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Life after VR6

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Sadly my time with my VR6 has been cut short :cry: My first car, my first performance motor. Test driven a few cars today and none even come close to the VR6. As you might detect im a little sad at this moment. I'll explain the sad tail.


4 weeks ago i bought what i though to be a quality VR6, checked it thoroughly, even had a mechanic look over it. All was good, paper work was in order, price was right, 6 month warranty. Car had a few little niggles, but no more than i read about here. Paid up drove home, huge grin on my face. Later that day the problems started, nasty juddery grinding sound came from the car when pulling away around 10-30mph. Felt a little uneasy over this. Contacted the specialist trader i bought it from. Took it back the following weekend. After a day there they discovered the fault was coming from the rear left brake, cant remember what it was call but a slated cylindrical piece from behind the brake disk that the ABS sensor used was bent out of shape. Replaced the part, all was sorted. Later in the next week, the exhaust started to blow, damn i knew the exhaust had been welded around the seal to the mid box, but didn't expect it to go so soon. Little gum gun and problem temporally sorted. Out at the weekend went shopping, came to leave, click, click. Started motor have seized, luckily had a friend with me, bump started and all was well. After that could start it up no probs. Few days later, loud electrical whine from the rear end, fuel pump I thought. Again that uneasy feeling came back. Decided it was time to get someone to look over it, got in touch with an old school friend who's set up a small garage specialising in VAG. Up on the ramp, looked over it, said it was in good condition. Quoted me for a new exhaust and few other bits, few heat shields were loose and the guard over the Cat needed a little welding to secure it back. Took the paperwork with me, he looked over it said it all looked good. Day later i get the warranty paper work through in the post, read it over turns out to be pretty useless but none the less something to fall back on. One clause in it, car need to be service as per service history and manufactures guidelines. Got the service book out, flicked through to check when it was due 126.6k. For some reason I read the whole book, on one page I found a reg number, wasn't for my car. Slightly shocked i took the book out to the car and compared VIN details. Didn't match, feeling slightly worried look at the book carefully, and notice nearly all the dates had been altered very well i might add. Panic was the best way to describe it. Called the specialist up, asked what was going on with this, said can you get my service book back. They a little shocked floundered on the phone, after a quick discussion i was offered compensation or money back. Tough call really, had fallen for the car, stamped down hard 2k comp, rather stunned wouldn't do that 1.5k best offer. Then i was informed the company was closing down. Had that sinking feeling so out of shock i said id take a refund. After work i drove the car back, uneasy about what id find when i got there. None the less my last 40 miles with the car were the most enjoyable ive had, you'd have never known there was anything in the slightest wrong with it. Got there and was nearly tempted after such an exhilarating drive to take the comp and leave it at that. The sensible side took over and handed the car back. My 4 week rollercoaster ride through Corrado ownership has come to an abrupt end.


Guess im lucky, will have to be extra careful in the future. Feel quite a fool after that, something i should have spotted had i taken the time to look carefully. Now im a little lost, do i try my hand again with a Corrado, or move onto something else.

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Don't let that put you off. Its so easy to overlook this kind of thing when you are buying a Corrado.. when its something you have set your heart on, it gets to the point where there has to be something really obviously wrong with it before you will walk away, otherwise you just blindly press on and sign the paperwork! Vile tempress!!! :)


There ARE genuine cars out there - in fact there a few for sale in our For Sale section at the moment.


I'm just really pleased for you that it was a dealership you bought from, and they apologetically accepted to take the car back after it appeared to be rather dodgy. Plenty of people on here have bought cars with nasty histories and have had no leg to stand on...

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Sadly my time with my VR6 has been cut short :cry: My first car, my first performance motor. Test driven a few cars today and none even come close to the VR6. As you might detect im a little sad at this moment. I'll explain the sad tail.


4 weeks ago i bought what i though to be a quality VR6, checked it thoroughly, even had a mechanic look over it. All was good, paper work was in order, price was right, 6 month warranty. Car had a few little niggles, but no more than i read about here. Paid up drove home, huge grin on my face. Later that day the problems started, nasty juddery grinding sound came from the car when pulling away around 10-30mph. Felt a little uneasy over this. Contacted the specialist trader i bought it from. Took it back the following weekend. After a day there they discovered the fault was coming from the rear left brake, cant remember what it was call but a slated cylindrical piece from behind the brake disk that the ABS sensor used was bent out of shape. Replaced the part, all was sorted. Later in the next week, the exhaust started to blow, damn i knew the exhaust had been welded around the seal to the mid box, but didn't expect it to go so soon. Little gum gun and problem temporally sorted. Out at the weekend went shopping, came to leave, click, click. Started motor have seized, luckily had a friend with me, bump started and all was well. After that could start it up no probs. Few days later, loud electrical whine from the rear end, fuel pump I thought. Again that uneasy feeling came back. Decided it was time to get someone to look over it, got in touch with an old school friend who's set up a small garage specialising in VAG. Up on the ramp, looked over it, said it was in good condition. Quoted me for a new exhaust and few other bits, few heat shields were loose and the guard over the Cat needed a little welding to secure it back. Took the paperwork with me, he looked over it said it all looked good. Day later i get the warranty paper work through in the post, read it over turns out to be pretty useless but none the less something to fall back on. One clause in it, car need to be service as per service history and manufactures guidelines. Got the service book out, flicked through to check when it was due 126.6k. For some reason I read the whole book, on one page I found a reg number, wasn't for my car. Slightly shocked i took the book out to the car and compared VIN details. Didn't match, feeling slightly worried look at the book carefully, and notice nearly all the dates had been altered very well i might add. Panic was the best way to describe it. Called the specialist up, asked what was going on with this, said can you get my service book back. They a little shocked floundered on the phone, after a quick discussion i was offered compensation or money back. Tough call really, had fallen for the car, stamped down hard 2k comp, rather stunned wouldn't do that 1.5k best offer. Then i was informed the company was closing down. Had that sinking feeling so out of shock i said id take a refund. After work i drove the car back, uneasy about what id find when i got there. None the less my last 40 miles with the car were the most enjoyable ive had, you'd have never known there was anything in the slightest wrong with it. Got there and was nearly tempted after such an exhilarating drive to take the comp and leave it at that. The sensible side took over and handed the car back. My 4 week rollercoaster ride through Corrado ownership has come to an abrupt end.


