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Help and advice I'm a dumbarse TSI problems .UPDATE.

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Good news so far Rob, hope you get some sort of resolution to this. Once you find out who is responsible though, its then proving it and getting them to take some sort of responsibility though. Not to put you off mate, fingers crossed for you!

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Time for an update . I really dont know where to start !. We have emailed the garage and sent him the engine reports on the car and he does not reply . So ive rung him , christ does he go on !, everyone is to blame but him . So we went to a solicitor today and based on the evidence , she has said , it was sold not fit for purpose . Bare with me here , so right from the begining .

We went to see the car and took it for a test drive , not even half a mile up the road and the engine management light comes on , we got back to the garage in limp mode . The salesman said its probabably a sensor , we will get it sorted for you . So we go back a week later the car is fine , we pay the money and drive off . Two months later the car will not excellerate properly , so we took it back and it was found that the turbo sensor had gone .That fixed we were on our way . Three months later my Mrs comes home from work and said the car sounds rough and it did sound awful , you could here the chains rattling . Having gone over the warranty we took it upon ourselves to get it repaired i didnt think we were within our rights to go back to the garage , now i know i was wrong to think that . So the car went to an engine specialist rebuild centre . within one day the bloke rings me and said , how long have you had this car and who has worked on it ?. I said seven months and no one has touched it . He then said its a right mess the timing cover has been glued on and there are paint marks on it where someone has tried to time it ,the tensioners are loose so someone has botched it up . This got me started on playing detective and finding out what the hell had gone on . It was then that i contacted the original owner and got the story from him . I now have an email from VW, which states the warning light was on and the cam sensor and the turbo sensor are flagging up on the vagcom .The owner has sent me an email saying Vw told him that the timing chain had slipped and it would cost £1600 to put it right . He didnt want to pay that so he traded it in . The car went to the aution , where it was bought by the garage who sold it to us . So VW did no work to the car at all apart from diognose the problem . The bloke who sold it to us told me that no warning light was on , we would not have bought the car if it was as they are too much trouble . Well it must have been on , it will not turn itself out . My guess is they drove it back and the light was on ,so they hooked it up to the vagcom and the faults came up . They changed the cam sensor , took it for a drive and the light stayed out . So it went up for sale . We took it for a test drive ,yep the engine light comes back on . Its not a faulty sensor , its telling you the chain has jumped a tooth and the cam is not in time with the crank . So like anyone else would do they have gone online and searched the problem and found the answer . They didnt want to pay to have it done correctly and did it themselves , thats why the cover was glued back on and the tensioners were not fitted properly and the marks were on the timing wheel .The guy at the garage who sold it to us has even said to me that the engine specialists have miss timed it when they put it back together and they damaged the cams beyond repair !.You cannot reason with the owner of the garage on the phone at all, its excuse after excuse .When he rang me to say it was the specialists who had damaged the cams , he was saying im telling you 100 percent it was them , im glad ive cleared my name now i suggest you take it up with them !. So now our solicitor is on the case and has said , he really cannot ignore he is to blame , you have to much evidence against him . So we are hoping a letter from her will make him realise we are not giving up on this and you cannot fob us off with excuses and blame anyone but yourself . I cannot tell you in words how stressful this has been !.

Edited by robrado974

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Fingers crossed for you Rob. Its for jyst this reason that the auto trade has such a bad reputation for dishonesty and deception.

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Sounds like theres light at the end of the tunnel Rob. Fingers crossed the trader realises he's backed into a corner now, and you get back what you deserve. :thumbleft:

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Thanks Diarmaid, if the company who re built the lump had not rung me , I would have been none the wiser .

Edited by robrado974

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Well I'm going to have to wait till the end of the month to see any progress. As the solicitor is on holiday , she did say that she was going away for three weeks . I now also have a letter from VW, to say they did no work at all to the car and sent it to auction, we also have a detailed letter from the previous and only other owner of the car . In it he states VW diagnosed a slipped timing chain . The evidence is well and truly stacked against the garage that sold it to us now .

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