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Corrado Mileage

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Hi Guys,

Seeing as I'm in the position of looking for my first Corrado (standard 1.8 16v), I was wondering is there a mileage region that is usually problematic? i.e. where most of the original cars parts tend to break ? Did I see this in a sticky to be circa 110k for engine rebuilds???

eg. What should I expect to break at what mileage?


Essentially should I go for a ~80k mileage C that hasn't broken down, or go for ~150k that has broken some parts and been repaired? Because if you consider a low mileage is going to be more expensive but could yet end up costing you more as you put the miles on...




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Most Corrados have around 100k miles on them now... imaho most 16V / VR6's require head rebuilds circa 100k miles... so its worth buying one that has already had the work done....


At the end of the day the youngest examples are now 8yrs old - its age that kills them rather than mileage...


I would buy a sensibly priced corrado with circa 100k miles with a FSH and some reciepts to back up some overhaul work if I had to buy another...

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dont agree with the 'age kills them rather than mileage', think you need to take each car you view on its own merits........Id look at all of them out there and decide which one you think has been looked after the best, with the 16v (1.8 as in Golf) engine I would not let mileage put you off as you see lots with 130-150k miles on nowadays and some of them are perfectly fine engines still.....all depends on how they have been looked after.

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Cheers Scott,

So I should look for one with the head rebuild done so???


whats else is included in the overhaul work you mentioned? Im talking major engine problems mainly and not so much the sunroof and electrics...



PS: great site..... Ive not stopped reading since Ive found it....

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the 1.8 16V engine (KR code) is practically bomb proof! They'll start using a little oil as their first sign of needing the head overhauling but they'll often have blown the headgasket before then so the work may well have been done at the same time... Rebuilding a KR engine is a doddle with the parts being DIRT cheap 'cos the engine was used in so much of the VW range from that period... 8) Normally, if you're gonna go whole hog with a rebuild you'll take the head off and send it to a specialist for new guides, seals seats and cleaning, also make sure they don't skim it too much (if at all) as they don't like having the compression up'd on 'em and tend to pink a little after being skimmed... while it's in bits, replace the sump (yeah, sounds silly, but they can rust through and let all the oil out!) and while that's off do the piston rings and bottom end bearings... total cost in parts will only be a couple of hundred quid (if that) and you'll end up with as near as damn it a new engine at the end of it! 8) (did this on my first Corrado and the engine was swwwweeeeeeeeet afterwards! :D )


General condition of the car is MUCH more important than milage or age.... I've seen ones with much less milage than mine (not difficult at 250K miles! :lol: ) which were a damn sight tattier than mine was even when I first bought her 2 years ago... I've also seen ones much older than mine which were mint condition... 8) There's such a range of conditions of the cars out there that each one must really be taken as you view it... :|


Good luck though, they're a great car, and the 16V engine is a little cracker! :D

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henny, i simply cannot believe that your car has got 250k, it looks sooo clean :lol:


Quality G60 8)


But in fairness, pretty much every single moving component of his car has been replaced... apart from the clocks! :D

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dinkus, the clocks HAVE been changed... that's why I ended up with a car with 250K miles on it... :( :mad: the clocks only read 120K ish... :(


M777CUSGTI, thanks! :) It looks a little tatty up close and REALLY needs a re-spray soon, but as dinkus, says, mechanically, she's pretty much new now! :D :lol: 8) When I first found out she'd been clocked, I didn't believe it until I found out from an independent source as well... And there was me thinking I'd picked up a bit of a bargain... :oops: :roll:

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But in fairness, pretty much every single moving component of his car has been replaced... apart from the clocks!


The clocks don't say 250k tho... :lol:

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oh well :oops:


looks real good tho, so how much have you spent on it in total then?


borbets really suit C's,


love that vw cusion :lol:

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Thanks.... 8)


Don't ask about costs... :? :oops: (I think I just passed £12K this year...)

EVERYONE seems to love that cushion! :D :lol:

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Henny's car doesn't sound like a 250K car either! It sounds like the engine is fed with nitromethane and steroids :mrgreen:

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