on boys and girls.....advice pleeze

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Try and go for a spin in a G60 with the mods done to it (chip, pulley and charger rebuild) - you won't even need to ask someone to sell you on the car, it should sell itself. Sounds nicer, and goes very very well.


The pace on my G60 compared to my last Corrado 16v (and quite a few other cars I might add) is superb.. and the G60 does have great power in all gears. My 16v was always flat below 4000RPM - G60 has power all the time. Pulls well in any gear at any speed :)


G60 is apparently not that good from standing start and only really comes into its own around 3rd gear.. not too sure as I have never done a full bore standing start launch.. but in-gear acceleration is fantastic.


Fuel consumption is bad if all you do is sit in traffic all day.. but good on the open road if you drive sensibly.. regularly see 37MPG on the way to various club meets.

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First off, can we not turn this into another G60 vs VR6 vs valvers vs Cavaliers (Kev and Mat ;)).


I think the G60 times that are reported in some places are supposedly with a knackered gearbox. The G60 should be the 2nd fastest Corrado in standard tune.

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I've not said anything about the VR.. just giving my thoughts on the G60 ;) :)

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As has been said many many times, the G60's 0-60 time is crippled because you have to jump to 3rd gear. All the other cars can do it in 2nd...

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Yeah but I want to know why VW did it this way, surely it would have made more sense to not even bother with the G............unless they had a store room full of Superchargers that they had to get rid of quickly :shock: , by the way im not meaning to upset anybody by saying they are inferior, cos i want one so bad, just trying to make up my mind between the G and V :lol:

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Any G60 owner will tell you the 0-60 time is hampered by the gearing. And as Jim says, the G60 really gets moving in 3rd.


And *I* will always tell you, IGNORE 0-60! It's a pointless, dated and crude way of guaging how quick a car is. Focus on the in-gear acceleration times instead as that is what we use day-to-day. Look at the 50-70 times (overtaking a lorry on a single carriage-way) and that's where the G60 and VR excel. As does the valver once it's over 4000rpm.


Having sampled a 2.0 G60, it is a formiddable overtaking weapon. The standard 1800 feels a little flat to me but that's only because I've been used to 200+ brake VWs for the past 4 years. A schricked VR is also a mid-range demon, but as standard, they need to many revs to perform what should be a swift overtaking manouvre.


Just my 2ps worth

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The G60 was meant to plug a gap at the TOP of the range of Corrados. The VR engine wasn't ready when the Corrado came out, so it was G60 or nowt, as far as the "ultimate performance" model was concerned. They stopped making it when the VR was released.

Can you imagine VW managing to sell even the few Corrados they did, if the fastest "sports" car in the range was the 1.8 16v with a blistering 136bhp in a 1.2 tonne car? I doubt it!

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Going slightly OT but kinda relevant as it has been mentioned.. but.. was the G60 engine originally developed for something other than the Corrado? Obviously there is the Golf Ralleye but.. did that come before or after the Corrado?

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Golf Rallye was earlier than the Corrado G60, but is a different engine (1H code rather than PG, and subtle differences in the block itself, plus it was a smaller capacity - 1763 instead of the PG's 1781 if I remember correctly)


Think the Golf G60 came before the Corrado G60, and the Passat G60 was around the same time...

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Surely the simple answer to your question is to go and drive the Corrados yourself, and then base a decission upon this experience. Each of us on the forum will have an opinion on each model in the range, this will be biased upon current or previous ownership. You are the one who is going to make the investment and have to live with the decission, sure we can tell you our thoughts but it's your satisfaction which is sought. The forum can provide you i'm sure with enough test drives to make even Jeremy Clarkson look like a beginner. Anyway we all know G60's are the best :lol: 8)

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Anyway we all know G60's VR6 are the best :lol: 8)



just corrected that for you 16VG60 :wink: :D :D :D

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Now now girls and boys, didnt want to start any grief and I know the final decision rests with me, Ive driven both already and know alot of the pros and cons of both cars as being a mechanic by trade ive driven most of whats on the road at some stage or another, but theres nothing better than getting feedback from the owners themselves, Ive owned a Mk3 vr6 but never a VR C or G60 so I just thought Id ask :?

