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Attempted theft of my corrado

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ok here's the scenario

on my way to work saturday morning and see my parking light was on, then unlock my driver door to switch light off and notice al the wires were showing and bit of plastic on floor, went to passenger door and it had been broken into a the skin aroung the door handle was messed up and the door handle and lock busted.

luckily the stereo (Crappy) was still there and the wires hadnt been cut.

but the door now needs repair and security needed.

There's no alarm on my car nor immobiliser but i'm getting this sorted asap.

Are armour plates available for the corrado?

hows the best way to repair the door and getting it looking original again?

should i weld in a thick metal shield around the door handle on the inside so this cannot happen again?

all suggestions much appreciated...it took me four months to find a suitable g60 and now my pride and joy has been damaged i'm furious to say the least!

but surveilance is now running and i hope to find the culprit and teach him/her a lesson

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Majik I bet you are furious if someone did that to my car I would go bl**dy mental. Armour door plates are available but they wont stop people from tryin it on!! in the end they'll just do even more damage trying to get in. Get a decent alarm something like a clifford with dual proximity as this will give a bleep everytime someone breaks the the proximity line you set, this will deter most have a go thieves. At the end of the day if a thief wants it bad enough they'll have it there is nothing you can do about it!! How about wiring your car upto 240v that would give them a nice suprise if they tried it again :D :D SHOCKING!!!

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Well there is nothing like a really good deterrant to put people off trying this kind of thing again...


Firstly.. you'll have to speak to a good bodyshop about getting the door repaired and resprayed.. I should imagine this is going to set you back the better part of £400 or so quid. I believe you can get armour plates for around the locks for the Corrado but I can't tell you any specific information as I just dont know :(


Get a good quality alarm sorted.. thats the next priority. To be honest, I am surprised your insurance company even let you insure the car without one as Direct Line and a number of others made it compulsary for me. I am about to get a Clifford Concept 300 fitted to my Saxo (after some s*it bag broke into it about a month ago) at a cost of £375.. though if you shop around you can probably get that price down a bit.


Its going to be an expensive reminder of how car thiefs operate in this country.. to be honest, I wish they would just heave a brick through the window as it would be a LOT cheaper to repair.. my door on the Saxo cost £300 to put right, and with the alarm its come to just under £700.. not fun at all. And its not worth claiming on insurance cause I am still trying to save up enough no claims to get them protected.. only one more year to go!!

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my insurance company dont cover me for theft untill a thatcham immbiliser/alarm is fitted. i was lucky the car was still there and i blame myself for being ignorant of the fact that the car wasn't alarmed.

I also found the tool they used to break into my car and kept it, they are welcome to ask for it back (i'll give em more than just the tool!) but just a note to all corrado owners keep it secure!

i'll be at GTI inters on sat and gonna see what security mods i can get my hands on.

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Hope you get everything sorted out soon mate.


Why is it none of us have any positive stories about catching the scumbags who do this to our cars :( I was so pissed when my car got done.. I'd of loved to have walked up behind the kid (as it was more than likely to be a kid) wrecking my car, and just shoved his face into the side window REALLY hard.



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POSITIVE RESULT!!! I've just cought a kid breaking into my VR6C.He his now hanging from the loft beams.ANY IDEAS how to get rid of the body,as i don't want to get told off??????? :new-alien:

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you could suck it up through the supercharger or could've taken it to GTI inters and auctioned it :)

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So if a car is attacked in the manner Majik's was and you've got the required thatcham gadgets fitted, will the ins company cough up for repairing the door/glass/interior etc? I guess you'd lose your no claims too, even though it was a non-fault claim?


Bloody thieves/vandals. Oh how we'd love to catch them in the act :twisted:




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why didnt the fools just go through the window???? They did on my polo a couple of months ago, did a nice clean job, didnt mark my car at all, just did the rear quarter window. Got away with £350 quids worth of sub and amp. I did chase the buggers for 3 miles mind. Scared them sh1tless :evil:

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did they drop the stuff?

i dont think i could've run that far! lol, but i had a rover turbo turbo at the time which would be hard to get away from

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It never fails to amaze me that people will go to great lengths to make their car secure AFTER it has been broken into....


Surely before ANYTHING else security should always come first - at least if you want to keep your car...


Older cars being stolen / broken into are on the increase simply because most thieves do not have the technology to get into newer cars....



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I know how all of you guys,had my second car broken in to 2 days before my bday!They robbed all 4 alloys (TSW EVO Rs) and wrecked the drivers door.Had no choice but to claim as the cost of repair was too much at the time - still a poor student!They had the cheek to use my own jack and leave the other side of path bricks...if I'd caught them f*ckers then they would not be able to do this to anyone else - hard work with no fingers or legs!Never caught the b*stards,but have an alarm now.I didn't think that anyone would both with a Fiesta SI-boy was I wrong.One of the more worrying things was that it was right outside my house nearly and they must have been watching me for a while to trace my mad weekly routines...only missed them by about 2 hours too...


I feel better having typed all that anger out...Corrado has a Toad alarm - thank god.

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Majik i feel your pain man. i have had the feeling of being violated. had my C in a parking lot once after playing a soccer match. went into the local pub with my teamates and someone violated my car. they, unlike your attacker didnt try to steal anything, just beat my car. guess they didnt like me or the color yellow. they kicked my door and various other things. major pain the the A*#@.

My brother had his C broken into and they stole the radio and many of his cds that we under the dash in a closed box. unfortuatly Corrados dont ever head the list of car break-ins, but theives certainly like them.......alarm or not. hope you can get it repaired as cheap and as quickly as possible.

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