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Fed Up with my Corrado 😱

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So my G60 went into a local garage 4 months ago due to my lack of knowledge on why it was choking itself, so today I got an update, something about he can’t get a wiring diagram for the ECU to find what’s up and how my car has been fiddled with in the past.

So I’m that fed up with the car I’m considering selling it for spares and hopefully recouping some monies or do I wait and see if this mechanic can sort the old girl up or do I engine swap?

If your still reading I thank you and any advice is appreciated

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From what I gather John Mitchell Racing are the 1800 force induction specialists I’d give him a call or send him a PM. Your average mechanic will struggle through unfamiliarity. Stealth have a good name for the VR6 but he might be able to help too. Ideally you want someone to work on it who knows the engine type inside out, although they may quote a higher per hour £, they WILL fix it quickly once they get on it.

Good luck matey


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Cheers Shaun, this guy that’s doing my car seemingly used to crew for the Golf G60 Rally team so was confident in his abilities and the reason I put it to him, just taking too long haha

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Someone will correct me if I’m wrong, back in the day people used to install the G60 engine in late MK2 8 Valve golfs with digifant engine managenment by just adding wires for the lambda sensors?


If that’s the case the wiring diagrams will be easily available.

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You'll possibly need to purchase the Bentley manual as it's got great detailed wiring diagrams for the G60 and VR6 Corrado's,

ideally you need the Bentley wheather you're a DIY or professional mechanic as it's full of all the info like I say for the Corrado.

Plus you may need a secondhand ECU to compare the internals, if that's what your mechanic has said that the ECU is at fault or the wiring to it ??



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Cheers folks,

He’s said he’d like to hook up the ecu to reset or see what’s been done as the supercharger has been bypassed but I believe that’s a small mod for hp 🤷🏼*♂️ I jst want it running like it should 😪

This Bentley manual, you able to hook me up with a link to it, need that in my life I think 🤔


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There's a seller on Amazon called:


They have stock of the Bentley manual for the Corrado, Cost is £96.99

They charge roughly £3 for postage within UK mainland.


The link below is for the Bentley manual, but you'll have to clip on the other seller options to find the seller above I mentioned, as most of them are selling from the USA.


Amazon Link




I bought my Bentley manual back in roughly 2005 for about £80 or £85

But it's a very comprehensive manual, it's like the manual you'd possibly get in a main dealer workshop.


Also there's sellers on Ebay but most or all are selling from the USA regarding the Bentley manual in question.

There are how ever a few who are selling the manual in PDF file format, so you'll have it on your PC / laptop once it's paid for / downloaded.

This is roughly £10


Or alternatively there could be someone on this Forum who has a copy they're willing to sell ?



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Also with the hard copy of the Bentley manual,

there's one or two blank pages after each section, which allows you to jot down any extra detailed notes that could be useful next time.



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The Bentley manual is a great Bible and well worth purchasing. And as it is the size of the old yellow pages, you certainly won't lose it.

Masses of info

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If he 'can't find a wiring diagram' for a G60 then you urgently need to take it elsewhere, you can find one on the interwebs in less than 5 mins, in fact I think they are on Dubforce forum

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