Guess im lucky, will have to be extra careful in the future. Feel quite a fool after that, something i should have spotted had i taken the time to look carefully. Now im a little lost, do i try my hand again with a Corrado, or move onto something else.




it wasn't expert technik you bought the car from by any chance?

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did you hpi the car ? dont let it put you off mate ,i looked at a lot of dodgy c's before i settled, there are some good one in the cars for sale forum

at least you got sorted and not stung

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Glad you got it sorted - hope they gave you cash!!

Seriously though shouldnt you let us all know who the trader was for the benefit of others who may fall into the same trap?

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I tried to avoid mentioning the companies name as i still dont understand the full story. They gave me some spiel about an ex employee doing under handed things, dont know if its true, something suspect at work there. Not sure how but vr6storm has guessed it, it was indeed Expert Tecik from Basingstoke. I bought it from a trader because i felt id have a little come back it things went wrong. Luckily i escaped this situation. Lets hope this helps other should they every experience a problem with them in the future. Full price back in cash, only way id accept it. Now safely back in my bank account.


Would appreciate it if you could keep a look out for quality VR's and let me know if anyone hears of any other than the forum ones. Bit like having a misses really, cant live with them, cant live without them.

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Tekara, It might be worth putting the reg number and colour etc up here,as sooner or later that car is going to turn up again. :!:

You might as well warn the Forum members first. :) :wink:

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Does anybody else get slightly [sic] miffed that companies such as this (and this one in particular) somehow find the ability to carry on trading? "The company is closing down" has to be one of the most frustrating bargaining tools in the world of merchandising. We've heard of several people getting (or NEARLY getting) turned over by them so how many are there that we haven't heard about? IT MAKES MY BLOOD BOIL :evil:


Tekara, I'm glad to see that you were sensible enough to return the car (Yes, we ALL fall in love with our VRs) and don't give in because of one (recurring) bad apple. As others have said, there are genuine ones out there and they ARE worth looking for...

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That's a sad story Tekara, You can't imagine buyin a car from a dealer and gettin that much grief from it, Obvisley i think buyin most Corrado's, Vr6's you expect to have the old fault here and there but for a car sold from a dealer thats terrible. Its even worse that THIS garage keeps selllin the things. They sound well shady - We should blockade this dealer for a day :D


You gotta get another one :D Dont let this bad one mar your corrado enjoyment.

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Blimey, very lucky excape there!


I did a similar thing with a MK2 GTI - Got it home to find the chasis number had been ground off :shock: Very stupid mistake really! Took it straight back and the guy said he'd knock £500 off ( errm I don't think so) anyway he eventually gave me a full refund.


Always try and take someone with you when you go to look at cars, but like you say you just dont expect these sort of problems from a dealer!


Good luck finding another one, how much money have you got to spend ??

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Paid £4050 after beating the price down. Looking for a proper one this time about £4500 i guess is my max, but if its a pristine example then i guess i might be able to scrape a bit more together.

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there was thread on a week or so ago regarding some dodgy Corrado "specialist" which just happened to be Expert Technik who were also going out of business next week etc so just a case of putting 2 and 2 together :wink: ...............the thing is ive only heard about this company in just the past 3 months and their claims to be a "corrado specialist".............fair enough if you were refering to Autotek as being "corrado specialists" afterall for a few years they were the place to find decent quality examples of C's(tho admittedly optimisticly priced ones)...........i just wonder if there are/is any satisfied Corrado buyer that has bought from Expert Technik :?:

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shameless promotion :lol:


thats real bad, at least you got it from a dealers. could have been much worse.


stick with C's dude :lol:

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Hahaha Like it :lol: Well got to sort something out driving round in a Toyota Carina Diesel is really getting me down. No way am i driving that to any VW events or meets

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Tekera If your looking to pursue the teknik jokers you might want to PM Blair321 cos he's got big iussues with this lot. They used the liquidation claim with him too.


I just took delivery of a 'corrado' strut brace from them - it wasn't the one they advertised, and its a joke how far away from fitting it is :mad:


Havn't decided exactly what to do with my strut brace yet - seems nice and heavy though :evil:

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