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Its not a problem.. its the most long-standing Corrado related debate.. they even have a huge sticky thread about it on VWVortex for this very reason.


Its all down to you really.. get out there and test drive some cars. Its the only way you'll really know.

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I love them both :)


I've currently got a G60 (which is undergoing a moderate restoration at the moment - just tidying up bodywork, replacing suspension & brakes, and probably another charger rebuild) but am toying with the idea of selling up and buying a VR6.


Why? Simply because it's the Corrado I always wanted. They sound awesome for a start ;)


But in the end I may just keep the G60 for a while and bung a chip & pulley on it.



What you should bear in mind is whether or not you want to start modding the car for extra power. The G60, as you probably know, is often cheaper to mod - chip & pulley conversions are relatively cheap and give you lots of bang for your buck. Schrick manifolds on the VR6 seem like a good mod, but by comparison are pretty expensive.


Finally, the G60 is considerably lighter than the VR6. I once worked out, from the figures on the Corrado Club website, that to match the VR6's power-to-weight ratio you only needed to tune a G60 up to 170bhp. Of course this doesn't take into account the spread of torque or availability of power through the rev range, but it's about as close a comparison as I'm able to give :) So I'd imagine a G60 with a chip & pulley putting out around 185bhp SHOULD, in theory, be quicker than a VR6.


But I'm not sure it would sound so good ;)

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Surely the simple answer to your question is to go and drive the Corrados yourself


Spot on. The G60 and VR6 are very different beasts they just happen to look the same. I've owned and driven both but ulitimately other peoples opinions count for nothing until you've driven them.


The G60 is a nutters car the VR6 as quick but more refined.


Its like comparing Sex Pistol - The Great Rock n Roll Swindle (G60) with Primal Scream - XTRMNTR (VR6) IMHO. :lol:

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IFinally, the G60 is considerably lighter than the VR6.


"Sorry Bob, let me just stop you there....." The G60 weighs 1150kg * and the VR tips the scales at 1210kg *. Not really what I'd consider a 'considerable' difference. The VR6 engine is not as heavy as people think it is.


* - from the Corrado owners manual.


I once worked out, from the figures on the Corrado Club website, that to match the VR6's power-to-weight ratio you only needed to tune a G60 up to 170bhp.


You see, I'm gonna have to stop you there again Bob. Supercharged's G60 is already 170bhp and 170 lb/ft and he couldn't keep up with me on the way to the last stealth rolling road day, when mine was standard, and giving 192bhp at the time.


So I'd imagine a G60 with a chip & pulley putting out around 185bhp SHOULD, in theory, be quicker than a VR6.


I would say a G60 needs to be at 200+bhp to escape a VR6 convincingly.



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Never heard either of em :lol: but I know what you mean..........dont know whether the G60 owners will appreciate being called nutters though.......................then again :roll:

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Blair wrote:

I once worked out, from the figures on the Corrado Club website, that to match the VR6's power-to-weight ratio you only needed to tune a G60 up to 170bhp.



You see, I'm gonna have to stop you there again Bob. Supercharged's G60 is already 170bhp and 170 lb/ft and he couldn't keep up with me on the way to the last stealth rolling road day, when mine was standard, and giving 192bhp at the time.


Thanks Ken, but at least have the decency to quote in context with the disclaimer that power-to-weight ratio is not necessarily a true comparison of performance:

Blair wrote:

I once worked out, from the figures on the Corrado Club website, that to match the VR6's power-to-weight ratio you only needed to tune a G60 up to 170bhp. Of course this doesn't take into account the spread of torque or availability of power through the rev range, but it's about as close a comparison as I'm able to give :)


And now over to Carrie for the weather...

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OK, I just checked my figures - and assuming the figures on the CCGB website are correct (and I'd hope they were!):


G60 - 1115kg - 143 bhp/tonne - http://www.corradoclub.co.uk/Models/18g60.html

VR6 - 1240kg - 153 bhp/tonne - http://www.corradoclub.co.uk/Models/29vr6.html



Based on these figures, the G60 needs to produce 170.6bhp to match the VR6's power-to-weight ratio. For what it's worth.

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