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Phil K

This is what happens when you....

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....lose the back end doing 75 with a slightly damp S bend on a narrow country road :shock: We shot up the bank, barrel rolled, landed on the roof, slid down the road, hit the other bank and flipped back onto our wheels facing the way we came!!! Good old german engineering, all three of us in the car only had a few bruises, cuts and scratches!!! The most damage done (other than to the car) was my friends damaged ego and loss of his NCB. This happend nearly a year ago but I've only just managed to get a pic of the car, so thought I'd share it with you chaps...

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Its a crying shame to see a vehicle in that state - weeping oil and all......still it could have been worse - it could have been a Corrado

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Oooops, bet he was well chuffed, oh well could have been worse could have been a dub, but then again....could have been a corsa or a camelsear :twisted:

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Was it your mate turning the air blue, or is that really the name stamped on the car ramp in the background?





It's a pretty shocking state to see a car in though, good job you got out ok!

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Was it your mate turning the air blue, or is that really the name stamped on the car ramp in the background?



LOL didn't spot that.. will point it out to him :lol: Yeah, we were all lucky to get out OK I still feel very gutted every time I see this pic though, it was such a beutiful car and went like stink (you'd expect it to with 321bhp!)

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Glad you all came out of that with nothing more than a few scratches.


Thank god you were in a German car.


Having hit a wall at 50mph in a MK2 Golf, I know what it feels like and I also escaped with just a couple of scratches where the door folded onto my arm.

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