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Corrado script rear badge..original finish?

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My rear Corrado script badge is looking very scuffed. After replacing the VW badge beneath the boot, this Corrado badge is now really letting down the rear of the car. I have been struggling to find anyone who can reproduce the original brushed finish. Any recommendations?

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I am looking through the forum and came across this thread. I am looking for the same thing. I cannot see on my worn out Corrado badge but I understand it was not a chrome finish but a brushed finish - is that correct?


Anyone "re-chromed" badges?

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It was brushed chrome . This was done on a rolling machine, and how you end up with the brushed look, instead of a block chrome look . These machines are few and far between these days . Which is why a repro version would be very expensive.

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If a group buy evolves I'm in!



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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I've seen people building props using that plumbers foil tape to make things look like metal, they wire wool it afterwards. not sure how practical that would be on a badge as its got a lot of curves. i might have an attempt at it.

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That is a Fantastic idea Jim . Why not spray the right colour on , leave it to dry , then rub over to top with wire wool to create the brushed look .

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Hi, was the VR6 badge brushed finished as well? If so I guess some the VR6 badges I see occasionally for sale which look very similar but wit a shiny (non brushed) chrome finish are not actually like the original VR6 badge found on the Corrado?

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What about 3D printing and all the options with that, just a thought.


I also looked into this about 2 years ago,

most people/companies can chrome plate item's but seam to struggle when it comes to plastic items.

I was told most metal item's are dipped when applying zinc, galv, chrome plating, but with plastic it's a different process involving static electric charging or something, where they have to attach a thin layer of metal or copper and send a small charge of current through this, to make the chrome or what ever plating stay attached to the plastic item :(



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What about 3D printing and all the options with that, just a thought.


I also looked into this about 2 years ago,

most people/companies can chrome plate item's but seam to struggle when it comes to plastic items.

I was told most metal item's are dipped when applying zinc, galv, chrome plating, but with plastic it's a different process involving static electric charging or something, where they have to attach a thin layer of metal or copper and send a small charge of current through this, to make the chrome or what ever plating stay attached to the plastic item :(




I am thinking about 3d printing and to be honest I think creating the actual form of the badges are not a big issue these days. But getting brushed chrome finish and just on the surface of the badge is a real head scratch. As you say and alluded to in previous posts, this is no easy feat.

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Oh wicked cool, thanks,

so looks like someone over in the states bought one from Sprinter53 back in March this year, hopefully he might have some left or possibly another batch made ?

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Drop him a line. Look at his profile and see if he has posted here recently.


Good shout right I've just sent a PM to Sprinter53



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Right hello guys sorry for late update been really busy today.

So yes I've had a reply back from Sprinter53 this is a copy of his message below.





75€ + shipping to UK.



MfG Chris"



So looks like he's got some not sure how many though.


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I sent a PM to Sprinter53 but not yet had a reply.


Question I had is that it seems that in terms of the script badges there was never actually shiny chrome (non brushed) finish on the originals on Corrado. Is that correct, only red VR6, brushed chrome VR6, Painted Corrado script or brushed chrome Corrado script.


Would be good for my education to confirm. Thanks.

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This is what i could offer.




mfg chris


Hi Chris - I will be very interested in the rear set of badges (Corrado Script and VR6) in brushed metal finish.

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- Corrado script(red or.alu-brushed) 75€

- rear VR6 bagde(red or.alu-brushed) 55€

- front VR6 bagde(red or.alu-brushed) 89€


+ 14€ shipping within EU


MfG Chris

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